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SA Dang Truong

SA Dang Truong

Blogger at SmartAddons
Monday, 22 July 2013 00:00

SJ Dynamic Slideshow User-guide

This guide is intended for SJ Dynamic Slideshow Module.
When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed


1. Joomla!, supported versions are listed in our intro page.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
  • Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click Select Type box and choose the module you have installed
  • Then click one of module instances listed, switch to Options tab to configure it as SETTINGS part hereafter


1. This module with sample layout is below:

2. The parameters are divided up into the following areas:
  • Source Options
  • Item Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Slideshow - There are 10 blocks here that you can use to add:
    • General HTML code.
      • Code for Slideshow 1
        <li data-transition="random" data-slotamount="14" >  <img src="/images/dynamicslideshow/slides/image11.jpg"  >  <div class="caption lft boxshadow"  data-x="430" data-y="80" data-speed="900" data-start="500" data-easing="easeOutBack"><iframe src="" width="480" height="270"></iframe></div>  <div class="caption sft big_black4"  data-x="40" data-y="64" data-speed="300" data-start="1200" data-easing="easeOutExpo">Video</div>  <div class="caption sft big_pink4"  data-x="40" data-y="147" data-speed="300" data-start="1500" data-easing="easeOutExpo">2013 Fashion Collection of SA</div>  <div class="caption lfb medium_grey4"  data-x="40" data-y="180" data-speed="300" data-start="1900" data-easing="easeOutExpo">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer </div>  <div class="caption lfb medium_grey41"  data-x="40" data-y="220" data-speed="300" data-start="2200" data-easing="easeOutBack">see all video page <img src="/images/dynamicslideshow/slides/arr4.png" style="padding-left:5px"></div>  <div class="caption lfb medium_grey42"  data-x="40" data-y="300" data-speed="300" data-start="2500" data-easing="easeOutExpo"><img src="/images/dynamicslideshow/slides/arr41.png" style="padding-right:10px">Quisque Diam Lorem</div> <div class="caption lfb medium_grey42"  data-x="40" data-y="322" data-speed="300" data-start="2800" data-easing="easeOutBack"><img src="/images/dynamicslideshow/slides/arr41.png" style="padding-right:10px">Uncus benzama honpuplo cayoles tteling</div></li>
      • Code for Slideshow 2
        <li data-transition="random" data-slotamount="5" data-link="" data-masterspeed="1000" >  <img src="/images/dynamicslideshow/slides/image10.jpg"><div class="caption lft"  data-x="95" data-y="86" data-speed="1200" data-start="800" data-easing="easeOutBack"><img src="/images/dynamicslideshow/slides/fa.png"></div><div class="caption lft big_31"  data-x="95" data-y="195" data-speed="1200" data-start="800" data-easing="easeOutBack">35%</div>  <div class="caption lft big_pink_bk3" data-x="95" data-y="273" data-speed="1200" data-start="1500" data-easing="easeOutExpo">Discount all Products</div>  <div class="caption lft big_pink_bk4" data-x="95" data-y="324" data-speed="1800" data-start="800" data-easing="easeOutBack">Newest Collection 2013</div>  </li> 
      • Code for Slideshow 3
        <li data-transition="random" data-slotamount="5" data-link="" data-masterspeed="1000" >  <img src="/images/dynamicslideshow/slides/image8.jpg">  <div class="caption lfb "  data-x="30" data-y="181" data-speed="900" data-start="1700" data-easing="easeOutBack"><img src="/images/dynamicslideshow/slides/12.png"> </div>  <div class="caption sfl bk_arr" data-x="247" data-y="274" data-speed="300" data-start="2900" data-easing="easeOutExpo"></div>  <div class="caption lfr small_link1"  data-x="247" data-y="274" data-speed="300" data-start="2900" data-easing="easeOutBack"><span style="padding-left:2px"><img src="/images/dynamicslideshow/slides/arr.png"></span> <span style="padding-left:3px"></span></div>       </li>  
      • Code for Slideshow 4
        <li data-transition="random" data-slotamount="5" data-link="" data-masterspeed="1000" >  <img src="/images/dynamicslideshow/slides/image9.jpg"><div class="caption lft big_pink"  data-x="570" data-y="79" data-speed="1200" data-start="800" data-easing="easeOutBack">the</div><div class="caption lft big_pink_bk"  data-x="578" data-y="114" data-speed="1200" data-start="1200"data-easing="easeOutExpo">Jamaica</div>  <div class="caption lft big_pink_bk1"  data-x="500" data-y="190" data-speed="1200" data-start="1500" data-easing="easeOutBack">Collections</div> <div class="caption lft big_black2 "  data-x="450" data-y="245" data-speed="1200" data-start="1800"data-easing="easeOutExpo"> Where Style Comes Alive</div>    <div class="caption lft small_link2 "  data-x="450" data-y="286" data-speed="2200" data-start="800" data-easing="easeOutBack"></div> </li> 
    • Image (to images, even external location...)
    • Video (to Youtube...)
    • (with meaning of parameters below)
    • data-transition The appearance transition of this
    • data-slotamount The number of slots or boxes the slide is divided into. If you use boxfade, over 7 slots can be juggy.
    • data-link A link on the whole slide pic
    • data-masterspeed Set the Speed of the Slide Transition. Default 300, min:100 max:2000.
    • data-x The horizontal position in the standard (via startwidth option defined) screen size (other screen sizes will be calculated)
    • data-y The vertical position in the standard (via startheight option defined) screen size (other screen sizes will be calculated)
    • data-speed duration of the animation in milliseconds
    • data-start after how many milliseconds should this caption start to show
    • data-easing special easing effect of the animation. Options:
      easeOutBack, easeInQuad, easeOutQuad, easeInOutQuad, easeInCubic, easeOutCubic easeInOutCubic, easeInQuart, easeOutQuart, easeInOutQuart, easeInQuint easeOutQuint, easeInOutQuint, easeInSine, easeOutSine, easeInOutSine easeInExpo, easeOutExpo, easeInOutExpo, easeInCirc, easeOutCirc, easeInOutCirc easeInElastic, easeOutElastic, easeInOutElastic, easeInBack, easeOutBack, easeInOutBack easeInBounce, easeOutBounce, easeInOutBounce
  • Navigation Arrows - Allow to set position for navigation buttons
  • Navigation Style - Allow to set style for navigation buttons
  • Navigation Vertical Align - Allow to set vertical position for navigation buttons
  • Navigation Horizontal Align - Allow to set horizontal position for navigation buttons
  • Show Navigation Vertical Align - Allow to turn off navigation buttons
  • Stop when Hover - Allow to stop sliding when being hovered
  • Interval - Allow to set time between sliding
  • Timer Position - Allow to set position for timer
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to style module with specific CSS suffix
  • Include jQuery - Allow you to include jQuery file from this module
  • Alternative Layout - Allow to choose one from 3 themes
  • Pre Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Module Tag - Set wrapper tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - Set width based on bootstrap for wrapper of module
  • Header Tag - Set tag for module title
  • Header Class - Set class for module title
  • Module Style - Override module style

