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Tuesday, 05 November 2013 10:19

SJ VM Carousel Changelog

VERSION 1.0.0 - Released on 05-Nov-2013

+ Compatible with Joomla 2.5

+ Support responsive layout

View Demo

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VERSION 1.0 - Released on 17-May-2013

+ Compatible with Joomla 2.5.x and Joomla 3.0.x
+ Compatible with Joomshooping v3.13.0 for Joomla 2.5.x package and Joomshooping v4.1.0 for Joomla 3.0.x package

View Demo

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VERSION 1.0 - Released on 14-May-2013

+ Compatible with Joomla 2.5.x and Joomla 3.0.x
+ Compatible with Joomshooping v3.13.0 for Joomla 2.5.x package and Joomshooping v4.1.0 for Joomla 3.0.x package

View Demo

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Tuesday, 05 November 2013 10:42

SJ VM Carousel User Guide

This guide is intended for SJ VM Carousel module

When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed


1. Joomla! 2.5.x, latest stable version is recommended.
2. Work the best on Virtuemart v2.0.24


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
  • Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click New and create one instance for module you have installed
  • Then configure it as SETTINGS part hereafter


1. Layout of module:

This module with sample layout is below:

2. Configuration


The parameters are divided up into the following areas:
  • Basic Options
  • Source Options
  • Item Options
  • Image Options
  • Effect Options
  • Advanced Options

NOTE: If the screen width is less than or equal to 768 pixels, the description's product will be hidden.

  • Open Link - Set target for links:
    • New window
    • Same window
    • Popup
  • Category - Allow to choose sources to show item
  • Child Category products - Include articles from sub-categories OR not
  • Category Depth - Set level of sub-categories of source to be used with this module
  • Featured Products - Allow to show/hide/show only featured products
  • Product Order by - Select the criterion to set the display order of products
  • Ordering direction - Choose the ascending or descending for sorting articles.
  • Limitation - Allow to set the max number of products displayed in the module. Set value "0" if you want to display all.
  • Display title - Show the title of item OR not
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the max length of title's item, set 0 for unlimited characters
  • Display Description - Show description OR not
  • Description Maxlength - Allow to set the max length of description's item, set 0 for unlimited characters
  • Display Price - Show Price of item OR not
  • Display Readmore - Show Readmore link OR not
  • Readmore Text - Set text for readmore link
  • From Product Image - Allow you to get image from Product Image
  • From Product Description- Allow you to get the image from description
  • From Extend folder - Allow you to get image from external source
  • Extend folder - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Order to Get - Set order: icon,external OR external,icon
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Width/Height - Allow you to set the width/height of the image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image
  • Product Start - Allow to set the first item to show on the module
  • Auto Play - Allow to run automatically OR not
  • Interval - Allow you to set speed of timer
  • Stop when Hover - Allow to stop slider when being hovered OR not
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to style module with specific CSS suffix
  • Alternative Layout - Allow to choose other layout if possible
  • Include jQuery - Use jQuery of this module or use another global one
  • Pre Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Time - The time to cache

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Friday, 18 October 2013 09:56

Sj K2 Frontpage Userguide

This guide is intended for Sj K2 Frontpage module

When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed here.
To see useguide for older version: Click Here


Joomla! v2.5.x and Joomla! 3.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:

  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds


1. This module with sample layout is below:

Sj K2 Frontpage

2. Configuration

NOTE: We used the images of module's installtion on joomla 3.x to illustrate

After installing, go to Extension -> Module Manager and find Sj K2 Frontpage to configure

Sj K2 Frontpage module are configured in 5 groups of parameters following:

  • Basic Options
  • Source Options
  • Item Options
  • Image Options
  • Advanced Options
Let's look at the parameters in detail:
  • Theme - Allow to select a theme for module
  • Open Link - Allow to select open link in the Sample/New/ Popup window.
For theme 3 (only operated when you set theme 3 for module)
  • Total columns - Allow to set number of columns for small items
For theme 4 (only operated when you set theme 4 for module)
  • Active Item on Load - Select a small items which to be shown at the first time
  • Event - Allow to select click or hover to open each small item
  • Waiting time - The waiting time for opening each small item when user hover on its title
  • Speed of transition - the speed of transition of each small item when it opened
  • Source - Select to get data from categories or specific items
From categories:
  • Category filter - Allow to choose all or only selected categories
  • Select one or more categories - If above choice is "select", you must to select categories that are used in this module
  • Fetch items from children categories - Allow to get data from child categories or not
  • Item count - Allow to set number of articles which will be displayed in the module.  Set  value "0" if you want to display all articles.
  • Item ordering - Select the item ordering way:
    • Default
    • Oldest first (by date created)
    • Most recent first (by date created)
    • Most recent first (by date published)
    • Title Alphabetical
    • Title Reverse-Alphabetical
    • Ordering
    • Ordering reverse
    • Most popular
    • Highest rated
    • Most commented
    • Latest modified
    • Random ordering
  • Time Range -  Allow to set time range. This is applied when "Item Ordering" = "Most Popular" or "Most Commented"
  • Featured Items - Allow to show/hide/show only featured items
Specific items:
Add items - Allow to select items for showing.
You can drag and drop to re-order items. It also allows to remove item by click the remove icon.

Large item Options
  • Display title - Allow to display title or not
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the max length of title can be shown (choose 0 to show full title)
  • Ending character - Set ending charater when using the truncating the title
  • Display Created - Allow to show created date of item or not
  • Display Description - Allow to show description OR not
  • Description Maxlength - Allow to set the max length of description, set 0 for showing full description
  • Ending character - Set ending charater when using the truncating the description
  • Tags Display - Allow to display tags for each article OR not
  • Display Readmore Link - Allow to show readmore link OR not
  • Read More Text - Set text for Readmore link
Small item options:
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the max length of small item's title can be shown (choose 0 to show full title). This is applied to theme 1, theme 2, theme 3
  • Ending character - Set ending charater when using the truncating the title
  • Display Created - Allow to show/hide the created date of items
  • Display Desciption - Allow to show description or not
  • Description Maxlength - Allow to set the max length of description, set 0 for showing full description
  • Ending character - Set ending charater when using the truncating the description
  • Tags Display - Allow to display tags for each article OR not

Image sources will be got in K2 Item: Click HERE

Get Image From K2 Image
  • K2 Image - Allow you to get image from K2 Image Tab OR not
  • K2 Image size - Set size for image
Get Image From Inline Introtext
  • Inline Introtext - Allow you to get image from Introtext OR not
Get Image From Inline Fulltext
  • Inline Fulltext - Allow to get image from Fulltext OR not
Get Image From Extend Folder
  • Extend Folder - Allow to extend folder or not
  • External Folder - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Order to Get - Set order: image_intro...,external OR not
  • Use Default Image - Allow you to use a placeholder image when entries' image is empty
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image
Large Image Options
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Width - Allow you to set the width of the image
  • Height - Allow you to set the height of the image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background. This is applied for showing images without full background. If the image with full background, you can see nothing to change
Small Image Options
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Width/Height - Allow you to set the width/height of the image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background. This is applied for showing images without full background. If the image with full background, you can see nothing to change


  • Alternative Layout - Allow to use a different layout from the supplied module or overrides in the templates
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to choose another CSS class that suits your template
  • Include jQuery - Allow you to include jQuery from this module or another one
  • Pre-text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post-text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Module Tag - Allow to select the HTML Tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - Allow to set the number of columns that module will use.
  • Header Tag - Allow to select the HTML Tag for module header/title
  • Header Class - Support the CSS Class for module header/title
  • Module Style - Select module style

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Monday, 14 October 2013 13:01

Sj K2 Categories Accordion Userguide

This guide is intended for SJ K2 Categories Accordion module
When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed here.
To see useguide for older version: Click Here


Joomla! v2.5.x and Joomla! 3.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds


1. This module with sample layout is below:

Sj K2 Categories Accordion

2. Configuration

NOTE: We used the images of module's installtion on joomla 3.x to illustrate

After installing, go to Extension -> Module Manager and find Sj K2 Categories Accordion to configure

Sj K2 Categories Accordion module are configured in 6 groups of parameters following:

  • General Options
  • Source Options
  • Category Options
  • Item Options
  • Effect Options
  • Advanced Options
Let's look at the parameters in detail:
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to choose another CSS class that suits your template
  • Link Target - Allow to select open link in the Sample/New/ Popup window.
  • Layout - Allow to select from 3 types
  • Display border - Select to display border of module or not
  • Module Title - Allow to name for Module
  • Columns per page - Set number of columns for Module Type 1 and Type 3. For Type 2: the number of items are rows x columns
  • Row per page - Set number of rows for Module Type 1 and Type 3. For Type 2: the number of items are rows x columns
  • Category filter - Allow to choose all or only selected categories
  • Select one or more categories - If above choice is "select", you must to select categories that are used in this module
  • Fetch items from children categories - Allow to get data from child categories or not
  • Item count - Allow to set number of articles which will be displayed in the module.  Set  value "0" if you want to display all articles.
  • Item ordering - Select the item ordering way
  • Featured Items - Allow to show featured items or not
  • Time Range -  Allow to set time range. This is applied when "Item Ordering" = "Most Popular" or "Most Commented"
  • Active Tab - Allow to set a tab which would be actived firstly. (Closing all tab, if the value is 0)
  • Tab Event - Allow to select event of Tab: click or hover
  • Order by Categories - Allow to set order by of categories: title or random
  • Display Title - Allow to show title OR not
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the length of category title, set 0 for showing full title
  • Display Description - Allow to show category description OR not
  • Description Maxlength - Allow to set the length of category description, set 0 for showing full description
Image Options
  • Display Image - Allow to display image or not
  • K2 Image Tab - Allow to get image from k2 image tab
  • Image Description - Support to show description of image or not
  • Extend Folder - Allow you to get images from external source
  • Extend Folder - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Image Priority - Allow to set image priority to get image from each category
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Stretch
  • Output format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Width - Set width of image
  • Height - Set height of image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background
  • User Default Image - Allow to set user default image OR not
  • Placeholder Path (or Url) - Allow to set path to placeholder image

Item Options:
  • Display title - Allow to display title or not
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the max length of title's category can be shown (choose 0 to show full title)
  • Ending character - Set ending charater when using the truncating the description
Description Options
  • Display Description - Allow to show description OR not
  • Description Maxlength - Allow to set the length of description, set 0 for showing full description
  • Ending character - Set ending charater when using the truncating the description
  • Tags Display - Allow to display tags for each article OR not
Readmore Options:
  • Display Readmore Link - Allow to show readmore link OR not
  • Read More Text - Set text for Readmore link
Image Options:
  • K2 Image - Allow you to get image from K2 OR not
  • Inline Introtext - Allow you to get image from Introtext OR not
  • Inline Fulltext - Allow to get image from Fulltext OR not
  • Extend Folder - Allow to extend folder or not
  • External Folder - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Image Priority - Allow to set image priority to get image from each category
  • Use Default Image - Allow you to use a placeholder image when entries' image is empty
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Large image width - Allow you to set the width of the big image
  • Large image heigh - Allow you to set the width of the big image
  • Width - Allow you to set the width of the small image
  • Height - Allow you to set the height of the small image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background
  • Start Slide - Allow to set the slide which should be initially displayed. (If the value is 0 or 1, page 1 will be shown firstly. If the value is n, page n is first)
  • Pause when hover - Allow you to pause when hover or not
  • Auto Play - Allow you to set autoplay for sliding or not
  • Interval - Allow you to set speed of timer
  • Effect Options - Allow to select effects: Slider of fafe
  • Slideshow speed - Set time for speed of slideshow
  • Swipe - enable/disable swipe gesture for moving the slideshow forward or back
  • Mouse Wheel - Allow users to use mouse wheel to move the article on tab



  • Alternative Layout - Allow to use a different layout from the supplied module or overrides in the templates
  • Include jQuery - Allow you to include jQuery from this module or another one
  • Pre-text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post-text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Module Tag - Allow to select the HTML Tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - Allow to set the number of columns that module will use.
  • Header Tag - Allow to select the HTML Tag for module header/title
  • Header Class - Support the CSS Class for module header/title
  • Module Style - Select module style

Tagged under
Thursday, 17 October 2013 09:56

Sj K2 Ajax Tabs Userguide

This guide is intended for Sj K2 Ajax Tabs module

When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed here.
To see useguide for older version: Click Here


Joomla! v2.5.x and Joomla! 3.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:

  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds


1. This module with sample layout is below:

Sj K2 Ajax Tabs

2. Configuration

NOTE: We used the images of module's installtion on joomla 3.x to illustrate

After installing, go to Extension -> Module Manager and find Sj K2 Ajax Tabs to configure

Sj K2 Ajax Tabs module are configured in 5 groups of parameters following:

  • Basic Options
  • Source Options
  • Item Options
  • Image Options
  • Advanced Options
Let's look at the parameters in detail:
  • Link Target - Allow to select open link in the Sample/New/ Popup window.
  • Tabs position - Allow to set position for tabs
    • Bottom
    • Top
    • Left
    • Right
  • Number column - Allow to set number of columns, maximum is 6
  • Number row - Allow to set number of rows
  • Display page - Show/hide display pagination
  • Swipe - Allow users to use swipe gesture for switching pages on touchscreens
  • Mouse Wheel - Allow users to use mouse wheel for switching pages on each tab.
  • Category filter - Allow to choose all or only selected categories
  • Select one or more categories - If above choice is "select", you must to select categories that are used in this module
  • Fetch items from children categories - Allow to get data from child categories or not
  • Category Preload - Allow to choose category which to be shown at the first time
  • Item count - Allow to set number of articles which will be displayed in the module.  Set  value "0" if you want to display all articles.
  • Item ordering - Select the item ordering way
  • Featured Items - Allow to show/hide/show only featured items
  • Time Range -  Allow to set time range. This is applied when "Item Ordering" = "Most Popular" or "Most Commented"

Item Options
  • Category Title Maxlength - Allow to set the max length of category title's category can be shown (choose 0 to show full title)
  • Display title - Allow to display title or not
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the max length of title's category can be shown (choose 0 to show full title)
  • Ending character - Set ending character when using the truncating the title
Description Options
  • Display Description - Allow to show category description OR not
  • Description Maxlength - Allow to set the max length of category description, set 0 for showing full description
  • Ending character - Set ending character when using the truncating the description
  • Tags Display - Allow to display tags for each article OR not
Readmore Options
  • Display Readmore Link - Allow to show readmore link OR not
  • Read More Text - Set text for Readmore link
Get Image From K2 Image
  • K2 Image - Allow you to get image from K2 Image Tab OR not
  • K2 Image size - Set size for K2 Image Tab
Get Image From Inline Introtext
  • Inline Introtext - Allow you to get image from Introtext OR not
Get Image From Inline Fulltext
  • Inline Fulltext - Allow to get image from Fulltext OR not
Get Image From Extend Folder
  • Extend Folder - Allow to extend folder or not
  • External Folder - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Order to Get - Set order: k2_image, inline_introtext, inline_fulltext, external OR external, inline_fulltext, inline_introtext, k2_image
  • Use Default Image - Allow you to use a placeholder image when entries' image is empty
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image

Image Options

  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Width/Height - Allow to set width/height of image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background. This is applied for showing images without full background. If the image with full background, you can see nothing to change.


  • Alternative Layout - Allow to use a different layout from the supplied module or overrides in the templates
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to choose another CSS class that suits your template
  • Include jQuery - Allow you to include jQuery from this module or another one
  • Pre-text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post-text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Module Tag - Allow to select the HTML Tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - Allow to set the number of columns that module will use.
  • Header Tag - Allow to select the HTML Tag for module header/title
  • Header Class - Support the CSS Class for module header/title
  • Module Style - Select module style

Tagged under
Friday, 20 September 2013 15:01

SJ Mega K2 Items II Userguide

This guide is intended for SJ Mega K2 Items II module
When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed here.
To see useguide for previous version: Click Here


Joomla! v2.5.x and Joomla! 3.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds


1. This module with sample layout is below:

SJ Mega K2 Items II

2. Configuration

NOTE: We used the images of module's installtion on joomla 3.x to illustrate

After installing, go to Extension -> Module Manager and find SJ Mega K2 Items II to configure

SJ Mega K2 Items II module are configured in 7 groups of parameters following:

  • Basic Options
  • Source Options
  • Item Options
  • Category Options
  • Image Options
  • Advanced Options
Let's look at the parameters in detail:
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to choose another CSS class that suits your template
  • Open Link - Allow to select open link in the Sample/New/ Popup window.
  • Theme - Allow to select from 4 themes
  • # Column - Allow to set the number of columns for devices which have different screen width
  • Category filter - Allow to choose all or only selected categories
  • Select one or more categories - Please select the category you want to show on module. This is applied for Category Filter = "select". You must to select categories having child category, if not you can't show data on module.
  • Fetch items from children categories - Allow to get data from child categories or not
  • Item ordering - Select the item ordering way
  • Featured Items - Allow to show featured items or not
  • Time Range - If item ordering is set "most popular", you can choose time range all time/ 1 week/ 2 weeks...
  • Total items per category - Allow to set total of items per category can be shown
  • Display Title - Allow to show title OR not
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the length of category title, set 0 for showing full title
  • Ending character - Set ending charater of title when using the truncating the title
  • Display Description - Allow to show category description OR not
  • Description Maxlength - Allow to set the length of category description, set 0 for showing full description
  • Ending character - Set ending charater when using the truncating the description
  • Tags Display - Allow to display tags for each article OR not
  • Display Hits - Allow to show article's hits OR not
  • Display Comments - Allow to show the number of article's comments OR not
  • Display Created Time - Allow to show the created date of article OR not
  • Display Readmore Link - Allow to show readmore link OR not
  • Read More Text - Set text for Readmore link
  • Title Max Chars - Allow to set the max length of title's category can be shown (choose 0 to show full title)
  • Display List Subcategory - Allow to show sub category or not
  • Subcategory Title Maxlength - Allow to set the max length of title's subcategory can be shown ( choose 0 to show full title)
Note: Image sources will be got in the item - Click HERE

Get Image From K2
  • K2 Image - Allow you to get image from K2 OR not
  • K2 Image size - Set size for image
Get Image From Inline Introtext
  • Inline Introtext - Allow you to get image from Introtext OR not
Get Image From Inline Fulltext
  • Inline Fulltext - Allow to get image from Fulltext OR not
Get Image From Extend Folder
  • Extend Folder - Allow to extend folder or not
  • External Folder - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Order to Get - Set order: image_intro...,external OR not
  • Use Default Image - Allow you to use a placeholder image when entries' image is empty
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image

Image Options

  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Width - Allow you to set the width of the big image
  • Height - Allow you to set the height of the big image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background



  • Alternative Layout - Allow to use a different layout from the supplied module or overrides in the templates
  • Include jQuery - Allow you to include jQuery from this module or another one
  • Pre-text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post-text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Module Tag - Allow to select the HTML Tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - Allow to set the number of columns that module will use.
  • Header Tag - Allow to select the HTML Tag for module header/title
  • Header Class - Support the CSS Class for module header/title
  • Module Style - Select module style

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Friday, 20 September 2013 15:01

SJ Content Slideshow II Userguide

This guide is intended for SJ Content Slideshow II module
When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed here.
To see useguide for previous version: Click Here


Joomla! v2.5.x and Joomla! 3.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds


1. This module with sample layout is below:

SJ content slideshow ii

2. Configuration

NOTE: We used the images of module's installtion on joomla 3.x to illustrate

After installing, go to Extension -> Module Manager and find SJ Content Slideshow II to configure

SJ Content Slideshow II module are configured in 7 groups of parameters following:

  • Basic Options
  • Source Options
  • Item Options
  • Navigation Options
  • Image Options
  • Effect Options
  • Advanced Options
Let's look at the parameters in detail:
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to choose another CSS class that suits your template
  • Theme - Allow to select from 5 themes
  • Link Target - Set target for links:
    • New window
    • Same window
    • Popup
  • Data Source - Choose the source of content that is used in this module
  • Child Categories Articles - Include child categories OR not
  • Categories Depth - Set sub-categories level to include
  • Featured Articles - Include featured articles OR not
  • Article Field to Order By - Allow to choose the criterion for order
    • Title
    • Date
    • Hits
    • Date Created
    • Date Modified
    • Random
  • Ordering Direction - Choose the ascending or decending for sorting articles
  • Count- Allow to set total of articles to be shown by module
  • Display Title - Allow to show title OR not
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the length of category title, set 0 for showing full title
  • Display Description - Allow to show category description OR not
  • Description Maxlength - Allow to set the length of category description, set 0 for showing full description
  • Tags Display - Allow to display tags for each article OR not
  • Display Readmore link - Allow to show Readmore link OR not
  • Read More Text - Set text for Readmore link
  • Buttons Display - Allow to show Navigation Button or not
For Theme1, Theme2, Theme3, Theme4:
  • Max Items Visible - Allow to set the number of items you want to show in once page (Min = 3)
  • Navigation Width- Allow to set width of navigation block
  • Title Display - Allow to show title or not
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the length of entries title, set 0 for unlimited length
  • Price Display - Allow to display price or not
  • Description Display - Allow to display description of products or not
  • Description Maxlength - Allow to set the length of description, set 0 for unlimited length
  • Image Display -  Allow to display image or not
Get Image From Image Intro
  • Image Intro - Allow you to get Intro images of image OR not
Get Image From Image fulltext
  • Image Fulltext - Allow you to get Fulltext image OR not
Get Image From Inline Introtext
  • From Inline Introtext - Allow you to get image from Introtext OR not
Get Image From Inline Fulltext
  • Inline Fulltext - Allow to get image from Fulltext OR not
Get Image From Extend Folder
  • From External - Allow you to get images from external source OR not
  • Order to Get - Set order: image_intro...,external OR not
  • External Folder - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Use Default Image - Allow you to use a placeholder image when entries' image is empty
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image

