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SA Nghiem Diep

SA Nghiem Diep

I work as an online marketer at I'm a positive person and love the creativity at work. "I'm here" - the quote that I always want to tell with all of you. This means "I'm always ready to help you" ;)

Friday, 09 September 2011 00:27

SJ Cool Accordion With K2 Changelog

VERSION 1.1 - Released on 12-Sep-2011

+ Compatible with Joomla 1.7.x

- Released on 07-Sep-2011

+ Compatible with Joomla 1.5.x

View Demo

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VERSION 2.5.1 - Released on 21-Jan-2014

+ Compatible with Joomla 1.7 and Joomla 2.5.x
+ Support responsive layout

VERSION 2.5.0 - Released on 28-Jul-2012

+ Compatible with Joomla 1.7 and Joomla 2.5.x

View Demo

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Wednesday, 14 September 2011 09:23

SJ Content Slideshow II Changelog

VERSION 3.0.0 - Released on 17-Sep-2013

+ Support Joomla 2.5 and 3.1

+ Add more image options to choose image's source in the Admin Panel

VERSION 2.5.0 - Released on 21-Feb-2012

^ Change name of the module (YT -> SJ) from Joomla 1.7: SJ Content Slideshow II
+ Joomla 2.5 Compatible!

VERSION 1.0.0 - Released on 24-Dec-2010

View Demo

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Friday, 04 May 2012 00:00

SJ Categories Full Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 2.5 and later.


- Joomla! v1.7.x, Joomla 2.5.x and Joomla 3.x latest stable version are highly recommended.

- Compatible with Virtuemart v2.0.2, v2.0.6 and v2.0.8


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.7.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click on Choose File button, choose our module and then click Upload & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click on Select Type box and choose SJ Categories Full ( this is for Content Component, the same for other components )
  • And you can change params for your idea after.
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of SJ Categories Full for example:

  • Image of Category: This is the first image in the content of category.


Let's examine all the detail settings of SJ Categories Full on Joomla! v1.7.x

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • General Settings
  • Source Options
  • Categories Options
  • Item Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
  • Module Width - Allow you change width for the module
  • Layout - We support 2 layouts for presenting articles in the categroy. Please preview for: Layout 1, Layout 2
  • Open Link - We support 3 modes for opening links:
    • Sample window
    • New window
    • Popup
  • Show Border - Allow to show/hide boder for block
  • Effect - You can change fade/slide effect
  • Data Source - You can choose categories which you want to show on the module
  • Include subcategories - Allow for show articles of subcategories in the parent category
  • Source Filter - Allow filter frontpage articles
    • All Articles: Including featured/not featured articles
    • None Frontpage: No show featured articles
    • Only Frontpage: Show featured articles only
  • Sort Order By - Allow sort order articles by
    • Recently Added
    • Recently Modified
    • Most View
    • Ordering
    • Title
    • Random
  • Article/Category - The limit number of articles which are allowed to show in each category
  • Number column of Categories - The number of categories' columns which are allowed to show on the module
  • Number row of Article - The number of articles' rows which are allowed to show on category
  • Show Category Title - Allow to show category title
  • Link for Category Title - Allow to use link for category title
  • Style Category Title - We support 2 styles for showing title of category
  • Category Image width/height - You can change width/height of category image
  • Category Image Background - You can change background of category image
  • Category Image Mode - We support 4 modes for image:
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Stretch
    • Center
  • Items Width - You can change width of item
  • Style Description - Support 2 styles for showing description
  • Show article title - Allow to show/not show article title
  • Link for Article Title - Allow to enable/disable link of article title
  • Article title max characters - Shorten title of article by length. Use "-1" to unlimit length
  • Show Article Description - Allow to show/not show article description
  • Article Description Max Characters - Shorten description of article by length.
  • Keep HTML - Strip HTML tag in description or keep them
  • Show Read More - Allow to show Read More
  • Read More Text - You can change read more text here
  • Show Date - Allow for showing created date
  • Show Article Image - Allow to show image of article
  • Link for Article Image - Allow to enable/disable link of article image
  • Article image width/height - Allow to change width/height of Article image
  • Image Background - You can change background of image here
  • Image Mode - We support 4 modes for image:
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Stretch
    • Center
  • Include jQuery - Allow to choose include jQuery
  • Custom URL - This param allows you to customize the link of each article. If you do not want to go to the detail page of article, you can change the link to another. In the textarea of Custom HTML, please use the following syntax::
    • ArticleID_1:New_URL_1
    • ArticleID_2:New_URL_2
    • ...
    • ArticleID_1, ArticleID_2,... are ids of Articles. You can see the Id column in Article Manager page in VirtueMart Component.
    • New_URL_1, New_URL_2, New_URL_3 are links which you want to replace the orginal links. Format:
  • Pre Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache

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Thursday, 03 May 2012 00:00

SJ Categories Accordion Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 2.5 and later.


- Joomla! v1.7.x and Joomla 2.5.x latest stable version are highly recommended.

- Virtuemart package is compatible with virtuemart v2.0.2, v2.0.6 and v2.0.8


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.7.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click on Choose File button, choose our module and then click Upload & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click on Select Type box and choose SJ Categories Accordion (this is for Content Component, the same for other components)
  • And you can change params for your idea after.
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of SJ Categories Accordion for example:

  • Image of Category: This is the first image in the content of category.


Let's examine all the detail settings of SJ Categories Accordion on Joomla! v1.7.x

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • General Options
  • Source Options
  • Categories Options
  • Items Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
  • Module Width - Allow you change width for the module
  • Select a Layout - We support 3 layouts for presenting articles in the categroy. Please preview for: Type 1, Type 2, Type 3
  • Show Border - Allow to show/hide boder for block
  • Block Title - You can change title for Block here
  • Category - You can choose categories which you want to show on tabs
  • Include subcategories - Allow for show articles in subcategories in the parent category
  • Source Filter - Allow filter frontpage articles
    • All Articles: Including frontpage/not frontpage articles
    • None Frontpage: No show frontpage articles
    • Only Frontpage: Show frontpage articles only
  • Sort Order By - Allow sort order articles by
    • Recently Added
    • Recently Modified
    • Most View
    • Ordering
    • Title
    • Random
  • Source Limit - The limit number of articles which are allowed to show in each category
  • Number column per page - The limit number of columns which are allowed to per page
  • Number row per page - The limit number of rows which are allowed to per page
  • Tab event - We support two events when active on tabs (Click and Hover)
  • Categories order by - Sort order categories by
    • Random
    • Title
    • Created
  • Show Image - Allow for showing image on tab
  • Show Description - Allow for showing description on tab
  • Limit Description - The limited number of characters which can be showed on the tab
  • Image Width/Height - You can change width/height of image on tabs here
  • Image Background - You can change background of image here
  • Image Mode - We support 4 modes for image:
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Stretch
    • Center
  • Show Title - Allow to show title of items
  • Link Title - Allow to add link for title
  • Limit Title - The limited number of characters which can be showed in the titles of items
  • Show Images - Allow for showing image of items
  • Link Image - Allow to add link for Image
  • Show Description - Allow for showing description of item
  • Keep HTML - Strip HTML tag in description or keep them
  • Limit description - The limited number of characters which can be showing in description of items
  • Show Hits - Allow for showing hits
  • Show Created - Allow for showing created date
  • Link target - We support 3 modes for open links:
    • Parent window
    • New window
    • Popup
  • Large image width/height - Allow to change width/height of large images (only support for Type 2 - Layout)
  • Image width/height - Allow to change width/height of items' images
  • Image Background - You can change background of image here
  • Image Mode - We support 4 modes for image:
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Stretch
    • Center
  • Include jQuery - Allow to choose include jQuery
  • Custom URL - This param allows you to customize the link of each article. If you do not want to go to the detail page of article, you can change the link to another. In the textarea of Custom HTML, please use the following syntax::
    • ArticleID_1:New_URL_1
    • ArticleID_2:New_URL_2
    • ...
    • ArticleID_1, ArticleID_2,... are ids of Articles. You can see the Id column in Article Manager page in VirtueMart Component.
    • New_URL_1, New_URL_2, New_URL_3 are links which you want to replace the orginal links. Format:
  • Pre Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache

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Monday, 20 February 2012 11:53

SJ Login, Register and Contact Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.7.x and Joomla! v2.5.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


Please refer to the installation in the administrator of module in Joomla! v1.7.x hereafter:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click on Choose File button, choose our module (remember already unzipping it before) and then click Upload & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click on Select Type box and choose SJ SJ Login, Register and Contact
  • And you can change params for your idea after.