Tagged under
This guide is intended for SobiPro Responsive Entries module.
When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed


1. Joomla!, supported versions are listed in our intro page.
2. SobiPro component.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
  • Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click Select Type box and choose the module you have installed
  • Then click the module listed below to configure it as SETTINGS part hereafter


1. This module with sample layout is below:

2. The parameters are divided up into the following areas:
  • Basic Options
  • Source Options
  • Field Options
  • Items Options
  • Image Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Select columns - For each devices, choose how many columns visible
  • Load More Type - Choose how to load next entries: Auto OR Click
  • Select Section - Choose the source of content that is used with this module
  • Section ID - ID of the SobiPro section chosen above
  • Category Filter - Allow to show entries that meet some factors:
    • None: Show all entries of section chosen above
    • Include: Only those that are from categories below
    • Exclude: Only those that are NOT from categories below
  • Select Category - Choose the category of section that is used with option above
  • Order Entries By - Allow to choose the criterion for order
    • Popularity ascending
    • Popularity descending
    • Creation date ascending
    • Creation date descending
    • Last update date ascending
    • Last update date descending
    • Expiration date ascending
    • Expiration date descending
    • Random
  • Entries Limit- Allow to set total of entries to be used by module
  • Description Field- Alias of a SobiPro field that you want it to be entries' description (fields of SobiPro section that you chose above)
  • Price Field- Alias of a SobiPro field that you want it to be entries' price
  • Image Field- Alias of a SobiPro field that you want it to be entries' main image
  • Syntax for image field above: field_alias/@attribute_name With:
  • field_alias: Alias of a SobiPro field that you want to set
  • attribute_name: One of 4 values: original, icon, thumnail, image
  • Ex: Default value of Image field is field_image/@original
  • Title Display- Show the title of entries OR not
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the length of entries title, set 0 for unlimited
  • Description Display - Show entries description OR not
  • Description Maxlength - Allow to set the length of entries description, set 0 for unlimited
  • Display Price - Show the price field OR not
  • Hits Display - Show the hits of entries OR not
  • Created Date Display - Show Created Date OR not
  • Link Target - Set target for links clicked:
    • Parent window
    • Same window
    • Popup
  • From Image Field- Allow you to get images from image field configured above OR not
  • From External - Allow you to get images from external source OR not
  • External Path (or Url) - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Order to Get - Set order: field_image,external OR external,field_image
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Image Width - Allow you to set the width of the big image
  • Image Height - Allow you to set the height of the big image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background
  • Placeholder - Allow you to use a placeholder image when entries' image is empty
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image
  • Alternative Layout - Allow you to choose custom alternative layout
  • Include jQuery - Allow to include jQuery lib OR not
  • Pre Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache

Tagged under
Tuesday, 11 June 2013 00:00

SJ News Scroller Userguide

This guide is intended for News Scroller module only.
When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed


1. Joomla!; supported versions are listed in our sale page.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
  • Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click Select Type box and choose the module you have installed
  • Then add an instance and configure it as SETTINGS part hereafter


1. This module with sample layout is below:

2. The parameters are divided up into the following areas:
  • Basic Options
  • Source Options
  • Item Options
  • Images Options
  • Effect Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to choose another CSS class that suits your template
  • Link Target - Set target for links clicked:
    • New window
    • Same window
    • Popup
  • Data Source - Choose the source of content that is used with this module
  • Child Categories Articles - Include child categories OR not
  • Categories Depth - Set sub-categories level to include
  • Featured Articles - Include featured articles OR not
  • Article Field to Order By - Allow to choose the criterion for order
    • Title
    • Date
    • Hits
    • Date Created
    • Date Modified
    • Random
  • Ordering Direction - Choose the ascending or decending for sorting articles
  • Count- Allow to set total of articles to be shown by module
    Title Options
  • Display title - Show the title of entries OR not
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the length of entries title, set 0 for unlimited
  • Position Top - Set position for title
  • Position Left - Set position for title
  • Transition - Set effect for title transition

  • Description Options
  • Display Description - Show short description OR not
  • Description Maxlength - Allow to set the length of description, set 0 for unlimited
  • Tags Display - Show tags OR not
  • Position Top - Set position for description
  • Position Left - Set position for description
  • Transition - Set effect for description transition

  • Readmore Options
  • Display Readmore Links - Show Readmore OR not
  • Readmore Text - Allow to set text instead of "Readmore"
  • Position Top - Set position for description
  • Position Left - Set position for description
  • Transition - Set effect for description transition
  • From Image Intro- Allow you to get Intro image OR not
  • From Image Fulltext- Allow you to get Fulltext image OR not
  • From Inline Introtext- Allow you to get image from Introtext OR not
  • From Inline Fulltext- Allow you to get image from Fulltext OR not
  • From External - Allow you to get images from external source OR not
  • Order to Get - Set order: image_intro...,external OR external,image_intro
  • External Folder - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Use Default Image - Allow you to use a placeholder image when entries' image is empty
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image

  • Big Image Options
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Width - Allow you to set the width of the big image
  • Height - Allow you to set the height of the big image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background

  • Small Image Options
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Width - Allow you to set the width of the big image
  • Height - Allow you to set the height of the big image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background
  • Effect - Allow you to select one from main effects for sliding
  • Auto Play - Allow you to set autoplay for slideshow
  • Pause when Hover - Allow you to set pause being hovered OR not
  • Keyboard Navigation - Allow you to use arrow key for navigation
  • Touch Navigation - Allow you to use touch/slide for navigation
  • Start Slide - Allow you to set first slide
  • Animation Speed - Allow you to set how fast slideshow to slide, larger is slower!
  • Interval - Allow you to set time to stop between sliding, larger is slower!
  • Navigation Style- Allow you to choose one of 3 styles
  • Direction Navigation- Allow you to show direction for navigation
  • Control Navigation- Allow you to show control for navigation
  • Navigation Tooltip- Allow you to show tooltip for navigation

