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Tuesday, 25 February 2014 00:00

SJ Flat Menu Userguide

This guide is intended for SJ Flat Menu module

When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed here.


Joomla! v2.5.x and Joomla! 3.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:

  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds


1. Below is the module layout: for example with "Horizontal - Click".

Sj Mega News

2. Configuration

NOTE: We used the images of module's installtion on joomla 3.x to illustrate

After installing, go to Extension -> Module Manager and find SJ Flat Menu to configure

SJ Flat Menu module are configured in 3 groups of parameters following:

  • Detail Options
  • Menu Options
  • Advanced Options
Let's look at the parameters in detail:
  • Title * - Shows title of module
  • Show Title - Shows/Hides module title
  • Position - Shows position of module
  • Status - If published, this module will display on your site frontend or backend depending on the module.
  • Access - Allow someone to access:
    • Public
    • Guest
    • Registered
    • Special
    • Customer Access Level
  • Ordering - Select the ordering
  • Start Publishing - Shows an optional date to start publishing the module
  • Finish Publishing - Shows an optional date to finish publishing the module
  • Language - Assign a language to this module
  • Note - Shows an optional note to display in module list
  • Module Class Suffix - Allows a suffix to be applied to the CSS class of the module.
  • Select a Menu - Allows to select a menu for the module
  • Start level - start level
  • End level - end level
  • Menu Type - Allows to select menu type
    • Accordion
    • Flyout
  • Style Flyout - Allows to select style flyout
    • Horizontal
    • Vertical
  • Sub Menu Activation - Shows event for sliding
    • Click
    • Hover
  • Animation Duration - Shows animation duration
  • Sub Menu Direction - Shows sub menu direction
    • Left
    • Right
  • Link Target - Allows set link target type:
    • Same Window
    • New Window
    • Popup Window
  • Alternative Layout - Set custom layout for this module
  • Include jQuery - Use jQuery from this module or not
  • Pre-text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post-text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching - Allows to select menu type
  • Cache Time
    • Use Global:Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Time - The time to cache
  • Module Tag - Set wrapper tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - Set width based on bootstrap for wrapper of module
  • Header Tag - Set tag for module title
  • Header Class - Set class for module title
  • Module style - Override module style

Thank you so much for purchasing this module. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please send us via: Support Tickets System.

Thanks so much!

Tagged under
Saturday, 11 January 2014 11:29

SJ Listing Ajax for Content Userguide

Let's go to here for reading full help documentation of SJ Listing Ajax for Content.
Tagged under
Monday, 24 February 2014 00:00

SJ Mega News Userguide

This guide is intended for Sj Mega News module

When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed here.
The following documentation is applied for packages of SJ Mega News (for Content component) and SJ VM Mega Products (for Virtuemart component) modules.


Joomla! v2.5.x and Joomla! 3.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:

  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds


1. Below is the module layout:

Sj Mega News

2. Configuration

NOTE: We used the images of module's installtion on joomla 3.x to illustrate

After installing, go to Extension -> Module Manager and find SJ Mega News to configure

SJ Mega News module are configured in 5 groups of parameters following:

  • General Options
  • Source Options
  • Item Options
  • Image Options
  • Advanced Options
Let's look at the parameters in detail:
  • Link Target - Allow to select open link in the Sample/New/ Popup window.
  • Select a Theme - Allow to select a theme for module
Column number for categories
  • # Columns - Allow to set the number of columns for categories on devices which have different screen size.
Column number for articles (for Theme 3)
  • # Columns - Allow to set the number of columns for articles on devices which have different screen size.
  • Data Source - Select categories that are used in this module
  • Child Category Articles - Include child categories OR not
  • Category Depth -  Allow to select the level of sub-categories that you want to show
  • Featured Articles - Allow to show/hide/show only featured items
  • Article Field to Order bySelect the criterion to set the display order of articles:Article Manager Order
    • Featured Articles Order
    • Hits
    • Title
    • ID
    • Alias
    • Created Date
    • Modified Date
    • Start Publishing Date
    • Finish Publishing Date
  • Ordering direction -  Choose the ascending or descending for sorting articles
  • Count - Allow to set number of articles which will be displayed in the module. Set value "0" if you want to display all articles.
  • Display title - Allow to display title or not
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the max length of title can be shown (choose 0 to show full title)
  • Display Description - Allow to show description OR not
  • Description Maxlength - Allow to set the max length of description, set 0 for showing full description
  • Tags Display - Allow to display tags for each article OR not
  • Display Readmore Link - Allow to show readmore link OR not
  • Read More Text - Set text for Readmore link
  • Display View All Link - Allow to show the link for viewing all items OR not
  • View All Text - Set Text for "View All" link