Let's examine all the detail settings of SJ Login, Register and Contact in Joomla! v1.7.x

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • Basic Options
  • Login Options
  • Register Options
  • Contact Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Align of Tabs - 1 of 4 positions to be chosen: Top Fixed, Top RelativeRight or Left.
  • Margin Top - Distance from top of position to top of the module.
  • Display User - You can choose to show member's name or username when user login.
  • Captcha Type - Allow you to choose between Recaptcha and Numberic. If chosen Recaptcha:
    • Theme for Recaptcha: Red, White, Black Glass or Clean.
    • Public Key: Get this from Recaptcha
    • Primary Key: As above
  • Event in Main Tabs - Allow you to choose the trigger that execute on tabs of module:
    • Mouseover
    • Click
    • Show Popup
  • Administrator Email - This is the email that will be sent the email from module.
  • Show Login Tab - Show Login tab or not.
  • Show Forgot Link - Show forgot link or not. If yes, your member forgot password can be sent the email to reactivation.
  • Show Register Tab - You can show this tab or not.
  • Use Captcha for Register - You can change to not use captcha
  • Show Term of Use - If Yes, there will be a article showed here. This param is only applied for Register Tab
  • Term of Use article - Here is the ID of the article. Click SELECT to choose one among your articles or just manually type the ID in. This param is only applied for Register Tab

  • Show Contact Tab - Show this tab or not
  • Use Captcha for Contact - If you choose "Yes", captcha will be showed in order to avoid the spammers.
  • Sending type - Choose Ajax to get quick and seamlessly sending
  • Include jQuery - Include jQuery library inrease your perfomance. If not, this module still works.
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to clean the cache
If you have any issue about this extension, please kindly submit a ticket or post to our forum, our technical will help you in 24 hours.
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Thursday, 12 January 2012 11:15

SJ Zoo Slideshow Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable version is highly recommended.


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.7.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click on Choose File button, choose our module and then click Upload & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click on Select Type box and choose SJ Zoo Slideshow
  • And you can change params for your idea after.
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of SJ Zoo Slideshow:

  • Image of Article: This is the first image in the description of Article.
  • Description of Article: This is the text of article's content


Let's examine all the detail settings of SJ Zoo Slideshow on Joomla! v1.7.x

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • Article Filter
  • For Title and Link
  • For Images
  • Effect
  • Themes and Layouts
  • Advanced Options
  • Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
  • Zoo application - Please choose application for show on the module
  • Zoo categories - You can choose categories which you want to show item
  • Source Filter - Allow you to filter items with 3 options:
    • All items: Show all items
    • Only featured items: Show featured items only
    • None featured items: Hide items which are featured items
  • Order By - Allow you to sort order items by
    • Recently Added
    • Recently Modified
    • Most Views
    • Ordering
    • Title
    • Random
  • Article Start - This is the order number of item which can be showed the first on the module
  • Auto play - You can allow the slide show automatically
  • Article Title Max Chars - The limited number of characters of item title which can be showed in the module. If this is "-1", the title will be showed full.
  • Open Link - The opening window for links:
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Link for caption - Allow to set link for caption of item
  • Link for image - Allow to set link for image of item


  • Show Title - You can show/not show title of article
  • Show Description - You can show/not show description of article
  • Show Readmore Link - Allow to enable/disable link of Readmore
  • Readmore Text - You can change text of readmore here
  • Title Color - You can change color for title of article
  • Max Length of Title - The limited number of characters of article title which can be showed in the module.
  • Count character:
    • Count characters: If you choose this option, the brief description will be limited by amount of characters show in "Char Count" param
    • Use entire description text: If you choose this option, the brief description will be show entire description text.
  • Open Link - The opening window for links:
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Show Price - You can show/not show price (apply K2 Mart)
  • Link for Title - Allow to enable/disable link of title
  • Link for Image - Allow to enable/disable link of image
  • Thumbnail Width/Height - You can change width/height for thumbnail
  • Thumbnail Background Color - You can change background color for thumbnail
  • Thumbnail Mode - We support 4 modes for resizing thumbnail:
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Stretch
    • Center

