Extension User-Guides (150)
Please note that we've created the new documentation site. So, if you can't find the userguide of item you want here, please check their userguides at HERE.
The following documentation applies to the module SJ K2 Scrollbar and SJ VM Scrollbar version 1.0 and later.
- Joomla! v1.7.x and Joomla! v2.5.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.
1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)2. All steps are in administrator backend of Joomla!:
- In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install
- Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
- Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click Select Type box and choose the module you have installed
- Then click the module listed below to configure it as SETTINGS part hereafter
Let's examine all the detail settings of SJ VM Scrollbar on Joomla! v2.5.x package
1. This module with sample layout is below:
- Basic Options
- Source Options
- Item Options
- Advanced Options
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.
- Joomla! v1.5.x and Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.
1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:- In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install
- Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click on Select Type box and choose mod_so_article_slider (module for Content component on joomla1.7.x is Yt So Article Slider ) or mod_so_k2slider (module for K2 component on joomla1.7.x is So K2 Slider) or mod_yt_sobi2_slider (module for Sobi2 component) or mod_so_vmslider (module for virtuemart component on Joomla 1.7.x is SJ VM Slider)
- And you can change params for your idea after.
- Product Description: This is the intro text in the description of Product
- Product image: This is the first image in the description of Product
Let's examine all the detail settings of SJ VirtueMart Slider on Joomla 1.7.x
The parameters are divided into the following areas:- General Options
- Content Options
- Image Options
- Effect Options
- Advance
Yt Cool Accordion Userguide
- Written by SA Nghiem Diep
- Posted in Extension User-Guides
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.
- Joomla! v1.5.x and Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.
1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:- In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install
- Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose option mod_yt_contentcoolaccordion (for Content component) or mod_yt_K2coolaccordion (for K2 component) or mod_yt_sobi2coolaccordion (for Sobi2 component) or mod_yt_vmcoolaccordion (for VirtueMart component)
- And you can change params for your idea after
- Large Image - Image of Article: This is the first image in the description of Article
Let's examine all the settings detail on Yt Cool Accordion with Content
The parameters are divided into the following areas:- General Options
- Source Options
- Article Options
- Tabs Options
- Thumbnails Options
- Other Options
- Advanced Parameters
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.
- Joomla! v1.5.x and Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.
- This module need to be shown from 2 category levels to up.
1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:- In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install
- Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose option mod_yt_meganewsii (for Content component) or mod_yt_megak2itemsii (for K2 component) or mod_yt_megasobi2itemsii (for Sobi2 component), mod_yt_megaproductsii (for VirtueMart component) or mod_yt_megazooitemsii (for Zoo component).
- And you can change params for your idea after
- Image of Article: This is the first image in the description of Article
Let's examine all the settings detail on Yt Content Mega Slider
The parameters are divided into the following areas:- General Options
- Source Options
- Categories Options
- Article Options
- Thumbnails Options
- Other Options
- Advanced Parameters
The following instructions apply to Yt JComment Version 1.0 and later.
Please make sure that you have the zip file of module from our site.
In Administrator, please go to Extensions => Install/ Uninstall, please choose to upload the zip file to install
Finally, navigate to Extensions -> Module manager, find Yt JComment module and publish the module. To edit the module parameters, simply click on its name “Yt jComment” module.
- Joomla! v1.5.x latest stable version is highly recommended.
- JComment Component latest stable version is highly recommended.
- You also have to make sure that Joomla's /cache folder is writable, in other words, check that the permissions for this folder are 755 or 777.
The parameters are divided into the following areas:
- General Settings
- Title Options And Link Options
- Image Options
- Theme, Other Options
- Advanced Parameters
Let's examine all the settings in detail:
- General Settings
- Module Class Suffix : please refer here http://docs.joomla.org/Module_class_suffixes
- Width Module: Allows you to add a width for the module.
- Select Option:
- Section: show the section list in content component
- Category: show the category list in content component
- Select Categories or Sections : here you can choose some categories or sections which you want to read articles for the module
- Total articles: allow you to limit the number of article
- Column number: the column number for each theme
- For frontpage articles: Allow you to filter articles with 3 options
- Hide frontpage articles : hide articles which are frontpage article
- Show frontpage articles only : Show frontpage article only
- Include frontpage articles: Show all articles
- Sort order by: Allow you to sort order articles by
- Most comments : show articles which have the number of comment is biggest
- Least comments: opposite with most comments
- Most Popular: Show articles which have more hits
- Least Popular: opposite with most popular
- Recently Added First: Show latest articles
- Recently Modified First: Show latest modified articles
- Ordering
- Title: sort order by alphabet
- Random
- Title Options And Link Options
- Show title of article: Allow to show/hide article title
- Max length of article titles: The number of characters of title
- Show read more link: Show/Hide Read more link
- Read more text : Change read more text
- Link for article title: enable/disable link for article title
- Color of article title: a value hexadecimal code. Example: #E32636 or #FF7E00.Also, you can use color text: red, blue, white
- Show date of comment: enable/disable comment’s date
- Show count of comments: enable/disable the total of comment in an article
- Link for commenter title: enable/disable the link for author
- Max length of commenter title
- Color of commenter title: a value hexadecimal code. Example: #E32636 or #FF7E00.Also, you can use color text: red, blue, white
- Characters of comment:
- Count characters: use for Remove html tags of comment description
- Use entire description text: show all the content of comment without cutting