Note: Image sources will be got in the article - Click HERE

Get Image From Image Intro
  • Image Intro - Allow you to get images from image intro OR not
Get Image From Image Fulltext
  • Image Fulltext - Allow to get images from Image Fulltext OR not
Get Image From Inline Introtext
  • Inline Introtext - Allow you to get images from Introtext OR not
Get Image From Inline Fulltext
  • Inline Fulltext - Allow to get images from Inline Fulltext OR not
Get Image From Extend Folder
  • Extend Folder - Allow to extend folder or not
  • Order to Get - Set order: image_intro...,external OR not
  • External Folder - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Width/Height - Allow you to set the width/height of the image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background. This is applied for showing images without full background. If the image with full background, you can see nothing to change.
  • Use Default Image - Allow you to use a placeholder image when entries' image is empty
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image


  • Alternative Layout - Allow to use a different layout from the supplied module or overrides in the templates
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to choose another CSS class that suits your template
  • Include jQuery - Allow you to include jQuery from this module or another one
  • Pre-text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post-text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Module Tag - Allow to select the HTML Tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - Allow to set the number of columns that module will use.
  • Header Tag - Allow to select the HTML Tag for module header/title
  • Header Class - Support the CSS Class for module header/title
  • Module Style - Select module styles

Tagged under
Friday, 28 December 2012 00:00

SJ Amazing Slideshow Userguide

This guide is intended for all Amazing Slideshow modules, whichever components can be applied.
When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed


1. Joomla! v1.7.x, Joomla! 2.5.x or Joomla! 3.0, latest stable version is recommended.
2. Specific component; Content, VirtueMart component reflects the name of module.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
  • Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click Select Type box and choose the module you have installed
  • Then click the module listed below to configure it as SETTINGS part hereafter


1. This module with sample layout is below:

  • Main Image: Showing the main large image, configured under Image Options
  • Thumbnails with active: Showing number of thumbnails as you set up, with one active; configured under Items Options
  • Description and links: Detail of articles, configured under Items Options
2. The parameters are divided up into the following areas:
  • Basic Options
  • Source Options
  • Items Options
  • Image Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Select a theme - Allow you to select a theme available
  • Article Start - Allow you to set numbers of articles to be shown for the first time
  • Auto Play - Allow you to set autoplay for slideshow
  • Stop when Hover- Allow you to stop slide when being hovered
  • Delay Time - Allow you to set time to stop between sliding
  • Slideshow Effect - Allow you to set effect for slideshow: slide or fade
  • Data Source - Choose the source of content that is used with this module
  • Child Category Articles - Allow to show articles from sub-categories OR not
    • Include: Include all sub-categories
    • Exclude: Exclude all sub-categories
  • Category Depth- Allow to set the depth of sub-categories that are included
  • Featured Articles - Allow to show articles that meet some factors:
    • Show: Show all featured AND not-featured as well
    • Hide: Only those that are not featured are shown
    • Only: Only those that are featured are shown
  • Aticle Field to Order By - Allow to choose the criterion for order
    • Article Manager Order
    • Featured Articles Order
    • Hits
    • Title
    • ID
    • Alias
    • Created Date
    • Modified Date
    • Start Publishing Date
    • Finish Publishing Date
  • Ordering Direction - Allow to choose: Ascending or Desending direction to order
  • Count - Allow to set number of articles visible
  • Title display - Show the title of article OR not
  • Title Maxlength - Allow to set the length of article title
  • Show Description - Allow you to show article description OR not
  • Description Maxlength - Allow to set the length of article description
  • Readmore link - Show the Readmore OR not
  • Readmore text - Allow to set custom readmore text
  • Link target - Set target for links clicked:
    • New window
    • Same window
    • Popup window
  • Thumbnails Display - Allow you to show thumbnail images OR not
  • Count Thumbnails - Allow you to set number of thumbnails to show
    Get Images From Image Intro
  • From Image Intro- Allow you to get image from image intro OR not
  • Get Images From Image Fulltext
  • From Image Fulltext- Allow you to get image from image fulltext OR not
  • Get Images From Inline Introtext
  • From Inline Introtext- Allow you to get image from inline introtext OR not
  • Get Images From Inline Fulltext
  • From Inline Fulltext- Allow you to get image from inline fulltext OR not
  • Get Images From Extend Folder
  • From External- Allow you to get image from external folder OR not
  • External Path- Allow you to set path to external image folder
  • Order to Get- Allow you to set order of loading image: image_intro,...
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Image Width- Allow you to set the width of the main image
  • Image Height- Allow you to set the height of the main image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background
  • Placeholder - Allow you to use a placeholder image when article's image is empty
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to choose another CSS class that suits your template
  • Anternative layout - Allow you to choose another layout available
  • Include jQuery - Allow to include jQuery lib OR not
  • Pre Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache

Tagged under
Monday, 24 February 2014 00:00

SJ Cool Showcase for Content Userguide

This guide is intended for SJ Cool Showcase for Content module

When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed here.


