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SA Nghiem Diep

SA Nghiem Diep

I work as an online marketer at I'm a positive person and love the creativity at work. "I'm here" - the quote that I always want to tell with all of you. This means "I'm always ready to help you" ;)

Monday, 28 November 2011 12:13

So Slider Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.5.x and Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
    In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click on Select Type box and choose mod_so_article_slider (module for Content component on joomla1.7.x is Yt So Article Slider ) or mod_so_k2slider (module for K2 component on joomla1.7.x is So K2 Slider) or mod_yt_sobi2_slider (module for Sobi2 component) or mod_so_vmslider (module for virtuemart component on Joomla 1.7.x is SJ VM Slider)
  • And you can change params for your idea after.
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of SJ VirtueMart Slider for example:

  • Product Description: This is the intro text in the description of Product
  • Product image: This is the first image in the description of Product


Let's examine all the detail settings of SJ VirtueMart Slider on Joomla 1.7.x

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • General Options
  • Content Options
  • Image Options
  • Effect Options
  • Advance
  • Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
  • Select a theme - We supported 18 themes for showing module
  • Date Source - You can choose source of products from categories or Product ID - the number on the last column of product manager
  • Category - You can choose category which you want to show products
  • Include Subcategories - Allow you showing products in subcategories if you choose Yes (This param is only in SJ VM Slider - Joomla 1.7)
  • From IDs - This param is used for Data Source = From Product IDs. You can insert ID of products here. Syntax: 1,2,3
  • Sort Order By - Allow you to sort order articles by
    • Recently Added
    • Recently Modified
    • Title
    • Best Selling
    • Most Reviews
    • Price descending
    • Price ascending
    • Random
  • Source Filter - Allow you to filter products with 3 options:
    • All items: Show all products
    • Only special items: Show special products only
    • None special items: Hide products which are special products
  • Item Count - The amount of products which you want to show in the module
  • Starting Item - The ordinal number of product which can be showed at first.
  • Scroll Number - The number of products will be scrolled when the module plays
  • Element Number - The number of products will be showed on a slide.
  • Module Width/Height - Here you can change width/height of module. Unit is "px"
  • Themes - Please to change theme which you want to show. We support 4 themes for your module.
  • Show Title Slider - You can show/not show title of slider
  • Title of module - You can change text of module title here
  • Show Title - You can show/not show title of product
  • Title Max Chars - The limited number of characters of product title which can be showed in the module. If you want to unlimit length, you can choose "-1"
  • Show Desc - You can show/not show description of product
  • Desc Max Chars - The limited number of characters of product description which can be showed in the module. If you want to unlimit length, you can choose "-1"
  • Keep HTML - The module will keep HTML code in description if you choose "Yes"
  • Show Readmore - Allow to enable/disable Readmore
  • Readmore Text - You can change text for Readmore here
  • Show Button - Allow you show/not show buttons
  • Link target - The opening window for links:
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Title Color - Here allow to change color of product title. We support two types: code color or color name by english.
  • Title tooltip Color - Here allow to change color of title on tooltip. We support two types: code color or color name by english.
  • Description Color - Here allow to change color of product description. We support two types: code color or color name by english.
  • Show Base Price - Show base price with tax
  • Show All Price - Show base price with tax and sales price
  • Price Color - Here allow to change color of product price. We support two types: code color or color name by english.
  • Custom URL - This param allows you to customize the link of each product . If you do not want to go to the detail page of product, you can change the link to another. In the textarea of Custom HTML, please use the following syntax::
    • ProductID_1:New_URL_1
    • ProductID_2:New_URL_2
    • ...
  • ProductID_1, ProductID_2,... are ids of Products. You can see the Id column in Product Manager page in VirtueMart Component.
  • New_URL_1, New_URL_2, New_URL_3 are links which you want to replace the orginal links. Format:
  • Show Introtext/footertext - You can show/ not show introtext/footertext
  • Intro Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Footer Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Show Image - Allow you show/not show image of product
  • Link for image - Allow to use/not use link of image
  • Thumbnail Width/Height - You can change width/height for thumbnail
  • Thumbnail Background color - Allow to change color of thumbnail background
  • Thumbnail Mode - We support 4 modes for thumbnail
    • Fill
    • Fit
    • Stretch
    • Center