  • Timer Options
  • Display Timer- Allow to show small clock over big image
  • Timer- Allow to choose one of 3 styles for timer
  • Timer Position- Allow to set position for timer
  • Timer Background- Allow to set background for timer
  • Timer Color- Allow to set main color for timer
  • Timer Opacity- Allow to set transparency for timer
  • Timer Diameter- Allow to set how big is timer
  • Timer Padding- Allow to set padding for timer
  • Timer Stroke- Allow to set stroke for timer
  • Timer Bar Stroke- Allow to set bar stroke
  • Timer Bar Stroke Color- Allow to set color for bar stroke
  • Timer Bar Stroke Style- Allow to set style for bar stroke
  • Alternative Layout - Allow you to choose custom alternative layout
  • Include jQuery - Allow to include jQuery lib OR not
  • Pre Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Module Tag - Set wrapper tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - Set width based on bootstrap for wrapper of module
  • Header Tag - Set tag for module title
  • Header Class - Set class for module title
  • Module Style - Override module style

Tagged under
Tuesday, 11 June 2013 00:00

SJ Categories for SobiPro Userguide

This guide is intended for SJ Categories module, including SobiPro Categories with some minor difference
When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed


1. Joomla! 2.5.x, latest stable version is recommended.
2. SobiPro component reflected in the name of module, supported versions are listed on intro page.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
  • Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click New and create one instance for module you have installed
  • Then configure it as SETTINGS part hereafter


1. This module with sample layout is below:

2. The parameters are divided up into the following areas:
  • Basic Options
  • Source Options
  • Category Options
  • Image Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to choose another CSS class that suits your template
  • Device Class Suffix - Allow you to choose CSS classes that suit devices you want
  • Alternative Layout - Allow you to choose custom alternative layout
  • Open Link - Set target for links clicked:
    • New window
    • Same window
    • Popup
  • Tab Event - Set event used with theme 4: hover OR click for changing tab
  • Select Section - Choose the source of content that is used with this module
  • Section ID - ID of the SobiPro section chosen above
  • Category Filter - Allow to show categories that meet some factors:
    • None: Show all categories of section chosen above
    • Include: Only those that are sub of categories below
    • Exclude: Only those that are NOT sub of categories below
  • Select Category - Choose the category of section that is used with option above
  • Subcategories Count- Allow to set total of sub categories to be shown by module
  • Category Title- Allow to show title of category OR not
    Category Options
  • Display title - Show the title of categories OR not
  • Title Max Chars - Allow to set the length of categories title, set 0 for unlimited
  • Display Description - Show description OR not
  • Sub Category Options
  • Display title - Show the title of sub-categories OR not
  • Title Max Chars - Allow to set the length of sub-categories title, set 0 for unlimited
  • Show total articles - Show total of sub-categories OR not
  • From Icon- Allow you to get images from icon of categories configured in SobiPro
  • From External - Allow you to get images from external source OR not
  • External Path (or Url) - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Order to Get - Set order: icon,external OR external,icon
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Image Width - Allow you to set the width of the main image
  • Image Height - Allow you to set the height of the main image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background
  • Placeholder - Allow you to use a placeholder image when article's image is empty
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image
  • Include jQuery - Use jQuery of this module or use another global one
  • Pre Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache

Tagged under
Wednesday, 05 June 2013 00:00

SJ Image Slideshow Responsive Userguide

This guide is intended for Image Slideshow module
When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed


1. Joomla!, supported versions are listed in our intro page.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
  • Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click New and create one instance for module you have installed
  • Then configure it as SETTINGS part hereafter