- Joomla! 2.5.x and Joomla! v3.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:

  • In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
  • Then click Upload & Install

  • Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds


1. Below is the module layout:

2. Configuration

NOTE: We used the images of module's installtion on joomla 3.x to illustrate

After installing, go to Extension -> Module Manager and find SJ Cool Showcase for Content to configure

SJ Cool Showcase for Content module are configured in 6 groups of parameters following:

  • Basic Options
  • Source Options
  • Item Options
  • Image Options
  • Effect Options
  • Advanced Options
Let's look at the parameters in detail:

  • Module Width - Allow you to change width of the module
  • Module Height- Allow you to change height of module
  • Theme - Allow you to choose 1 of 4 themes available
  • Item link target - Set target for links clicked:
    • Sample window
    • New window
    • Popup
  • Data Source - Allow you to choose the source of content that is show this module
  • Child Category Article - Allow you to choose if child category article Include OR Exclude
  • Category Depth - Allow you to choose the number of child category level.
  • Featured Articles - Allow you to "Show/ Hide/ Only" Featured Articles.
  • Article Field to Order By - Allow to choose field that you want articles to be ordered by
  • Ordering Direction - Allow you to choose the direction that you want Articles to be ordered by:
    • Ascending
    • Decending
  • Count - Allow to choose the number articles to display. The default value of 0 will display all articles.
  • Display Title - Show the title of article OR not
  • Title MaxLength - Allow to set the length of article title
  • Display Description - Allow you to show article description OR not
  • Description Maxlength- Allow you to set the length of article description
  • Tags Display - Allow you to Show/Hide tags of item
  • Display Readmore Link - Allow you to Show/Hide Readmore link.
  • Read More Text - Allow you to insert text for Readmore link.
  • Border Image - Allow you to Yes/No Border Image.

Note: Image sources will be got in the article - Click HERE

Get Image From Image Intro
  • Image Intro - Allow you to get images from image intro OR not
Get Image From Image Fulltext
  • Image Fulltext - Allow to get images from Image Fulltext OR not
Get Image From Inline Introtext
  • Inline Introtext - Allow you to get images from Introtext OR not
Get Image From Inline Fulltext
  • Inline Fulltext - Allow to get images from Inline Fulltext OR not
Get Image From Extend Folder
  • Extend Folder - Allow to extend folder or not
  • Order to Get - Set order: image_intro...,external OR not
  • External Folder - Set path to external image folder used by option above
  • Resize Mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
    • None
    • Center
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Strech
  • Output Format - Allow to set format for all output file:
    • Default - if you want to keep original format
    • GIF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
  • Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
  • Width/Height - Allow you to set the width/height of the image
  • Background - Allow to set the color of image background. This is applied for showing images without full background. If the image with full background, you can see nothing to change.
  • Use Default Image - Allow you to use a placeholder image when entries' image is empty
  • Placeholder Path or Url - Allow to set path to placeholder image
  • Auto Play - Allow to set if sliding auto play OR not
  • Stop when Hover - Allow to stop sliding when being hovered OR not
  • Max Item Visible - Allow to set number of articles visible in slider
  • Slideshow Speed - You can set the speed of sliding, millisecond
  • Auto Play Interval - You can set the interval of sliding, millisecond
  • Mouse Wheel - Allow to set if sliding can be activated under mouse wheel OR just by navigation buttons
  • Show Shadow - Allow to set if shadow of items are visible OR not
  • Show Direction Navigation - Allow to set showing direction navigation OR not
  • Style Direction Navigation - Allow to set the style of direction navigation: full or half bar
  • Show Direction Navigation When - Allow to set when direction navigation visible:
    • Always
    • Hover
  • Button Navigation - Allow to set showing navigation bar OR not
  • Distance - Allow to set distance between two items in slide
  • Alternative Layout - Allow to use a different layout from the supplied module or overrides in the templates
  • Module Class Suffix - Allow you to choose another CSS class that suits your template
  • Include jQuery - Allow you to include jQuery from this module or another one
  • Pre-text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post-text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Module Tag - Allow to select the HTML Tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - Allow to set the number of columns that module will use.
  • Header Tag - Allow to select the HTML Tag for module header/title
  • Header Class - Support the CSS Class for module header/title
  • Module Style - Select module styles
Tagged under
Saturday, 22 February 2014 00:00

SJ Asolar Template Userguide

Let's go here for reading full help documentation of SJ Asolar Template
Tagged under
Friday, 14 February 2014 00:00

SJ Royal Template Userguide


This guide will help you install SJ Royal and extensions included in the template step by step. This provides for only membeships in SmartAddons Joomla Template Clubs.

1. REQUIREMENT - Back to top

At the basic level, this template will require the following conditions:

  • Compatible with version Joomla: Joomla 3.x
  • Installation Packages include:
    • Quickstart Package
    • Template package only
    • Extensions package from our store
    • Third Party Extensions package (if have)

2. HOW TO DOWNLOAD - Back to top

Download Packages from our store:

Step 1 Login your account

Step 2 Go to Joomla > Download > Joomla Templates Club

Step 3 Under Premium Joomla Templates --> click to download template as you want

Step 4 Under name of template --> Download packages as you want

3. HOW TO INSTALLATION - Back to top

There are two ways to install a Joomla Template:

  • Install quickstart: By using this package, you will set the template exactly as our Demo with sample data. This is applied when you need a fresh Joomla with our template.
  • Install Template and Extensions: This is applied when you have already installed a Joomla instance on your server. You will need only be using the zipped files in "Extensions" and "Template" folders mentioned above.

