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Latest Joomla 4 News, Releases, Joomla 4 Features

The latest news from the Joomla!: Joomla 2.5.13 and 3.1.4 Stable have been released on 25 July 2013. And what's new in these packages?



Hi Friends,

After the releasing of Joomla 3.0 and Bootstrap, on 9 October 2012 Joomla 3.0.1 - the first version in the series of Joomla 3.0.x released with 1 security issue fixed, 1 new feature and 47 tracker issues fixed (please check more in here). In this article, we will introduce a quick guide for customers which want to update site from Joomla 3.0.0 to Joomla 3.0.1

[SmartAddons] VirtueMart version 2.0.10 may be last version of 2.0.x before VM Group turns into 2.2.x!
[SmartAddons] Joomla! version 3.0 is nearly released for real usage. Last week, Joomla! Group introduced version alpha-2 for community of developers. This seems to be last milestone before beta version comes out, version which can be used in production!
[SmartAddons] Hi guys, have you heard about new Joomla! version 3.0?
[SmartAddons] It is a quite time we have not released a module that is ported for VirtueMart. According to the continuous releasing of VirtueMart Group, we had decided to delay our SJ VirtueMart version modules, maybe when a stable and secure version of VirtueMart actually being released. And now could be the time!
[] As we follow up the newest updates from the Projects relating to our products like Joomla, Magento, K2, VirtueMart, Zoo... we realized that many customers are still using some old versions and still not-update-able to the latest version of those Projects.
One of those products is VirtueMart (VM), the most important component in the world of "making benefit".

There are many reasons for that trend, such as: their old VM have been heavily modded, so they cannot easily turn to the newest version without changing many codes in the core. Remember that the new VirtueMart 2.0 is a new code base with some brand-new functions. Updating to this version will make you several benefit, but the most important is the compatibility with Joomla! 2.5!
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