1. This module with sample layout is below:

2. The parameters are divided up into the following areas:
  • Basic Options
  • Source Options
  • Item Options
  • Image Options
  • Effect Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to style module with specific CSS suffix
  • Alternative Layout - Allow to choose one from 4 themes
  • Image Folder - Choose categories source to be used with
  • Sort Type - Allow to choose item order by name or time
  • Sort Order - Set direction to arrange order: random, ascending or descending
  • Image captions and links- Allow to set title and links for images, each one line with syntax: filename:title=TITLE-HERE&link=URL-HERE&target=_blank
  • Display Title - Allow to show title OR not
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the length of title, set 0 for unlimited
  • Display Description- Allow to show description OR not
  • Limit Description - Allow to set the length of description, set 0 for unlimited
  • Display Readmore link- Allow to show Readmore link OR not
  • Read More Text - Set text for Readmore link
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Image Type - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Width - Allow you to set the width of product image
  • Height - Allow you to set the height of product image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background
  • Pause on Hover- Allow to pause sliding when images being hovered OR not
  • Auto Play- Allow you to set auto play for sliding OR not
  • Speed - Allow you to set speed for effects
  • Timeout - Allow to set time between sliding transitions
  • Swype - Allow swype touch for sliding
  • Progress Bar - Allow to show progress bar OR not
  • Effect - Allow to select one from 6 available or random
  • Animated Captions and Overlays - Allow to set effect for cations overlay: fade, slide up/down
  • Include jQuery - Allow you to include jQuery from this module or another one
  • Pre Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Module Tag - Set wrapper tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - Set width based on bootstrap for wrapper of module
  • Header Tag - Set tag for module title
  • Header Class - Set class for module title
  • Module Style - Override module style

Tagged under
Monday, 27 May 2013 00:00

SJ Carousel Userguide

This guide is intended for Carousel free module.
When you buy (or download free one) module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed


1. Joomla!, supported versions are listed in our intro page.


1. Prepare your module package (a zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
  • Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click New and create one instance for module you have installed
  • Then configure it as SETTINGS part hereafter


1. This module with sample layout is below:

2. The parameters are divided up into the following areas:
  • Source Options
  • Article Options
  • Effect Options
  • Image Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Data Source - Choose categories source to be used with
  • Child Category Articles - Include articles from sub-categories of source OR not
  • Category Depth - Set level of sub-categories of source to be used  with this module
  • Featured Articles - Include featured articles OR not
  • Article Field to Order By - Allow to choose one criterion for order
    • Article Manager Order
    • Featured Articles Order
    • Hits
    • Title
    • ID
    • Alias
    • Created Date
    • Modified Date
    • Start Publishing Date
    • Finish Publishing Date
  • Ordering Direction - Set direction to arrange order: ascending or descending
  • Count - Allow to set total of articles to be used by slider
  • Show Title - Allow to show title OR not
  • Title Limit - Allow to set the length of title, set -1 for unlimited
  • Show IntroText- Allow to show small description (introtext) OR not
  • IntroText Limit - Allow to set the length of small description, set -1 for unlimited
  • Stop when Hover - Allow to stop slider when being hovered OR not
  • Auto Play - Allow to slide automatically OR not
  • Interval - Allow to set time between each sliding
  • From Image Intro - Allow you to get the intro image
  • From Image Fulltext - Allow you to get the fulltext image
  • From Inline IntroText - Allow you to get an inline image from introtext
  • From Inline Fulltext - Allow you to get an inline image from fulltext
  • From External - Allow you to get image from external source
  • External Path (or Url) - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Order to Get - Set order priority to get images above
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Image Width - Allow you to set the width of image
  • Image Height - Allow you to set the height of image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background
  • Cache Path - Allow to set path to cache folder
  • Cache URL - Allow to set url to cache folder
  • Placeholder - Allow you to use a placeholder image when image is empty
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to style module with specific CSS suffix
  • Alternative Layout - Allow to choose other layout if possible
  • Open Link - Allow to set target for opened links:
    • New Window
    • Same Window
    • Popup Window
  • Include jQuery - Allow to use jQuery from this module OR use other global file
  • Pre Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Module Tag - Set wrapper tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - Set width based on bootstrap for wrapper of module
  • Header Tag - Set tag for module title
  • Header Class - Set class for module title
  • Module Style - Override module style

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Saturday, 27 April 2013 10:42

SJ Contact Ajax Responsive Userguide

This guide is for SJ Contact Ajax modules
When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed


1. Joomla!, supported versions are listed in our intro page.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
  • Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click New and create one instance for module you have installed
  • Then configure it as SETTINGS part hereafter