  • Auto Play - Allow to play slideshow automatically
  • Speed - The time to move to next Product
  • Timer - The time to change effect
  • Caching
    • Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
    • Use Cache: Turn on caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache

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Tuesday, 30 August 2011 22:42

Yt Cool Accordion Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.5.x and Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
    In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose option mod_yt_contentcoolaccordion (for Content component) or mod_yt_K2coolaccordion (for K2 component) or mod_yt_sobi2coolaccordion (for Sobi2 component) or mod_yt_vmcoolaccordion (for VirtueMart component)
  • And you can change params for your idea after
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of Yt Cool Accordion with Content for example:

  • Large Image - Image of Article: This is the first image in the description of Article


Let's examine all the settings detail on Yt Cool Accordion with Content

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • General Options
  • Source Options
  • Article Options
  • Tabs Options
  • Thumbnails Options
  • Other Options
  • Advanced Parameters
  • Module Width/Height - Here you can change width/height of module. Unit is "px"
  • Themes - Please to change theme which you want to show. We support 4 themes for your module.
  • Item Type - You can choose Category or Item Ids type
  • Item Ids - This is the list of Ids of Item. Syntax: 1,2,3
  • Data Source - Source from Section or Category. With category which hasn't any articles, you can't show that category in frontend.
  • Sort Order By - Allow you to sort order articles by
    • Recently Added
    • Recently Modified
    • Order
    • Title
    • Random
  • Source Filter - Allow you to filter articles with 3 options:
    • All articles: Show all article
    • Only frontpage: Show frontpage articles only
    • None frontpage: Hide articles which are frontpage articles
  • Number of Rows - You can change number of tabs which you want to show here
  • Display Article Title - You can enable/disable title of article
  • Article Title Linkable - You can enable/disable Link of Article Title
  • Article Title Color - Here allow to change color of article title. We support two types: code color or color name by english.
  • Article Title Link target - Open link window for title of article:
    • Pop up: Open the link in new window without navigation
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Article Title Max Chars - The max number of characters of Article title which can be showed in the module. If you want to unlimit length, you can choose "-1"
  • Display Article Description - Allow to enable/disable description of article
  • Article description color - Here allow to change color of article description.
  • Opacity Background of Description - You can change the light and dark of opacity background. The dark'll increase from 0 to 1.
  • Keep HTML - The module will keep HTML code in description if you choose "Yes"
  • Article Description Max Chars - The max number of characters of Article description which can be showed in the module. If you want to unlimit length, you can choose "-1"
  • Display Readmore - Allow to enable/disable Readmore
  • Readmore Text - You can change text for Readmore here

  • Images Width/Height - You can change width/height for images on tabs
  • On/Off images on tabs - Allow you on/off images on tabs
  • Enable link - Allow to use/not link of thumbnail
  • Thumbnail Width/Height - You can change width/height for thumbnail
  • Thumbnail Background color - Allow to change color of thumbnail background
  • Thumbnail Mode - We support 4 modes for thumbnail
  • Custom URL - This param allows you to customize the link of each article. If you do not want to go to the detail page of article, you can change the link to another. In the textarea of Custom HTML, please use the following syntax::
    • ArticleID_1=>New_URL_1
    • ArticleID_2=>New_URL_2
    • ...
  • ArticleID_1, ArticleID_2,... are ids of articles. You can see the Id column in Article Manager page
  • New_URL_1, New_URL_2, New_URL_3 are links which you want to replace the orginal links. Format:
  • Intro Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Footer Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
    • Use Cache: Turn on caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Include JQuery Library - You can on/off jQuery Library

Tagged under
Tuesday, 16 August 2011 15:59

Yt Mega II Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.5.x and Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.

- This module need to be shown from 2 category levels to up.