Big Image Options

  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Width - Allow you to set the width of the big image
  • Height - Allow you to set the height of the big image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background

Small Image Options

  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Width - Allow you to set the width of the big image
  • Height - Allow you to set the height of the big image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background




  • Entry Start - Allow to set the entry which appears first when slideshow starts
  • Auto Play - Allow you to set autoplay for sliding or not
  • Stop when hover - Allow you to stop when hover or not
  • Slideshow speed - Set time for speed of slideshow
  • Interval - Allow you to set speed of timer
  • Slideshow effect - Allow to select an effect for slideshow
  • Alternative Layout - Allow to use a different layout from the supplied module or overrides in the templates
  • Include jQuery - Allow you to include jQuery from this module or another one
  • Pre-text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post-text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Module Tag - Allow to select the HTML Tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - Allow to set the number of columns that module will use.
  • Header Tag - Allow to select the HTML Tag for module header/title
  • Header Class - Support the CSS Class for module header/title
  • Module Style - Select module style

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Wednesday, 15 May 2013 08:27

SJ Mega Products II Userguide

This guide is intended for JoomaShopping Mega Product II module
When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed


1. Joomla!, supported versions are listed in our intro page.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
  • Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click Select Type box and choose the module you have installed
  • Then click one of module instances listed, switch to Options tab to configure it as SETTINGS part hereafter


1. This module with sample layout is below, with two sample categories and many stores inside

2. The parameters are divided up into the following areas:
  • Basic Options
  • Source Options
  • Category Options
  • Product Options
  • Image Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Open Link - Allow to set target for opened links:
    • New Window
    • Same Window
    • Popup Window
  • Theme - Allow to choose one from 4 themes
  • Categories - Choose categories source to be used with
  • Product Order By - Allow to choose the criterion for order
    • Product Title
    • Product Price
    • Product Reviews
    • Product Hits
    • Product ID
    • Created Date
    • Modified Date
  • Product Order Dir - Set direction to arrange order: ascending or descending
  • Number Product/Category- Allow to set total of products per category to be shown by module
  • Show Super Category Link - Allow to show this link OR not
  • Show Sub Category Link - Allow to show this link OR not
  • Show List SubCategory - Allow to show this link OR not
  • Sub Category Title Length - Allow to set subcategory title length
  • Show Title - Allow to show products' title OR not
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the length of products' title, set -1 for unlimited
  • Show Description- Allow to show products' description OR not
  • Description Maxlength - Allow to set the length of products' description, set -1 for unlimited
  • Show Tooltip- Allow to show tooltip OR not
  • Tooltip Width- Allow to set tooltip width
  • Tooltip Image Maxwidth- Allow to set maxlenght for tooltip image
  • Show Price- Allow to show price of products OR not
  • Show Hits- Allow to show view number OR not
  • Show Date - Show created date of products OR not
  • Show Readmore- Allow to show read more button to products' detail OR not
  • Readmore Text - Set text for Readmore link
  • Image Display- Allow to show images of products OR not
  • From Product- Allow you to get images from product detail
  • From External - Allow you to get images from external source
  • External Path (or Url) - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Order to Get - Set order: image_product,external OR external,image_product
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Image Width - Allow you to set the width of product image
  • Image Height - Allow you to set the height of product image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background
  • Placeholder - Allow you to use a placeholder image when product' image is empty
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to style module with specific CSS suffix
  • Device Class Suffix - Allow you to style module for specific devices by using CSS suffix
  • Alternative Layout - Set custom layout for this module
  • Include jQuery - Use jQuery from this module or not
  • Show jQuery on pages - Use jQuery for this module or not
  • Pre Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Module Tag - Set wrapper tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - Set width based on bootstrap for wrapper of module
  • Header Tag - Set tag for module title
  • Header Class - Set class for module title
  • Module Style - Override module style

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