3.1 Installation with Quickstart Package

Before installing the Quickstart package, we recommend you back up your site first. You click to learn how to back up a Joomla site. The following steps will guide to install a quickstart package of SmartAddons Joomla Template: Click here

3.2 Installation with Template and Extensions

Log in your Administrator, go to Extensions > Extension Manager

Then install Template and Extensions as bellow.

3.2.1. Install Template:

Step 1: Click Choose File/Browse button, select our template file you have downloaded > Upload & Install. Click here for getting Template package

Step 2: Go to Extensions > Template Manager and set SJ Royal to become the default template as bellow

3.2.2. Install Extensions:

Here is list of extensions that are used in the template.

Step 1: Install Extensions that are developed by SmartAddons. Please Unzip First the Extension package for getting SmartAddons extensions then install each of them as install template above. Click here for getting Extension packages

Step 2: Enable/Public plugins. Note: all plugins listed are imperative.

  • YT Framework Plugin supports to add extra parameters used with Mega Menu and to compress CSS/JS/HTML when optimizing code. Besides, configure Yt Framework to show SJ Help with Report Bugs, Template Tutorials and YT Framework Tutorials or include jQuery into template. You can go here for getting more information of this plugin.
  • YT Shortcodes supports users to make content for web pages. In Joomla administrator, YT Shortcodes button will be appeared below the text-area, you can choose shortcodes for the text-area to make content. Click here for viewing the screenshot of backend
  • SJ Content Related News is used for showing other related articles in the same category. For more info about this module, please go here. Click here for viewing the screenshot of backend.

You need to install and activate them when using this template. Let's start from 1 - 2 - 3 to active plugins as bellow:

After install template/extensions, please go to next step - Configuration of template as 4. Part bellow


The following part we will guide how to configure the template becomes the same with our home page - Demo

4.1 Modules Positions

4.2 Template Configuration

Go to Extensions > Template Manager > SJ Royal. All of parameters of this template are divided into the following groups, in which they are explained themselves:


SJ Decou


SJ Decou


SJ Decou
SJ Decou


SJ Decou


SJ Decou


SJ Decou


SJ Decou

4.3 Menu Configuration

4.3.1. Megamenu Configuration

To configure Mega Menu, go to: Extensions --> Template manager --> open SJ Royal template, in the Menu setting, you can configure Mega Menu. Do as this for setting Menu.

4.3.2. Menu Item Frontend & Backend Configuration

  • Frontend


    Categories Menu Explaination:

    + "Hot Menu" is SJ Basic News Module type

    + "Slide Photo" is Custom HTML Module type

    - Hot Menu: Backend

    - Slide Photo: Backend

  • Frontend


    - List All Categories: Backend

    - Notes: JOOMLA CONTENT MENU configures the same to BONUS PAGES MENU



  • 4.4 Extension Configuration

    4.4.1. Smart search - Smart search Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: notice
    • Frontend - Backend
      FRONTEND Social Networking - Custom HTML Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: notice
    • Frontend - Backend
      [social type="facebook" ][/social] [social type="twitter" ]!/smartaddons [/social] [social type="google" ][/social] [social type="rss" ][/social]
   Language - Language Switcher Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: notice
    • Frontend - Backend
      FRONTEND Login Form - Login Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: notice
    • Frontend - Backend

    4.4.2. Special Offers - SJ Article Slider Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: top1
      Suffix: big-title
    • Frontend - Backend

    4.4.3. Menu categories - SJ Content Categories Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: top2
      Suffix: box-clear
    • Frontend - Backend

    4.4.4. Our Menu - SJ Content Responsive Listing Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: top3
      Suffix: box-clear big-title our-menu
    • Frontend - Backend

    4.4.5. Philosophy - Custom HTML Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: bottom1
      Suffix: bg-content1
    • Frontend - Backend
      Cum sociis natoque pen magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla dui. Fusce feugiat malesuada.
      <li><a href="/index.php/joomla-content/category-blog/category-blog-3-columns/207-cola-runka-mato">Morbi nunc odio, gravida, cursus </a></li>
      <li><a href="/index.php/joomla-content/category-blog/category-blog-3-columns/205-setun-mapac-lima">Maecenas tristique orci ac sem </a></li>

    4.4.6. What's New? - SJ Basic News Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: bottom2
      Suffix: bg-content2
    • Frontend - Backend

    4.4.7. Testimonials - Custom HTML Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: bottom3
      Suffix: bg-content3
    • Frontend - Backend
      <img src="/images/customhtml/icon-left.png" border="0" /> Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam ante lorem nibh mollis <img src="/images/customhtml/icon-right.png" border="0" />
      John Kallen

    4.4.8. Recent Tweets - SJ Twitter Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: bottom4
      Suffix: box-clear twitter
    • Frontend - Backend

    4.4.9. Footer - Menu Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: footer
    • Frontend - Backend

    That's homepage. For other advanced and customized configurations, please submit ticket OR purchase our installation services.

