As an online marketer, I have an ambition of representing to you the best Joomla, Wordpress products as well as useful information of these CMSs. Joining SmartAddons, you can find the most appropriate products for your website. Moreover, we suggest a lot of practical tips, experiences which effectively improve your site's performance.
Willing to contact me for any question!
Willing to contact me for any question!

Thanks to the hard work of Joomla Teams and over 130 different volunteer contributors, the Joomla! Project and the Production Leadership Team have officially announced the release of Joomla! 3.4.0 - the latest releases of the 3.x release series.
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As scheduled, Joomla 3.4 Candidate has been released. This is the last testing version before the official release. The Candidate release should ONLY be intended for testing and there is no upgrade path from pre-release packages.
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SJ Popup - A FREE Joomla module
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Wednesday, 11 February 2015 14:34
Joomla 3.4 Beta 3 - Core en-GB standardisation
Published in
News & Updates
Continuing with Joomla 3.4 Beta release, Joomla 3.4 Beta 3 has come out with some bugs resolved and new features equipped. This Beta version should only be used on test sites. Beta releases cannot be upgraded.
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Tuesday, 10 February 2015 08:52
SJ Responsive Product for VirtueMart - Responsive Joomla 5 Module
Published in
Joomla Extensions
SJ Responsive Product for VirtueMart - A responsive module for displaying products as a Pinterest page, has been released for Joomla 3.x. You can set the product listing with Auto to load which will automatically load the products in a non-stoppable way when scrolling the mouse. Or you can choose to manually load the products by setting Click to load option.
- Price: $14.50

Friday, 06 February 2015 16:06
SJ Kay - Simply Way to Build a Professional Business Website
Published in
Joomla Releases
SJ Kay is a super clean and modern Joomla template which is created for business and corporate sites as well as any creative portfolio or blogging sites.. With many cutting-edge features, SJ Kay surely make your business be effective and impressive among the other ones.

Thursday, 05 February 2015 14:25
SJ Kay - Responsive Joomla Business Template
Published in
Joomla Templates
If you are looking for something different and effective, let's check out SJ Kay. SJ Kay is a Responsive Business Joomla Template which is powered by YT Framework v3 with Bootstrap 3 in core.
- Price: $39

Exactly as scheduled, Joomla 3.4 Beta 2 has been released on 03 February, 2015. Similar to Joomla 3.4 Beta 1, this Beta version should only be used on test sites. Beta releases cannot be upgraded.
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Monday, 02 February 2015 16:02
SJ Listing Tabs for VirtueMart - Responsive Joomla 5! Module
Published in
Joomla Extensions
After the success of SJ Listing Tabs for Content, we would like to introduce SJ Listing Tabs for VirtueMart.This module is specified for VirtueMart component and compatible with Joomla 5.x, 4.x, 3.x. It will show products as tabs. In which you can choose whether to display products according to Category tabs or Field Product tabs.
- Price: $14.50

Do you want to make your website be more interesting and cooler? SJ Cool Loading plugin will do it for you. This plugin comes with a clear-structured back-end and a detailed instruction. Therefore, it is really easy to use for all users.
- Price: $12.50