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
    In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose option mod_yt_meganewsii (for Content component) or mod_yt_megak2itemsii (for K2 component) or mod_yt_megasobi2itemsii (for Sobi2 component), mod_yt_megaproductsii (for VirtueMart component) or mod_yt_megazooitemsii (for Zoo component).
  • And you can change params for your idea after
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of Yt Mega News II for example:

  • Image of Article: This is the first image in the description of Article


Let's examine all the settings detail on Yt Content Mega Slider

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • General Options
  • Source Options
  • Categories Options
  • Article Options
  • Thumbnails Options
  • Other Options
  • Advanced Parameters
  • Module Width - Here you can change width of module. Unit is "px"
  • Themes - Please to change theme which you want to show. We support 4 themes for your module.
  • Data Source - Source from Section or Category. With category which hasn't any articles, you can't show that category in frontend. (With Joomla 1.7, please make sure that your categories have sub categories)
  • Sort Order By - Allow you to sort order articles by
    • Recently Added
    • Recently Modified
    • Order
    • Title
    • Random
  • Source Filter - Allow you to filter articles with 3 options:
    • All articles: Show all article
    • Only frontpage: Show frontpage articles only
    • None frontpage: Hide articles which are frontpage articles
  • Number Column - The number of column displays on each row
  • Number article/category - The number of article in each category which is selected
  • Show super Category Link - Allow to show link of Super Category
  • Super Category link Target - Open link window for Super Category:
    • Pop up: Open the link in new window without navigation
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Show Sub Category Link - Allow to show link of Sub Category
  • Sub Category Link Target - Open link window for Sub Category:
    • Pop up: Open the link in new window without navigation
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Show list SubCategory - Allow to show list of Subcategory
  • Sub Category Title Length - The max number of characters of title on Subcategory which can be showed in the module. If you want to unlimit length, you can choose "-1"

  • Display Article Image - Allow to enable/disable image of article
  • Article Image Linkable - Allow to add link for image of article
  • Article Image Link target - Open link window for Image of article:
    • Pop up: Open the link in new window without navigation
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Display Article Title - Allow to enable/disable title of article
  • Article Title Link Target - Open link window for title of article:
    • Pop up: Open the link in new window without navigation
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Article Title Max Chars - The max number of characters of article title which can be showed in the module. If you want to unlimit length, you can choose "-1"
  • Display Article Description - Allow to enable/disable description of article
  • Article description color - Allow to change color of description
  • Keep HTML - The module will keep HTML code in description if you choose "Yes"
  • Article Description Max Chars - The max number of characters of article description which can be showed in the module. If you want to unlimit length, you can choose "-1"
  • Display article tooltip - Allow to enable/disable tooltip of article
  • Tooltip Width - Here you can change width of tooltip. Unit is "px"
  • Tooltip Image Maxwidth - Max width of image inside tooltip
  • Display Article's hits - Allow to enable/disable Hits of article
  • Display number of comments - Allow to enable/disable number of comments
  • Display date created - Allow to enable/disable created date
  • Display Readmore - Allow to enable/disable Readmore
  • Readmore Text - You can change text of readmore here
  • Readmore link target - Open link window for readmore:
    • Pop up: Open the link in new window without navigation
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Other article more target - Open link window for other article:
    • Pop up: Open the link in new window without navigation
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Thumbnail Width/Height - You can change width/height for thumbnail
  • Thumbnail Background color - Allow to change color of thumbnail background
  • Thumbnail Mode - We support 4 modes for thumbnail
  • Intro Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Footer Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
    • Use Cache: Turn on caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache

Tagged under


For setting menus for your site with menu type follow your idea, the first you need have file. In there, you'll see 2 file: and The first file uses for setting Yt Mega Menu module, the second file uses for setting Menu Items. The following documentation will help you to setting Menu Items.


Plugin Yt Extra Params is extra extension which helps to set up Mega Menu. The following guide in the administrator page is step by step to install the plugin - You can refer more here:
  • Step 1: Go to Extensions and click on Install/Uninstall
  • Step 2: Click on Button... and find out the path of file (this file uses for Joomla 1.5 and 1.6), then click on Upload File and Install
  • Step 3: After system display "Install Plugin Success" on the top, we go to Extension and click on Plugin manager
  • Step 4: In the Plugin Manager page, we Select Type: system and choose System - Yt Extra Params
  • Step 5: Go to setting yt extra params for item menus


Here we'll introduce to you set up plugin Yt Extra Params for Main Menus to display them follow the Mega Menu's release system:
    • In the administrator page, go to Menus/Menu Manager and create a new menu

    • Insert name of menu

    • You can see Yt Mega Menu here:

  • Step 2: Create menu items which you want to show on YT MEGA MENU. You can create a tree of menu items like as:

  • Step 3: Setting for each item menu. And now, please to refer setting of the tree menus which we created for example


For loading Positions, you can see a new Positions param when you choose Mega Content Type = Positions, for example, here we choose module on Position "Contact" (for creating this module, you can refer here). And for loading icons, we insert image in Menu Image Param on Demo 1.1. Simultaneously, please create icons for Demo 1.2, Demo 1.3, ... Demo 1.8.