    Tagged under
    Thursday, 20 February 2014 00:00

    SJ Vinda Template Userguide


    This guide will help you install SJ Vinda and extensions included in the template step by step. This provides for only membeships in SmartAddons Joomla Template Clubs.

    1. REQUIREMENT - Back to top

    At the basic level, this template will require the following conditions:

    • Compatible with version Joomla: Joomla! 2.5.x, Joomla 3.x
    • Compatible with version K2: 2.6.x
    • Installation Packages include:
      • Quickstart Package
      • Template package only
      • Extensions package from our store
      • Third Party Extensions package (if have)

    2. HOW TO DOWNLOAD - Back to top

    2.1 Download Packages from our store:

    Step 1 Login your account

    Step 2 Go to Joomla > Download > Joomla Templates Club

    Step 3 Under Premium Joomla Templates --> click to download template as you want

    Step 4 Under name of template --> Download packages as you want

    2.2 Download packages from Third Party:

    This is the component from Third Party which is used in this template:

    • K2 Component: Download as this guide in here

    3. HOW TO INSTALLATION - Back to top

    There are two ways to install a Joomla Template:

    • Install quickstart: By using this package, you will set the template exactly as our Demo with sample data. This is applied when you need a fresh Joomla with our template.
    • Install Template and Extensions: This is applied when you have already installed a Joomla instance on your server. You will need only be using the zipped files in "Extensions" and "Template" folders mentioned above.

    3.1 Installation with Quickstart Package

    Before installing the Quickstart package, we recommend you back up your site first. You click to learn how to back up a Joomla site. The following steps will guide to install a quickstart package of SmartAddons Joomla Template: Click here

    3.2 Installation with Template and Extensions

    Log in your Administrator, go to Extensions > Extension Manager

    Then install Template and Extensions as bellow.

    3.2.1. Install Template:

    Step 1: Click Choose File/Browse button, select our template file you have downloaded > Upload & Install. Click here for getting Template package.

    Step 2: Go to Extensions > Template Manager and set SJ Vinda to become the default template as bellow

    3.2.2. Install Extensions:

    Here is list of extensions that are used in the template.

    Step 1: Install Extensions that are developed by SmartAddons. Please Unzip First the Extension package for getting SmartAddons extensions then install each of them as install template above. Click here for getting Extension packages.

    Step 2: Install K2 Component as extensions above. Click here for getting package of K2 Component.

    Step 3: Enable/Public plugins. Note: all plugins listed are imperative.

    • Yt Framework Plugin supports to add extra parameters used with Mega Menu and to compress CSS/JS/HTML when optimizing code. Besides, configure Yt Framework to show SJ Help with Report Bugs, Template Tutorials and YT Framework Tutorials or include jQuery into template. You can go here for getting more information of this plugin.
    • YT Shortcodes supports users to make content for web pages. In Joomla administrator, YT Shortcodes button will be appeared below the text-area, you can choose shortcodes for the text-area to make content. Click here for viewing the screenshot of backend
    • SJ Content Related News is used for showing other related articles in the same category. For more info about this module, please go here. Click here for viewing the screenshot of backend.

    You need to install and activate them when using this template. Let's start from 1 - 2 - 3 to active plugins as bellow:

    After install template/extensions, please go to next step - Configuration of template as 4. Part bellow

    4. HOW TO CONFIGURATION - Back to top

    The following part we will guide how to configure the template becomes the same with our home page - Demo

    4.1 Modules Positions

    4.2 Template Configuration

    Go to Extensions > Template Manager > SJ Vinda. All of parameters of this template are divided into the following groups, in which they are explained themselves:


    SJ Decou


    SJ Decou


    SJ Decou
    SJ Decou


    SJ Decou


    SJ Decou


    SJ Decou


    SJ Decou

    4.3 Menu Configuration

    4.3.1. Megamenu Configuration

    To configure Mega Menu, go to: Extensions --> Template manager --> open SJ Vinda template, in the Menu setting, you can configure Mega Menu. To view more guide about how to install, set up and configure SJ Mega Menu as you want, please click here

    4.3.2. Menu Item Frontend & Backend Configuration

    - Module Variation: Backend

    Notes: Menus below configure the same "Module Variation". And "EXPLORE MENU" configure  the same to "BONUS PAGES MENU"

    • Frontend

      Backend: Menus configure the same above. However with child menu, you should remember to select its "Parent Item" parameter. For example: Parent menu "Joomla Content" has child menu "Single Article".

    - K2 Category: Backend

    Notes: Menus below configure the same " K2 Category".