  • Select an Effect - We support 25 effects for the slideshow
  • Stop when hover - If you choose "Yes", the animation of slideshow will be stoped when you hover mouse on the module
  • Slideshow speed - The time to move to next item
  • Timer speed - The time to run effect
  • Select a theme - We supported 4 themes for the module
  • Show Previous and Next Buttons - You can show/not show Previous/Next Buttons
  • Caption Background - You can change background for caption of item
  • Show Title - You can show/not show title of item
  • Title Color - You can change color for title of item
  • Show Description - You can show/not show description of item
  • Article Description Max Chars - The limited number of characters of item description which can be showed in the module. If this is "-1", the description will be showed full.
  • Description Color - You can change color for description of item
  • Keep HTML - The module will keep HTML code in description if you choose "Yes"
  • Show Read More Link - You can show link for Read More
  • Read More Text - You can change text for Read More here
  • Media Elements - This is the name of element which contains image (is abbreviated image element) will be showed on the module. You can choose many image elements with syntax: imageelement_name1,imageelement_name2,imageelement_name3. If you choose null, the name of default element will be "image"
  • Description Elements - This is the name of element which contains description (is abbreviated description element) will be showed on the module. You can choose many description elements with syntax: descriptionelement_name1,descriptionelement_name2. If you choose null, the name of default element will be "description", "text", "textarea"
  • Include jQuery - You can choose including jQuery by option "Yes"
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Intro Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Footer Text - The content to show at the end of module
If you have any issue about this extension, please kindly submit a ticket or post to our forum, our technical will help you in 24 hours.

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Friday, 16 December 2011 12:12

SJ Categories II Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable version is highly recommended.


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.7.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click on Choose File button, choose our module and then click Upload & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click on Select Type box and choose SJ Content Categories II (for Content Component), SJ K2 Categories II (for K2 Component), SJ VM Categories II (for VirtueMart Component)
  • And you can change params for your idea after.
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of SJ Content Categories II for example:

  • Image of Category: This is the first image in the description of Article.


Let's examine all the detail settings of SJ Content Categories II on Joomla! v1.7.x

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • Basic Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
  • Module Width - Allow you change width for the module
  • Themes - We support 4 themes for showing the module
  • Select Category - You can choose categories which you want to show.
  • Number columns - The numbers of column which can be showed in per page. This param applies for theme 1 and theme 4.
  • Max Items level 2 - The limited numbers of items at level 2 which can be showed
  • Max Columns in tooltip - The numbers of columns which can be showed in tooltip. This param applies for theme 1, theme 2 and theme 4.
  • Title max chars - The limited numbers of characters of categories' title which can be showed in the module.
  • More/Hide button text - Allow to change text for button More/Hide.
  • Image Linkable - Allow to enable/disable link of image
  • Category Link Target - The opening window for links:
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
    • Popup window: Open the link in new window without navigation
  • Layout - This param is applied in SJ Content Categories II Module. Support 2 layouts for showing subcategories:
    • Blog Layout
    • Defaul Layout - Table layout
  • Thumbnail Width/Height - You can change width/height for large image
  • Thumbnail background color - You can change color for background of thumbnail
  • Thumbnail Mode - We support 4 modes for thumbnail:
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Stretch
    • Center
  • Intro Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Footer Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Use Global: Turn on caching
    • No Caching: Turn off caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache

Tagged under
Friday, 23 December 2011 15:46

SJ Image Boxes Plugin Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. If you just bought the plugin, you already have the latest version.
The following documentation applies to the plugin version 1.0 and later.
You can see the Demo Here


- Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable version is highly recommended.


  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click on Choose File button, choose our plugin and then click Upload & Install (Illustrative image for Chrome)

  • Go to Extensions -> Plug-in Manager, click on Select Type box and choose Content, then choose SJ Image Boxes
  • And you can refer Syntax for setting parameters at the end of Plugin's description.


For showing the plugin, we use an article and set up parameters in these. For example, we introduce to show a folder with 12 images (4 columns and 3 rows).

