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SJ Grid Slider for Content is a light-weight, high performance Joomla module that lets you present multiple Content items in a perfect grid layout.  It comes with various options letting you configure it without manually changing code. 

SJ Scroller for HikaShop is a stunning responsive Joomla module for HikaShop component which shows products as scroller with timer and mini-slideshow.

Do you want to make your website be more interesting and cooler? SJ Cool Loading plugin will do it for you. This plugin comes with a clear-structured back-end and a detailed instruction. Therefore, it is really easy to use for all users.

SJ Grid Slider for K2 - Responsive Joomla 3.x module, has been released with K2 component supported... Let's make your website more impressive with our beautiful design.

Latest Version 3.0 » Updated to Joomla 5

SJ Image Slider - a FREE Joomla module for image displaying, is now available for Joomla 5.x, 4.x & 3.x.

This module can be placed on a highlighted position to impress your products professionally. For each screen resolution, you can custom the number of column displaying to fit your website layout. The module lets you totally control every items so you can set the title, sort description and link to item's detail page.

Continuing the series of modules for AdsManager component , now SJ Extra Slider for AdsManager has been released and totally compatible with Joomla 3.x.

SJ Slider for HikaShop with powerful features supported by HikaShop component has been released, totally compatible with Joomla 3.x-5.x. This module is ideal for a simple but effective product showcasing within a single area of website.

SJ Scrollbar for HikaShop is now placed on top list of Joomla modules for HikaShop component, compatible with Joomla 3.x-5.x. Good choice for item arrangement on frontpage by using mousewheel to control scrollbar.

SJ Slick Slider for HikaShop has been released and strongly supports for HikaShop component. Attracting visitors of your website in no time makes it worth being a good choice for you.

Let's welcome the very first module for Hikashop component, which is called SJ Extra Slider and mainly developed to support for HikaShop component.

After success of SJ Mega Slider for components like Virtuemart, K2, JoomShopping, SobiPro,....SJ Mega Slider for Zoo is now placed on top of this Joomla! module type. Coming with ability to display entries in an extent of multi-effects slider and decorated by different styles for navigation between entries,this module should be positioned highly on your website interface and make sure that it matches current template style to take the best effect.

Latest Version 3.0.0 » Updated to Joomla 5

SJ Twitter Slider is now on top list of free Joomla extensions designed by Smartaddons, with purpose of supporting for the latest stable Joomla 5.x release.

Without paying any fee for this module, we bring to you an easy-to-use extension that shows your Twitter profile including avatar, account name, link to real profile, posting-time and the latest posts with support of two main effects are Slide and Fade, you can decide on what you like. All you need to do now is to install Twitter Slider quickly and let it do the rest for you.

SJ Slider for Zoo - Joomla module has been released to meet all of customers' needs. This time, SJ Slider is built not only for Zoo component, to show information with very nice effects on the front-page: articles, descriptions, titles, images..., but also with the aim of reducing the square of needed information-showing and providing a quick overview of items to proper audiences.

SJ Matrix Slider for VirtueMart is a great module that has been released. This module is a perfect solution to help your hottest products are presented with many types of effect. It is designed full width slideshow, the same background for all slides along with jQuery easing which can make your animations look a lot better, you can place module right on home page or any positions.

Latest Version 3.0 » Updated to Joomla 5

With unlimited loader for showing products, SJ Responsive Listing for JoomShopping is our responsive module enabling a cool and fresh experience for e-commerce Websites based on JoomShopping component.

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