      Categories Menu Explaination:

      - "Categories" is Menu Module type

      - "Video Day" and "Top Comment" are K2 Content Module type

      - "Recent Post" is SJ Basic News Module type




      Event Menu Explaination:

      - "Categories"; "Quick Link"; "ADS"; "Vinda - Magazine" are Custom HTML module type. They're linked to custom html modules

      Code-Custom Output

      <ul class="menu span12">
      <li><a href="#">Terms of Service</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Privacy Statement</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Card Agreements</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Security Center</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Financial Education</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Sport & Game</a></li>

    Notes: "Categories"; "Vinda - Magazine" below configure the same "Quick Link".

    Code-Custom Output

     <p><img src="/images/demo_banner/happy2010.png" alt="" border="0" /></p> 

    4.4 Extension Configuration

    4.4.1. Top Banner - Custom HTML Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: notice
    • Frontend - Backend

      Code-Custom Output

      <img src="/images/demo_banner/banner.png" border="0" />

    4.4.2. SJ K2 Splash - SJ K2 Splash Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: top1
    • Frontend - Backend

    4.4.3. Custom(Rss); Smart Search; Login Form; Custom(Share); Language

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: top2
    • Frontend - Backend

      - Custom(Rss) - Custom HTML Module: backend

      - Smart Search - Smart Search Module: backend

      - Login Form - Login Module: backend

      - Custom(Share) - Custom HTML Module: backend

      - Language - Language Switcher Module: backend

    4.4.4. Slideshow - Sj K2 Slider Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: Slideshow
      Suffix: slideshow
    • Frontend - Backend

    4.4.5. Adv-top - Custom HTML Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: maintop1
    • Frontend - Backend

      Code-Custom Output

      <img src="/images/demo/banner-top.png" border="0" /> <a href="#">Click me</a>

    4.4.6. SJ Social Media Counts - SJ Social Media Counts Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: right
    • Frontend - Backend

    4.4.7. Latest news - K2 Content Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: right
      Suffix: _menu
    • Frontend - Backend

    4.4.8. Popular Articles - SJ Module Tab

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: right
    • Frontend - Backend

    4.4.9. sponsored - SJ News Extra Slider Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: right
      Suffix: sponsored
    • Frontend - Backend

    4.4.10. Outfit - Custom HTML Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: right
    • Frontend - Backend

      Code-Custom Output

      <a href="#"><img src="/images/demo/outfit.png" border="0" /></a> 

    4.4.11. mega_news - Sj K2 Mega News Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: position-h1
      Class Suffix:
    • Frontend - Backend

    4.4.12. More... - SJ Categories for K2

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: bottom1
      Class Suffix: sj-categories
    • Frontend - Backend

    4.4.13. Banner bottom2 - Custom HTML Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: bottom2
      Class Suffix:
    • Frontend - Backend

      Code-Custom Output

      <img src="/images/demo/banner-bottom22.png" border="0" />

    4.4.14. Vinda - Custom HTML Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: bottom3
      Class Suffix:
    • Frontend - Backend

      Code-Custom Output

      <li><a href="#">Magazine Health</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Magazine Beauty</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Magazine Consumer</a></li>

    4.4.15. Exhibitions - Module Menu

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: bottom4
      Class Suffix: menu_footer
    • Frontend - Backend

    Notes: "bottom5" and "bottom6" configure the same

    4.4.16. Follow us - Custom HTML Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: bottom7
      Class Suffix: menu_footer
    • Frontend - Backend

      Code-Custom Output

      <ul class="row">
      <li class="span6"> 
      <li>[social type="facebook" style="flat" color="Yes"] [/social] <a href="">Facebook</a></li>
      <li>[social type="twitterbird" style="flat" color="Yes" ]!/smartaddons [/social]<a href="!/smartaddons">Twitter</a></li>
      <li>[social type="linkedin" styke="flat" color="yes"]#[/social]<a href="#">Linkedin</a></li>
      <li class="span6"> 
      <li>[social type="google" style="flat" color="Yes" ] [/social] <a href="">Google plus</a></li>
      <li>[social type="pinit" style="flat" color="Yes"] # [/social]<a href="#">Pinterest</a></li>
      <li>[social type="rss" style="flat" color="yes"]#[/social]<a href="#">RSS feeds</a></li>

    4.4.17. Brand - Custom HTML Module

    • Module Position - Module Suffix
      Position: footer
      Class Suffix:
    • Frontend - Backend

      Code-Custom Output

      <a href="#"><img src="/images/demo/index_07.png" border="0" /></a> <a href="#"><img src="/images/demo/index_09.png" border="0" /></a> <a href="#"><img src="/images/demo/index_11.png" border="0" /></a>

    That's homepage. For other advanced and customized configurations, please submit ticket OR purchase our installation services.