For loading modules, we'll excute the similar ordering to loading positions. When you choose Mega Content Type = Modules and you will see Yt Extra Params extends to the bottom of block of param with Modules Param. Here we choose "Polls" module and "Login Form" module for example

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Thursday, 21 July 2011 17:27

Yt Accordion Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.5.x and Joomla! v1.6.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
    In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose option mod_yt_content_accordion (for Content component) or mod_yt_k2accordion (for K2 component) or mod_yt_vmaccordion (for VirtueMart component)
  • And you can change params for your idea after


Let's examine all the settings detail on Yt Content Accordion

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • General Settings
  • Title Options and Link Options
  • Image Options
  • Advanced Parameters
  • Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
  • Select option - You can choose Section or Category which you want to show
  • Select Categories or Sections - Here you can choose some categories which you want to show in the module
  • For frontpage article - Allow you to filter articles with 3 options:
    • Include frontpage articles: Show all article
    • Show frontpage articles only: Show frontpage articles only
    • Hide frontpage articles: Hide articles which are frontpage articles
  • Sort Order By - Allow you to sort order articles by
    • Recently Added First
    • Recently Modified First
    • Ordering
    • Title
    • Random
  • Mouse enter - We support click/hover on mouse for accordion
  • Width Module - Here you can change width of module. Unit is "px"
  • The Amount of Articles - The total of Articles which will be showed in the module
  • Item First Display - The article which can be showed first
  • Max Length of Title - The max number of characters of article title which can be showed in the module
  • Open Link
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Link for image -  You can show/hide link of image
  • Show Read More Text - You can show/hide Read More
  • Read More Text - You can change text of Read More Option
  • Max Length of Description - The max number of characters of description on normal article which can be showed in the module
  • Show Image - You can show/hide image of article
  • Thumbnail Width/Height - You can change width/height of thumbnail
  • Using image source - You can use image source here
  • Thumbnail Mode Type:
    • Using Resize
    • Using Crop
  • Caching
    • Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
    • Use Cache: Turn on caching
  • Cache Time - The time to cache
  • Include jQuery Library - enable/disable jQuery Library.

Tagged under
Tuesday, 19 July 2011 15:05

Yt Mega Slider Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.5.x and Joomla! v1.6.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
    In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose option mod_yt_contentmegaslider (for Content component) or mod_yt_k2megaslider (for K2 component) or mod_yt_sobi2megaslider (for Sobi2 component) or mod_yt_vmmegaslider (for VirtueMart component)
  • And you can change params for your idea after
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of Yt Content Mega Slider for example:

  • Large/Small Image: This is the first image in the description of Article
  • Main/Normal Description: This is the intro text in the description of Article