1. This module with sample layout is below:

2. The parameters are divided up into the following areas:
  • Basic Options
  • Captcha Options
  • Map Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Select Contact - Select contact to be assigned
  • Send copy to Submmitter - Send a copy of form content to sender
  • Facebook - Allow to show Facebook button OR not
  • Facebook URL - Set Facebook URL here if in use
  • Twitter - Allow to show Twitter button OR not
  • Twitter URL - Set Twitter URL here if in use
  • RSS - Allow to show RSS button OR not
  • RSS URL - Set RSS URL here if in use
  • LinkedIn - Allow to show LinkedIn button OR not
  • LinkedIn URL - Set LinkedIn URL here if in use
  • Google Plus - Allow to show Google Plus button OR not
  • Google Plus URL - Set Google Plus URL here if in use
  • Display Captcha - Allow to show captcha to protect from spam OR not
  • Captcha Type - Allow to set Custom catcha or ReCaptcha to be used
  • Hide when Logged in - Allow to hide catcha for logged in user
  • Display Maps- Allow to show map OR not
  • Maps Width - Allow you to set the width of map area
  • Maps Height - Allow you to set the height of map area
  • Address or coordinates - Allow to use address by text or coordinates by number
  • Address Text - Allow to set address text here
  • Latitude - Allow to set latitude by number
  • Longitude - Allow to set longitude by number
  • Zoom - Allow to set zoom level
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to style module with specific CSS suffix
  • Alternative Layout - Allow to choose one custom layout for module
  • Include jQuery - Use jQuery from this module OR not
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Module Tag - Set wrapper tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - Set width based on bootstrap for wrapper of module
  • Header Tag - Set tag for module title
  • Header Class - Set class for module title
  • Module Style - Override module style

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Saturday, 27 April 2013 10:42

SJ Suggested Posts for Kunena

When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed


1. Joomla!, supported versions are listed in our intro page.
2. Kunena Forum component.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
  • Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click New and create one instance for module you have installed
  • Then configure it as SETTINGS part hereafter


1. This module with sample layout is below:

2. The parameters are divided up into the following areas:
  • Basic Options
  • Other Options
  • Advanced Options
  • All / None - Choose categories source to be used with
  • Search Filter - Allow to set which type to be included in result: all or thread only
  • Order By - Allow to choose the criterion for order
    • Most Comment
    • Key Search
    • Most Thank
    • Latest
  • Post Limit- Allow to set total of items to be shown by module
  • Subject Length - Allow to set the length of items' subject
  • Post Text Limit - Allow to set the length of items' content to be shown
  • Post Image- Allow to set image to be shown: Avatar, Icon or none
  • Category Link - Allow to show this OR not
  • Author Link - Allow to show this OR not
  • Post Time - Allow to show this OR not
  • Post Text - Allow to show this OR not
  • More Text - Set text for More Text link
  • Hightlight - Show Key Search with hightlight OR not
  • Color Hightlight - Set color for hightlight text
  • Link Target - Allow to set target for opened links:
    • New Window
    • Same Window
    • Popup Window
  • Delay - Allow to set time before showing result
  • Alternative Layout - Allow to choose other layout file to be used
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to style module with specific CSS suffix
  • Include jQuery - Use jQuery library from this OR not
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache

Tagged under
Friday, 29 March 2013 00:00

SJ Mega Products User Guide

This guide is intended for Mega Product modules, whichever component they are made for.
When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed


1. Joomla!, supported versions are listed in our intro page.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
  • Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click New and create one instance for module you have installed
  • Then configure it as SETTINGS part hereafter


1. This module with sample layout is below:

2. The parameters are divided up into the following areas:
  • Source Options
  • Product Options
  • Image Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Categories - Choose categories source to be used with
  • Product Order By - Allow to choose the criterion for order
    • Product Title
    • Product Price
    • Product Reviews
    • Product Hits
    • Product ID
    • Created Date
    • Modified Date
  • Product Order Dir - Set direction to arrange order: ascending or descending
  • Limitation- Allow to set total of products to be shown by module
  • Columns of Categories- Allow to set total of columns, used only with theme 3
Title Options
  • Category Limit Title - Allow to set the length of categories' title
  • Show Title - Allow to show products' title OR not
  • Limit Title - Allow to set the length of products' title, set -1 for unlimited
Description Options
  • Show Description- Allow to show products' description OR not
  • Limit Description - Allow to set the length of products' description, set -1 for unlimited
Other Options
  • Show Price- Allow to show price of products OR not
  • Show Review- Allow to show review rating of products OR not
  • Show Readmore- Allow to show read more button to products' detail OR not
  • Read More Text - Set text for Readmore link
  • Show All Products - Show All button OR not
  • Show All Text- Allow to set text for Show All button
  • Show Image- Allow to show images of products OR not
  • From Product- Allow you to get images from product detail
  • From External - Allow you to get images from external source
  • External Path (or Url) - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Order to Get - Set order: image_product,external OR external,image_product
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Image Width - Allow you to set the width of product image
  • Image Height - Allow you to set the height of product image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background
  • Placeholder - Allow you to use a placeholder image when product' image is empty
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to style module with specific CSS suffix
  • Device Class Suffix - Allow you to style module for specific devices by using CSS suffix
  • Open Link - Allow to set target for opened links:
    • New Window
    • Same Window
    • Popup Window
  • Alternative Layout - Allow to choose one from 3 themes
  • Pre Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Module Tag - Set wrapper tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - Set width based on bootstrap for wrapper of module
  • Header Tag - Set tag for module title
  • Header Class - Set class for module title
  • Module Style - Override module style

