[JTC] New Template: Sj Cars - Joomla Car Show Template

SJ Mega Slider for VirtueMart - Joomla! Module
With many features which are used for VM Component, we released SJ VM Mega Slider. We created many nice effects for movement of navigation and many styles for "Read More" Button. You can use this extension for showing your products on shop. With powerful features are used for supporting for your products like Tax Models mechanism of payment or features for showing specific products... We're sure SJ VM Mega Slider is very compatible for your ideas of commerce.
- Price: $12.90

SJ Mega Menu - Drag & Drop | Mobile Optimized Joomla 5, 4 & 3 Extension
We've released a new Sj Mega Menu version with significant improvements. The biggest update is Drag & Drop layout feature that allows you to quickly build a professional Mega Menu. Also supports Horizontal & Vertical Mega Menu types with 8 pre-made layout styles. Sj Mega Menu is extremely flexible for customizing and maintaining.
With Sj Mega Menu, you can use various styles for displaying menus. The drag & drop mega menu owns so many nice effects for many styles of menu. Besides, Sj Mega Menu supports a lots of features which are not only useful but also very easy to setup for your site.
- Price: $18

Hot » This module is compatible with K2 2.8.0 now!
After SJ Content Mega Slider, we has released SJ K2 Mega Slider for K2 Component. When you work with SJ K2 Mega Slider of us, you will be charmed by smooth motion of slides or flexibility of navigations or distinction of styles of ReadMore Button. Specially, if you are not a person who is familiar with working on Joomla, you don't need to be worried about setting params. Params in SJ K2 Mega Slider are very clear and you can use them easily.Please don't waver more! Let's get SJ K2 Mega Slider and alter your ideas becoming the reality right now.
- Price: $12.90

SJ Content Accordion - Joomla 4 & 3 Module
Latest Version 4.0 » Updated to Joomla 4
For Content component, we've released SJ Content Accordion module. SJ Content Accordion helps you show slide of articles like the Accordion or Concertina. You can choose click or hover mouse on keys of Accordion and you can see the articles will be shown up rhythmically on the module.Let's experience with SJ Content Accordion of us. We're sure this module will bring to you the enjoyable times when use it.
- Price: $11.50

SJ Content Mega Slider - Joomla 4 & 3 Module
Updated to Joomla 5
We are glad to announce the SJ Content Mega Slider has been released. With many nice effects, many styles of Navigation, styles for Read More Button, you can do your site more attractive by combining them with themes we supported. Otherwise, SJ Content Mega Slider has many clear params, you can setup this module easily and fluently.
How do you think about SJ Content Mega Slider of us? Will you get it?
- Price: $12.90

- Price: $11.90

- Price: $11.90

- Price: $12.90

SJ SlideShow III for K2 - Joomla! Module
Hot » This module is compatible with K2 2.8.0 now!
From the success of SJ K2 SlideShow module, today we are pleased to announce that SJ K2 Slideshow III has been released. It creates a cool slideshow with text snippets laying on top of images, right of image. Otherwise, SJ K2 SlideShow III allows you to create multiple slideshows within your Joomla! website, comes with 4 themes (Blue, Orange, Gray and Black), 2 Nagivation Type, 25 effects and a lot of parameters which help you easy to change the module to your suitable in administrator.- Price: $12.90