Let's examine all the settings detail on Yt Content Mega Slider

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • General Settings
  • Title Options and Link Options
  • Image Options
  • Theme and Color Options
  • Advanced Parameters
  • Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
  • Select option - You can choose Section or Category which you want to show
  • Select Categories or Sections - Here you can choose some categories which you want to show in the module
  • For frontpage article - Allow you to filter articles with 3 options:
    • Include frontpage articles: Show all article
    • Show frontpage articles only: Show frontpage articles only
    • Hide frontpage articles: Hide articles which are frontpage articles
  • Sort Order By - Allow you to sort order articles by
    • Recently Added First
    • Recently Modified First
    • Ordering
    • Title
    • Random
  • Module Width - Here you can change width of module. Unit is "px"
  • The Amount of Articles - The total of Articles which will be showed in the module
  • Item Number per page - The numbers of articles which will be showed in each page
  • Auto play - You can allow the slide shows automatically
  • Position Display Image - You can choose position of image for each theme
  • Style Navigation - We support three styles of Navigation
  • Width For Opacity - You can change width of  Opacity. Just only use for Theme 2
  • Navigation Show - You can choose show/hide Navigation
  • Max Length of Normal Title - The max number of characters of title on normal article which can be showed in the module
  • Max Length of Main Title - The max number of characters of title on main article which can be showed in the module
  • Open Link
    • Pop up: Open the link in new window without navigation
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Show Main Content Spotlight - Allow you show/hide main content of spotlight. Just only use for theme 2
  • Show Main Description - You can show/hide main description
  • Link for image -  You can show/hide link of image
  • Show Normal Description - You can show/hide normal description
  • Show Main Title - You can show/hide main title
  • Show Normal Title - You can show/hide normal title
  • Show Read More - You can show/hide Read More
  • Show Buttons - You can show buttons when hover or always or hide them.
  • Select Style Read More option - We support four styles of read more option
  • Read More Text - You can change text of Read More Option
  • Max Length of Normal Description - The max number of characters of description on normal article which can be showed in the module
  • Max Length of Main Description - The max number of characters of description on main article which can be showed in the module
  • Cutting Description With - Just only use for main description
    • Keeping HTML code: the module will keep html code in description
    • Removing HTML code: the module will remove all html code before cutting
  • Custom URL - This param allows you to customize the link of each article. If you do not want to go to the detail page of article, you can change the link to another. In the textarea of Custom HTML, please use the following syntax::
    • ArticleID_1:New_URL_1
    • ArticleID_2:New_URL_2
    • ...
  • ArticleID_1, ArticleID_2,... are ids of articles. You can see the Id column in Article Manager page
  • New_URL_1, New_URL_2, New_URL_3 are links which you want to replace the orginal links. Format:
  • Show Normal Image - You can show/hide image of normal article
  • Large Thumbnail Width/Height - You can change width/height of large thumbnail
  • Small Thumbnail Width/Height - You can change width/height of small thumbnail
  • Using image source - You can use image source here
  • Thumbnail Mode Type:
    • Using Resize
    • Using Crop

  • Select a theme - We support 4 theme for show your articles.
  • Select an effects - We support 25  nice effects for your slideshow
  • Stop when hover - You can stop/continue the slideshow when hover
  • Hide/Show Button Number - You can show/hide button number. Just only use for theme 3
  • Animation Duration - Time to show one slide
  • Interval - Time to change slides
  • Main Title Color - You can change color of title on main article
  • Main Description Color - You can change color of description on main article
  • Main Item Background - You can change background of main item
  • Navigation Background - You can change background of navigation
  • Navigation Item Actived Background - You can change background of navigation when the article is actived
  • Navigation Title Color - You can change color of navigation title
  • Navigation Content Color - You can change color of navigation content
  • Intro Text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Footer Text - The content to show at the end of module
  • Caching
    • Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
    • Use Cache: Turn on caching
  • Include jQuery Library - enable/disable jQuery Library.
  • Cache Times - The time to cache

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Friday, 15 July 2011 15:02

Yt Mega Menu Module Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.5.x, Joomla! v1.7.x and Joomla! 2.5.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
    In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose Yt Mega Menu
  • And you can change params for your ideal after


Let's examine all the settings detail on mod_ytmegamenu

  • Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
  • Intro Text - You can insert text which you want to show in the intro of module
  • Footer Text - You can insert text which you want to show in the footer of module
  • Menu Type - This is list of Menu Types in Menu Manager. You can configure Menu like as Yt Mega Menu (yt-mega-menu) for your site by refering here
  • Menu Style - We support four styles of Menu
  • Menu Effect - This is list of Mootool Effects to show/hide Menu
  • Lavalamp Effect - You can use/not Lavalamp Effect for Moo and Mega Menu
  • Effect Duration - Time to change effects
  • Start Level - Level to start rendering the Menu at
  • End Level - Level to end rendering the Menu at
  • Smooth Dropline Menu - You can use/not Smooth Effect for Dropline Menu
  • Dropline Width/Height (px) - You can change width/height of Dropline Menu
  • Dropline Wrapper - You can use/not Wrapper for Dropline
  • Caching
    • Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
    • Use Cache: Turn on caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
Tagged under
Monday, 11 July 2011 16:51

YT Mega Popup Plugin Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. If you just bought the plugin, you already have the latest version.
The following documentation applies to the plugin version 1.0 and later.
You can see the Demo Here


- Joomla! v1.5.x, Joomla! v1.7, Joomla! v2.5 and Joomla! 3.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


  • In Administrator page on Joomla! v1.5.x, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
    In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our template and then click Upload File & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Plugin Manager, choose option Select type - System and find Yt Mega Popup
  • And now, let's change parameters to our ideas.