Tagged under
Tuesday, 29 January 2013 00:00

SJ Extra Slider for SobiPro Userguide

This guide is intended for SobiPro Extra Slider module.
When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed


1. Joomla!, supported versions are listed in our intro page.
2. SobiPro component.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
  • Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click Select Type box and choose the module you have installed
  • Then click the module listed below to configure it as SETTINGS part hereafter


1. This module with sample layout is below:

  • Entry with details: Configured under Field, Entry and Image Options
  • Title and Navigation: Configured under Basic Options
2. The parameters are divided up into the following areas:
  • Basic Options
  • Source Options
  • Field Options
  • Entry Options
  • Image Options
  • Effect Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to choose another CSS class that suits your template
  • Select a Theme - Basic OR spotlight to be chosen
  • Control Position - Place where navigation buttons are: Top of module OR under it
  • Open Link - Set target for links clicked:
    • Parent window
    • Same window
    • Popup
  • Select Section - Choose the source of content that is used with this module
  • Section ID - ID of the SobiPro section chosen above
  • Category Filter - Allow to show entries that meet some factors:
    • None: Show all entries of section chosen above
    • Include: Only those that are from categories below
    • Exclude: Only those that are NOT from categories below
  • Select Category - Choose the category of section that is used with option above
  • Order Entries By - Allow to choose the criterion for order
    • Popularity ascending
    • Popularity descending
    • Creation date ascending
    • Creation date descending
    • Last update date ascending
    • Last update date descending
    • Expiration date ascending
    • Expiration date descending
    • Random
  • Entries Limit- Allow to set total of entries to be used by module
  • # Rows- Allow to set total of rows of entries
  • # Columns- Allow to set total of columns of entries
  • Description Field- Alias of a SobiPro field that you want it to be entries' description (fields of SobiPro section that you chose above)
  • Price Field- Alias of a SobiPro field that you want it to be entries' price
  • Image Field- Alias of a SobiPro field that you want it to be entries' main image
  • Syntax for image field above: field_alias/@attribute_name With:
  • field_alias: Alias of a SobiPro field that you want to set
  • attribute_name: One of 4 values: original, icon, thumnail, image
  • Ex: Default value of Image field is field_image/@original
  • Show Title of Slider- Allow to show title of module OR not
  • Title of Slider- Allow to set text for title
  • Display Title - Show the title of entries OR not
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the length of entries title, set 0 for unlimited
  • Display Description - Show entries description OR not
  • Description Maxlength - Allow to set the length of entries description, set 0 for unlimited
  • Display Price - Show the price field OR not
  • Display Read More - Show the Readmore link OR not
  • Read More Text - Set text for Readmore link
  • Show Navigation - Show navigation buttons OR not
  • Display Image- Allow to show images for entries OR not
  • From Image Field- Allow you to get images from image field configured above OR not
  • From External - Allow you to get images from external source OR not
  • External Path (or Url) - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Order to Get - Set order: field_image,external OR external,field_image
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Image Width - Allow you to set the width of the big image
  • Image Height - Allow you to set the height of the big image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background
  • Placeholder - Allow you to use a placeholder image when entries' image is empty
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image
  • Auto Play - Allow entries to be automatically slided OR not
  • Stop when hover - Allow to stop slider when entries are under mouse hover OR not
  • Effect - Allow to choose one of two types of effect used for entries sliding: vertical OR horizontal
  • Alternative Layout - Allow you to choose custom alternative layout
  • Include jQuery - Allow to include jQuery lib OR not
  • Pre Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache

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