SJ Content Simple Tabs - Joomla! Module
- Price: $11.90

SJ News Scrollbar - Joomla 5, 4 & 3 Module
Updated to Joomla 5
Do you have a lot of articles? And do you want to show all articles in a module? This module will help you to show more articles as a table, using the scrollbar to see articles. With 6 themes and more options, you will be easy to configure according to your idea.- Price: $11.90

We are pleased to announce that SJ K2 Ajax Tabs module has been released. It is a professional module for K2 Component. It allows you to show categories as tabs. In each tab, the module will use ajax to show items. With 4 themes, nice effects, and a lot of options, you will easily change the module as your idea.
- Price: $12.90

SJ K2 Simple Tabs Module is a simple module for K2 Component. The module shows categories as tabs. In each tab, you will see a main item and other related items. With 4 themes and more options, you will easily change the module as you want.
- Price: $11.90

SJ Simple Tabs for Virtuemart - Joomla! Module
SJ Simple Tabs for Virtuemart is a simple module for VM Component. The module shows categories as tabs. In each tab, you will see a main item and other related items. With 4 themes and more options, you will easy change the module to your suitable.
- Price: $11.90

SJ Scrollbar for Virtuemart- Joomla! Module
- Price: $11.90

As SJ MegaNews Module, today, we released SJ Mega K2 News Module for K2 Component. The most of sites need this module on the frontpage. Please see the demo site to have a closer look. With 3 themes and a lot of options, we are sure that you will enjoy it.
- Price: $12.90