    Tagged under
    Thursday, 05 September 2013 11:04

    SJ Snap Template User Guide


    The guide will help you install SJ Snap and extensions included in this template step by step.
    If you want to install the template exactly like our demo (same data), you should purchase and install the Quickstart Package.
    Important Notes

    1. Download Template and Extensions
    2. SJ Snap Template - Installation and Configuration
    3. Imperative Plugins - Installation and Configuration
    4. Other Extensions - Installation and Configuration

    Important Notes

    • Compatible with Joomla! 2.5.x Or Joomla! 3.x
    • Compatible Listbingo version 2.0.2 (free version) Or Listbingo version 3.0 (Commercial vesion).
    • Installation Packages include:
      • Quickstart Package
      • Template package only
      • Extensions package from our store
      • Extensions packge from 3rd Parties (if have)

    1. Download Template and Extensions

    1.1 Used for members of JTC - Joomla Template Club

    STEP 1: Login at

    STEP 2: Go to Download -> Joomla Templates Club (JTC)

    STEP 3: Under Premium Joomla Templates, click SJ Snap to download

    STEP 4: Under SJ Snap --> Download packages as you want

    1.2  Download 3rd Party Extensions

    This template supports Listbingo 2.0.2 or higher version.

    In our demo, we used Listbingo 2.0.2. This component is only included in the Quickstart package, if you want to install theme and extensions separately, you need to download them:

    • Listbingo 2.0.2 ( free version), you need to login before downloading: Click here
    • Listbingo 3.0 version (Commercial): Click here

    2. SJ Snap -Installation and Configuration

    There are two ways to install a Joomla Template:

    • Install quickstart: By using this package, you will set the template exactly as our Demo with sample data. Please note that you must buy Listbingo 3.0 version Component (Commercial component)when you install the quickstart package for Joomla 3.x version.
    • Install Template and Extensions: This is applied when you have already installed a Joomla instance on your server. You will need only be using the zipped files in "Extensions" and "Template" folders mentioned above.

    2.1 Install with Quickstart Package and Listbingo 3.0 version Component

    2.1.1 Install with Quickstart Package

    Step 1 Upload folder quickstart:

    If you are using SSH, simply upload your zip file (via FTP) and then 'unzip' the file. If you are using FTP, unzip the file on your computer and then upload those files as bellow. Though some webhosts have a different structure, in MOST cases, the folder that is used for uploading will be called "public_html." This will take a while to upload all those files and folders. Please keep your patience.

    Step 2 Start installation procedure:

    After uploading is completed, open the browser and type your URL in the address bar. The first screen will appear as follow

    Main Configuration:

    Select Language and Enter the required information of your site: sitename, email, admin username and password

    Step 3 Database Configuration: You will need to fill-up database name, username and password in here.

    Step 4: Install Sample Data

    If you install sample data, you will have a site like our demo. If you select default sample data, you will get a fresh Joomla site.

    Step 5: Remove Installation folder:

    2.1.2 Install with Listbingo 3.0 version Component

    Step 1 After installing the quickstart package, In the Administrator page, please go to Extensions >> Extension Manager >> Browse the component package that you have downloaded and installed.

    Step 2 Precheck: Click the next button to process

    Step 3 Prepare & Extract: Click the next button to process

    Step 4 Installation - Packages: Click the next button to process

    Step 5 Installation - Update Database: Click the next button to process

    Step 6 Finalize & Finish: Please click "Install Sample Data for Listbingo", you will be got a new website as our demo.

    2.2 Installation with Template Package

    • Log in your Administrator, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
      On this page, click Choose File button, select our template file you have downloaded then click Upload & Install

    • Set SJ Snap as default template (go to Extension -> Template Manager):
    • After installing this template, please install Listbingo Component 2.0.2 or higher version

    2.3 Configuration

    All of parameters of SJ Snap Template are divided into the following groups, in which they are explained themselves:


    SJ Snap


    SJ Snap


    SJ Snap


    SJ Snap


    SJ Snap


    SJ Snap


    SJ Snap


    SJ Snap

    3. Imperative Plugins-Installation and Configuration

    You need to install: Yt Framework PluginSJ Content Related News and Yt Shortcode. You can find all of them in sj_snap_extensions_j25_v1.0.0 package
    • Yt Framework Plugin supports to add extra parameters used with Mega Menu and to compress CSS/JS/HTML when optimizing code. For more info, please go here
    • While that, YT shortcodes supports users to make content for web pages. In Joomla administrator, Yt Shortcodes button will be appeared below the text-area, you can choose shortcodes for the text-area to make content.
    • Lastly, SJ Content Related News is used for showing other related articles in the same category. For more info, please go here

    3.1 Installation

    • Now you install Yt Framework Plugin, SJ Content Related News, Yt Shortcode and SJ Responsive Listing Ajax for JoomShopping in turn
    • STEP 1: In Administrator on Joomla! v2.5.x, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
      On this page, click Choose File button, choose plugin file (extracted from extensions zip file) from then click Upload & Install

    • STEP 2: Now, go to Enable  Yt Framework Plugin,Yt Shortcode, SJ Responsive Listing Ajax for JoomShopping and SJ Content Related News in Extension -> Plug-in Manager

    3.2 Configuration of Yt Framework Plugin

    • After installing Yt Framework, go to Extension -> Plug-in Manager and choose to configure Yt Framework:
    • Configure Yt Framework to show SJ Help with Report Bugs, Template Tutorials and YT Framework Tutorials or include jQuery into template
    • SJ HELP

    3.3 Yt Shortcodes

    • In Administrator of Joomla!, go to Plugin Manager -> Make sure Yt Shortcodes is enabled. This is list of Shortcodes that you can use to style content:

    • After that, whenever there is text area then click Shortcodes button, Shortcodes are available for you to be used!