The Plugin support to show popup for Images, Slideshow, Iframes, YouTubes, Ajaxs. The following guide in the administrator page is step by step to create popup for type which you want to show:
  • STEP 1: Create an article which you want to show your images, slideshows, iframes, youtubes, ajax follow your ideal. The following syntaxes are code sections to show popup for each type:
    • Image: { ytpopup type="image" content="images/megapopup/1074495489.jpg" width="400" height="300" title="Sample image"}YOUR HTML CODE HERE{ /ytpopup}
    • SlideShow: { ytpopup type="slideshow" content="images/megapopup/1074495489.jpg, images/megapopup/1074495489.jpg, images/megapopup/1074495489.jpg, images/megapopup/1074495489.jpg, images/megapopup/1074495489.jpg" width="400" height="300" title="Slideshow Demo"}YOUR HTML CODE HERE{ /ytpopup}
    • Iframe: { ytpopup type="iframe" content="" width="500" height="400"}Load a sample iFrame{ /ytpopup}
    • YouTube: { ytpopup type="youtube" content="" width="400" height="300" title="Miss Universe - Korea "}YouTube Demo{ /ytpopup}
    • Ajax: { ytpopup type="ajax" content=""  width="400" height="300" title="Load an url using ajax"}YOUR HTML CODE HERE{ /ytpopup}
  • STEP 2: Create an menu which you want to open popup with Menu Item Type is Article Layout. After that Select Article that you created on STEP 1
  • STEP 3: Now, let's change the parameters to show modal types which you want.
The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • General Plugin Settings
  • FancyBox Setting
  • GreyBox Settings
  • HighSlide Settings
  • ThickBox Settings
  • MultiBox Settings



  • Type Popup - The type of Popup which you want. We support 5 types and you can see setting and showing frontend for each type by clicking on link:
  • Width/Height - You can change width/height of the modal window
  • Show Overlay - You can show/don't show the overlay of window when you click on link to popup
  • Overlay Opacity -This param allows to change darkness or lightness of Overlay. The darkness will be increased from 10% to 100%
  • Add title in tag - Allow to add title in tag if you choose Yes
  • Add description in tag - Allow to add description in tag if you choose Yes
  • Image in Slideshow type -This param is used for showing in slideshows. You can show only one image or all image on window which you want


  • Center On Scroll - You can choose yes/no for scroll on center
  • Scale For Image - You can choose yes/no for scaling image
  • Animation Speed In - The time for animation to popup in
  • Animation Speed Out - The time for animation to popup out


  • Popup Window Position - You can show popup window on Top/Centered/Fullscreen/Group


  • Outline Type - You can change outline types here:
    • Beveled
    • Drop Shadow
    • Glossy Dark
    • Outer Glow
    • Rounded Black
    • Rounded White
  • Animation Speed In - The time for animation to popup in
  • Animation Speed Out - The time for animation to popup out


  • Content Color - Allow to change color of content popup window
  • Content Thickness - This is the thickness of popup window. The thickness will be increased from low to high
  • Content Background - Allow to change background of content pop window


  • Content Color - Allow to change color of content popup window
  • Content Thickness - This is the thickness of popup window. The thickness will be increased from low to high
  • Background Controls - Allow to change background of content pop window
  • Show Controls - You can Show/No buttons for controling

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Thursday, 14 July 2011 11:49

Yt Ajax Tabs Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.5.x and Joomla! v1.6.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
    In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose option mod_yt_news_ajax_tabs (for Content component) or mod_yt_k2ajax_tabs (for K2 component) or mod_yt_sobi2_ajax_tabs (for Sobi2 component) or mod_yt_virtuemart_ajax_tabs (for VirtueMart component)
  • And you can change params for your idea after
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of Yt VirtueMart Ajax Tabs for example:

  • Image of Product: This is the first image in the description of Product
  • Description of Product: This is the intro text in the description of Product


