SJ Content Slider - Joomla 5, 4 & Joomla 3 Module
Updated to Joomla 5
SJ Content Slider is a module for content component in Joomla. We have researched a lot of modules to have this module. It filters the image in article and show them as slideshow. You can use this module to show your specify articles which you want to highlight to your customers.
- Price: $11.90

- Price: $14.90

Updated to Joomla 5
SJ Slider for Content module uses to show articles on the front-page: articles on the frontpage, articles in some sections and categories. With responsive webdesign and a lot of options to control your module, you will be happy with this module.Don't forget to check our demos for getting more detail!
- Price: $11.90

SJ Category ShowCase for Content - Joomla 5, 4 & Joomla 3 Module
Updated to Joomla 5
- Price: $11.90

SJ K2 SlideShow II is a professional for K2 Component. This module inherits a lot of ideas from some famous websites in the world. If you are looking for a slideshow module for your site then this module is the best choice. With 5 themes, 25 effects and a lot of common options, you will easily configure to have nice module in your site.
- Price: $12.90

SJ Content SlideShow II - Joomla 5, 4 & 3 Module
Updated to Joomla 5
Are you looking for a professional Joomla module to show your content? This plugin is for you. With 5 themes, 25 effects and more options, we are sure that SJ Content Slideshow II is the best choice for Content Component in your website.
- Price: $14.50

SJ Mega Products for Virtuemart- Joomla! Module
- Price: $12.90

SJ Mega News - Joomla 5, 4 & 3 Extension
Updated to Joomla 5
SJ Mega News Module is a great module for Content Component. Most of sites need this module on the frontpage. Please see the demo site to have a closer look. With 3 themes and a lot of options, we're sure that you will enjoy it.- Price: $12.90

SJ News Ajax Tabs - Joomla 5, 4 & 3 Extension
Updated to Joomla 5
As SJ K2 Ajax Tabs Module and SJ VirtueMart Ajax Tabs Module, today, i am pleased to announce that SJ News Ajax Tabs Module for Content Component has released. It is a professional module with 2 themes, nice effects, and a lot of options. It allows you to show categories or sections as tabs. In each tab, the module will use ajax to show items. We are sure that you will enjoy it.
- Price: $12.90

SJ Ajax Tabs for VirtueMart - Joomla! Module
- Price: $12.90