{imageboxes}rotate="1" folder="images/thumbs" panel_width="770" sort_type="1" panel_height="580" col="4" row="3" image_width="720" image_height="480" show_type="0" show_title="0" {/imageboxes}

The following parameters are default parameters. Basing on them and numbers of images in the thumbs folder, the plugin will calculate value for panel_width, panel_height, row. The plugin still will allow to show your images although you haven't established any params (excluding folder param). Texts in quotation marks "" are values which parameters can be got:
  • folder="images/thumbs" - The imperative param. This is the path of folder which contains images.
  • rotate=""
    • "1": Apply rotate effect for images
    • "0": Not apply rotate effect for images
  • col="" - The column numbers for showing images
  • row="" - The row numbers for showing images
  • image_width="" - The width of image when is showed
  • image_height="" - The height of image when is showed
  • panel_width="" - The width of panel which contains all images
  • panel_height="" - The height of panel which contains all images
  • sort_type="" - The type of sorting images
    • "2": Sort random for showing images
    • "1": Sort title for showing images
    • "0": Sort created date for showing images
  • show_type="" - The type of showing images when click on them in the panel
    • "1" - Popup type. For example of popup type with rotate, please to Click Here
    • "0" - Slide type. For example of slide type with no rotate, please to Click Here
  • show_title="" - For show/not show title of images
    • "1" - Allow for showing title
    • "0" - Don't allow for showing title
Tagged under
Monday, 05 December 2011 10:35

SJ Listing Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable version is highly recommended.


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.7.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
    In this page, click on Choose File button, choose our module and then click Upload & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click on Select Type box and choose SJ Content Listing (for Content Component)
  • And you can change params for your idea after.
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of SJ Content Listing for example:

  • Description of Article: This is the intro text in the description of Article
  • Image/icon of Article: This is the first image in the description of Article. With icon, the module will resize the image of article automatically.


Let's examine all the detail settings of SJ Content Listing on Joomla! v1.7.x

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • General Options
  • Category Options
  • Article Options
  • Image Options
  • Other Options
  • Advanced Options
  • Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
  • Width of Module - Allow you change width for the module
  • Select a theme - We support 4 themes for showing the module
  • Open Link - The opening window for links:
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
    • Popup window: Open the link in new window without navigation
  • Select Categories or Sections - You can choose category/section which you want to show article
  • For Featured Items - Allow you to filter articles with 3 options:
    • Show: Show all articles
    • Show only: Show featured articles only
    • Hide: Hide articles which are featured articles
  • Sort Order By - Allow you to sort order articles by
    • Recently Added First
    • Recently Modified First
    • Most Popular
    • Least Popular
    • Ordering
    • Title
    • Random
  • Max Length of Category Title - The limited number of characters of Category title which can be showed in the module.
  • Link for Category - Allow to enable/disable link of category title
  • Link all Articles - Allow to enable/disable link to show all articles in category
  • Total Articles - The number of articles will be showed on the module
  • Columns of Article - The number of columns will be showed on a page
  • Rows of Article - The number of rows will be showed on a page
  • Show Article Title - Allow you show/not show title of article
  • Color of Article Title - You can change color for title of article
  • Max Length of Article Title - The limited number of characters of article title which can be showed in the module.
  • Link for Article Title - Allow to enable/disable link for title of article
  • Show Description - Allow you show/not show description of article
  • Characters of Article Description -The limited number of characters of article description which can be showed in the module.
  • Color of Article Description - You can change color for description of article
  • Show short description - Allow you show/not show short description of article
  • Characters of Short Description - The limited number of characters of short description which can be showed in the module.
  • Show Large Image - You can show/not show large image when you hover on the article
  • Keep HTML - The module will keep HTML code in description if you choose "Yes"
  • Show Hits - You can show/not show Hits of article
  • Show Date - You can show/not show created date
  • Show Author - You can show/not show author of article
  • Show Image - You can show/not show image of article
  • Image Link - Allow to enable/disable link of image
  • Show Read More link - Allow to enable/disable link of Readmore
  • Read More Text - You can change text of readmore here

  • Image Width/Height - You can change width/height for large image
  • Icon Width/Height - You can change width/height for icon
  • Show Image - Allow you show/not show image of article
  • Thumbnail background color - You can change color for background of thumbnail
  • Thumbnail Mode - We support 4 modes for thumbnail:
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Stretch
    • Center
  • Intro Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Footer Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
    • Use Cache: Turn on caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache

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