Dear our beloved customers,
All-in-One Package has been launched for a time and received a lot of attention from many customers. In order to bring you the best value membership as well as send out a genuine THANK YOU to all of the loyal customers, SmartAddons are happy to announce the availability of 18+ WordPress Themes for new and existing All-in-One Package members.
Dear our friends,
Our new membership - All-in-One Package has been launched. The All-in-One Package club is the Best Value membership that gain access to ALL products which are being sold on SmartAddons.Com site including Joomla, OpenCart & Shopify at only $199 instead of $7827.
Dear our friends,
As you know, we've a professional website development company with more than 10+ years of experience. We provide website templates/themes powered by robust platforms and sell them on our websites and ThemeForest.
In 2018, we have officially run a new project for OpenCart themes which is provided on site.
For celebrating the Hung Kings Commemoration Day, the Vietnam Reunification Day and International Labor Day, SmartAddons would like to offer a big discount of 40% OFF on all purchases at SmartAddons store including single purchase and Joomla memberships. Of course, the discount is applied to SA membership renewals as well.
The special offer starts from now to May 2nd. So don't miss out!
Over the last month, we have experienced a lot of traffic coming for Christmas template and holiday template. We have tried so hard to release some beautiful ones to you: SJ Resorts - a responsive template for Joomla, or SM eStore - a Noel responsive theme for Magento... As a result, our traffic has peaked! So, to pay back for what you all have distributed to our networks, we offer you one special thing.