- Type attribute: This attribute specifies types of layout which layout_name.xml file forms. There are 6 basic layout types. The fundamental difference of them is how to arange components of block or "content" tag (the special tag). Following parts will bring to you nearer eyes with 6 layout types.
- Left-main-right:
- "Position" tags in "Content" tag:
- Left-right-main:
- "Position" tags in "Content" tag:
- Main-left-right:
- "Position" tags in "Content" tag:
- Left-main
- Main-right
- Full
- Customization layout: From 6 basic layout types, you can customize to suit your demand. Following example is used for customization layout is Left-Main-Right:

Width of Group left = 220*n
Width of Group right = 220*m
Position" tags in "Content" tag:

- Width attribute: This attribute specifies width of main part (div.yt-main) in block
- Customization Layout width: If you want to do the main part (div.yt-main) in any blocks (e.g.: id of example block is yt-example) bigger than other blocks, you could do like as:
- Style: #yt-example .yt-main{width:1100px }
- Add Autosize=”0”
- Style positions in that block