    3.4. SJ Content Related News

    • In Administrator of Joomla!, go to Plugin Manager -> Make sure SJ Content Related News is enabled. This is SJ Content Related News configuration bellow:

    SJ Content Related News

    4. Install with Extensions package - Configuration

    After creating data, you can install and configure extensions to have a Website as like as our pre-made demo.

    4.1 Install

    4.1.1 List of extensions used in SJ Snap demo

    You can find a list of modules/plugins/components which are used in SJ Snap by clicking menu Explore -> Extensions of demo Website

    4.1.2 Installation

    • In Administrator on Joomla!, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
      On this page, click Choose File button, choose an extension file then click Upload & Install

    • Install the rest of extensions as step above

    4.2 Configuration

    After installing extensions which are included in the SJ Snap template, navigate into Extensions -> Module (or Plug-in) Manager then choose the module or plug-in you want to configure. The following example is choosing a module from Module Manager:

    By this screenshot, you will see how module is placed in the default layout:

    This guide will help you place essential menus (Mega Menu), modules (one example each type) and other blocks as homepage of demo Website:

    4.2.1 Mega Menu - Explore

  • Menu Item Type
  • Menu Item Type: Single Article
  • Frontend - Backend

    4.2.2 Mega Menu - ListBingo

  • Menu Item Type
  • Menu Item Type: com_listbingo
  • Frontend - Backend

    4.2.3 Custom HTLM

    There are several positions that use Custom HTML module. There are: top2, bottom2, bottom3, bottom4, bottom5, bottom6, bottom7, bottom8, bottom9, bottom10

    Here we will configure an example. Let take "Snap about" at position bottom2, others will be the same.

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
  • Position: bottom2
    Suffix: clear
  • Frontend - Backend
  • FRONTEND - Snap About
    CUSTOM CODE: Top Menu
    Overview of our services
     <a class="hover-effect" href="#">
     <img src="/images/demo/services-1.png" border="0" alt="alt" />
     <em class="icon-link"></em>
    <ul class="list-angle">
    <li><a href="#">Development History</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Policy to customers</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Policy for suppliers</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">The service you can get</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Askville</a></li>

    4.2.4 Listbingo Search

    Note: Listbingo version 3.0 contains Listbingo Search Module when you install

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
  • Position: top1
    Suffix: lbsearch
  • Frontend - Backend
  • FRONTEND - Listbingo Search

    4.2.5 Post Buy

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
  • Position: top2
    Suffix: clear
  • Frontend - Backend
  • FRONTEND - Post Buy
    CUSTOM CODE: Post Buy
     <p><a class="bt-big" href="/component/listbingo/?view=post"> Post Buying Request </a></p> 

    4.2.6 SJ Module Tabs Module

    There are 2 positions that use SJ Module Tabs module.
  • Module Position - Module Suffix
  • 1- Position/Suffix: maintop1/clear
    2- Position/Suffix: right/clear
  • Frontend - Backend
  • FRONTEND - maintop1
    BACKEND - Sj Tab - Maintop
    FRONTEND - right
    BACKEND - Sj Tab - Right

    4.2.7 SJ Article Slider

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
  • Position: bottom1
    Suffix: bgcontent1
  • Frontend - Backend
  • FRONTEND - Our Brands

    4.2.8 SJ Categories Slider for Listbingo

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
  • Position: bottom1
    Suffix: clear
  • Frontend (demo layout above) - Backend
  • FRONTEND - Sj Categories Slider

    4.2.9 SJ News Extra Slider Module

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
  • Position: right
    Suffix: blank
  • Frontend - Backend
  • FRONTEND -Hot News

    4.2.10 SJ Facebook

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
  • Position: right
    Suffix: blank
  • Frontend - Backend
  • 4.2.11.  Listbingo Tag Cloud

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
  • Position: right
    Suffix: blank
  • Frontend - Backend
  • FRONTEND - Listbingo Tags
    That's homepage. For other advanced and customized configurations, please submit ticket OR purchase our installation service.
    Tagged under
    Monday, 16 June 2014 10:36

    SJ Topbar - Free Joomla! Module

    New way to make your event or announcement more attractive and noticeable with SJ Topbar - free Joomla module compatible with Joomla 3.x.

    Page 5 of 5

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