- Remove html tags of comment description
- Keeping HTML code: the module will keep html code in comment
- Removing HTML code: the module will remove all html code before cutting
- Max length of comment: the number of characters of comment. Example: 100
- Color of comment
- Image Options
- Show avatar of commenter or image of article: show/hide image in the module
- Choosing commenter avatar or article image:
- Avatar: show user’s avatar in the module
- Item Image: use article image to show in the module
- Link for avatar or article image: Enable/Disable the link for image
- Thumbnail width of avatar or article image
- Thumbnail height of avatar of article image
- Resizing image
- Using Resize
- Using crop
- Open Link
- Same Window
- New Window : open the link in new window
- Popup: open the link in new window without navigation
- Theme, Other Options
- Select a theme. Please see demo
- Theme1
- Theme2
- Theme3
- Theme4
- Intro text: the content to show at the top of module
- Footer text: the content to show at the end of module
- Select a theme. Please see demo
- Advanced Parameters
- Caching:
- Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
- Use Cache: Turn on caching
- Cache Times: the time to cache
- Include jQuery Library: enable/disable jquery library. If the template is loading a jquery library, you can turn off jquery of the module to do your site loading faster
Userguide Setting Yt Menu for Yt Mega Menu Module
- Written by SA Nghiem Diep
- Posted in Extension User-Guides
For setting menus for your site with menu type follow your idea, the first you need have mod_ytmegamenu_UNZIP_FIRST.zip file. In there, you'll see 2 file: mod_ytmegamenu_j15_j16.zip and plg_system_ytextraparams_J15_J16.zip. The first file uses for setting Yt Mega Menu module, the second file uses for setting Menu Items. The following documentation will help you to setting Menu Items.1. SETTING PLUGIN YT EXTRA PARAMS
Plugin Yt Extra Params is extra extension which helps to set up Mega Menu. The following guide in the administrator page is step by step to install the plugin - You can refer more here:- Step 1: Go to Extensions and click on Install/Uninstall
- Step 2: Click on Button... and find out the path of plg_system_ytextraparams_J15_J16.zip file (this file uses for Joomla 1.5 and 1.6), then click on Upload File and Install
- Step 3: After system display "Install Plugin Success" on the top, we go to Extension and click on Plugin manager
- Step 4: In the Plugin Manager page, we Select Type: system and choose System - Yt Extra Params
- Step 5: Go to setting yt extra params for item menus
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.
- Joomla! v1.5.x and Joomla! v1.6.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.
1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:- In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install
- Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose option mod_yt_content_accordion (for Content component) or mod_yt_k2accordion (for K2 component) or mod_yt_vmaccordion (for VirtueMart component)
- And you can change params for your idea after
Let's examine all the settings detail on Yt Content Accordion
The parameters are divided into the following areas:- General Settings
- Title Options and Link Options
- Image Options
- Advanced Parameters
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.
- Joomla! v1.5.x and Joomla! v1.6.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.
1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:- In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install
- Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose option mod_yt_contentmegaslider (for Content component) or mod_yt_k2megaslider (for K2 component) or mod_yt_sobi2megaslider (for Sobi2 component) or mod_yt_vmmegaslider (for VirtueMart component)
- And you can change params for your idea after
- Large/Small Image: This is the first image in the description of Article
- Main/Normal Description: This is the intro text in the description of Article
Let's examine all the settings detail on Yt Content Mega Slider
The parameters are divided into the following areas:- General Settings
- Title Options and Link Options
- Image Options
- Theme and Color Options
- Advanced Parameters
Yt Mega Menu Module Userguide
- Written by SA Nghiem Diep
- Posted in Extension User-Guides
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.
- Joomla! v1.5.x, Joomla! v1.7.x and Joomla! 2.5.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.
Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:- In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install
- Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose Yt Mega Menu
- And you can change params for your ideal after
Let's examine all the settings detail on mod_ytmegamenu
YT Mega Popup Plugin Userguide
- Written by SA Nghiem Diep
- Posted in Extension User-Guides
The following documentation applies to the plugin version 1.0 and later.
You can see the Demo Here
- Joomla! v1.5.x, Joomla! v1.7, Joomla! v2.5 and Joomla! 3.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.
- In Administrator page on Joomla! v1.5.x, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our template and then click Upload File & Install
- Go to Extensions -> Plugin Manager, choose option Select type - System and find Yt Mega Popup
- And now, let's change parameters to our ideas.
The Plugin support to show popup for Images, Slideshow, Iframes, YouTubes, Ajaxs. The following guide in the administrator page is step by step to create popup for type which you want to show:- STEP 1: Create an article which you want to show your images, slideshows, iframes, youtubes, ajax follow your ideal. The following syntaxes are code sections to show popup for each type:
- Image: { ytpopup type="image" content="images/megapopup/1074495489.jpg" width="400" height="300" title="Sample image"}YOUR HTML CODE HERE{ /ytpopup}
- SlideShow: { ytpopup type="slideshow" content="images/megapopup/1074495489.jpg, images/megapopup/1074495489.jpg, images/megapopup/1074495489.jpg, images/megapopup/1074495489.jpg, images/megapopup/1074495489.jpg" width="400" height="300" title="Slideshow Demo"}YOUR HTML CODE HERE{ /ytpopup}
- Iframe: { ytpopup type="iframe" content="http://www.google.com" width="500" height="400"}Load a sample iFrame{ /ytpopup}
- YouTube: { ytpopup type="youtube" content="https://www.youtube.com/v/Z_IGbHS7NsE" width="400" height="300" title="Miss Universe - Korea "}YouTube Demo{ /ytpopup}
- Ajax: { ytpopup type="ajax" content="http://www.google.com" width="400" height="300" title="Load an url using ajax"}YOUR HTML CODE HERE{ /ytpopup}
- STEP 2: Create an menu which you want to open popup with Menu Item Type is Article Layout. After that Select Article that you created on STEP 1
- STEP 3: Now, let's change the parameters to show modal types which you want.
- General Plugin Settings
- FancyBox Setting
- GreyBox Settings
- HighSlide Settings
- ThickBox Settings
- MultiBox Settings