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Latest Joomla 4 News, Releases, Joomla 4 Features

[SmartAddons] With new update of API from Paypal and security fixes, a new release of VirtueMart were available for download: VirtueMart 2.0.22b. Besides, a lot of new features are implemented, mainly not completed, but worth to give it a try for testing.
Updating immediately is highly recommended for any security release.
[SmartAddons] New releases of Joomla! were available last day: J! 2.5.14 and 3.1.5. These are mainly by a security fix for a critical bug. This bug allows someone to bypass filters then upload malicious things without privilege. We can find more about it here.

Joomla 2.5.14 and 3.1.5

Updating immediately is highly recommended for any security releases. So let us be quick.
[SmartAddons] New version of Joomla! has been released last day: J! 2.5.7. It was a quite long, almost 3 months, after the last one. This is the first time we can install Language packs directly from Extension Manager.

Joomla 2.5.7

Before this release, we have updated our SJ products to fit version 2.5.6 already:
- SJ Categories Full: now available for Zoo.
- SJ MiniCart Pro: innovative e-cart, made for Joomla! and VM...
[SmartAddons] VirtueMart version 2.0.10 may be last version of 2.0.x before VM Group turns into 2.2.x!
[SmartAddons] Joomla! version 3.0 is nearly released for real usage. Last week, Joomla! Group introduced version alpha-2 for community of developers. This seems to be last milestone before beta version comes out, version which can be used in production!
[SmartAddons] Hi guys, have you heard about new Joomla! version 3.0?
[SmartAddons] It is quite a long time, 2 months, until the release of Joomla last version: 2.5.4.

In that time, we have introduced to you products that may be interesting and useful in some ways:
- SJ Agriculture: A new template for fresh and clean products
- SJ Education: The best for academical purpose
- SJ Categories Accordion, ported to K2 as well....
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