Available Templates and Compatibility of Joomla Versions
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SJ Joomla3 - Free Template for Joomla 3.x
The free Joomla template - SJ Joomla3 - has been officially released. This news Joomla template is made for those who are interested in building their own website based on Joomla! 3 platform. With the very new and innovative features integrated inside, namely responsive native, re-designed admin panel... our team today proudly announce that Joomla free template SJ Joomla3 is available to be downloaded TOTALLY free!
- Price: $0

SJ Zoo Mega Items is the module that helps display Zoo items in a neat and clear appearance. It has 3 themes to be chosen, which we can set number of columns to be used, up to 6 ! Beside main image and description for each item, this also has many other options such as: Readmore link, View all link and more...
- Price: $12.90

- Price: $15.90
Joomla 3.0 with Twitter Bootstrap and Responsive design

New Virtuemart 2.0.6 has been released, more security, 18 new languages

SJ Scrollbar for Zoo gives your Joomla website an ability of showing smooth scrolling. It has 6 themes to be chosen and some positions of placing the scroll bar vertical or horizontal direction along with some articles beside!
- Price: $11.90

SJ Extra Slider for Zoo - Joomla! Module
This is a must-have module for those wanting a big slider that can engross the audience with the great impression of wealthy contents inside. SJ Zoo Extra Slider can be customized to be in vertical or horizontal direction to suit your needs.
- Price: $12.90

SJ Slick Slider for Zoo - Joomla! Module
Glossy? Polished OR Sleek? Maybe it is not enough to express this slider module. SJ Zoo Slick Slider has all of the greatest features appeared in the slider modules in the market.
- Price: $11.90