Let's examine all the settings detail on mod_yt_virtuemart_ajax_tabs

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • General Setting
  • Image Options
  • Text Options and Link Options
  • Theme Options and Color Options
  • Other Options
  • Advanced Parameters
  • Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
  • Select Tab First Display - Please choose one category in option to display in the first.
  • Select Categories - Here you can choose some category which you want to show on tabs.
  • For Special Products - Allow you to filter articles with 3 options:
    • Include Special Products: Show all products
    • Show Special Products Only: Show Special Products only
    • Hide Special Products: Hide products which are Special Products
  • Sort Order By - Allow you to sort order products by
    • Recently Added First
    • Recently Modified First
    • Best Seller
    • Worst Seller
    • High Price
    • Low Price
    • Product Name
    • Random
  • Number Items Display - The total of products which will be showed in the module
  • Column Number - The numbers of columns which will be showed in the module
  • Row Number -The numbers of row which will be showed in the module
  • Thumbnail Width/Height -You can change width and height of Thumbnail
  • Resized Image Type - You can resized or crop for Images
  • Show Images - Allow you to show/disable images
  • Show Link Image - Allow you to show/not show link for image
  • Show Price - Allow you to show/not show Price of Product
  • Show Title - You can show/not show title of product
  • Max Length of Title - The max number of character of title product which can be showed
  • Show Description - You can show/not show description of product
  • Count of characters:
    • Count characters: If you choose this option, the brief description will be limited by amount of characters show in "Char Count" param
    • Use entire description text: If you choose this option, the brief description will be show entire description text.
  • Char Count - This is the max number of character of product description which can be showed
  • Show read more - You can show/not show ReadMore
  • Read More Text - You can change text of read more
  • Open Link
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Custom URL - This param allows you to customize the link of each article. If you do not want to go to the detail page of article, you can change the link to another. In the textarea of Custom HTML, please use the following syntax::
    • ArticleID_1:New_URL_1
    • ArticleID_2:New_URL_2
    • ...
  • ArticleID_1, ArticleID_2,... are ids of articles. You can see the Id column in Article Manager page
  • New_URL_1, New_URL_2, New_URL_3 are links which you want to replace the orginal links. Format:

  • Select a theme - We support 4 theme for show your products:
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Left
    • Right
  • Width Layout Tab - You can change width of layout tab. This param is applied for Theme Left and Right)
  • Height Item - You can change height of items
  • Background Tabs - You can change background of Tabs
  • Color Text Tabs - You can change color of Text of Tabs
  • Title Color - You can change color of product title
  • Description Color - You can change color of description
  • Price Color - You can change color of Price
  • ReadMore Color - You can change color of ReadMore
  • Show Button Paging - You can show/ not show button Pagging
  • Speed - The time to move to next item
  • Intro Text - You can insert text which you want to show in the intro of module
  • Footer Text - You can insert text which you want to show in the footer of module
  • Caching
    • Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
    • Use Cache: Turn on caching
  • Include jQuery Library - enable/disable jQuery Library.
  • Cache Times - The time to cache

Tagged under
Tuesday, 31 May 2011 09:48

Yt Extra Slider Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.5.x and Joomla! v1.6.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
    In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose option mod_ytc_news_extraslider (for Content component) or mod_ytc_k2extraslider (for K2 component) or mod_yt_sobi2_extraslider (for Sobi2 component) or mod_ytc_virtuemart_extraslider (for VirtueMart component)
  • And you can change params for your ideal after
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of Yt Sobi2 ExtraSlider for example:

  • Image of Article: This is the first image in the description of Article
  • Description of Article: This is the intro text in the description of Article


Let's examine all the settings detail on mod_yt_sobi2_extraslider

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • General Setting
  • Title Options and Link Options
  • Image Options
  • Effect Options
  • Themes and Layout
  • Advanced Parameters
  • Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
  • Item Type - We support 2 type for your site:
    • Category
    • Item Ids
  • Item Ids - Here you can choose some Items which you want to show in the module. Support for Item Ids Type. You can see the Id column in Entry Manager page of Sobi2 component
  • Select Categories - Here you can choose some categories which you want to read items for the module
  • Sort Order By - Allow you to sort order articles by
    • Recently added first
    • Recently modified first
    • Ordering
    • Hits
    • Title
    • Random
  • The Amount of Articles - Total Articles which you want to show in the module
  • Items per row - The total items which you want to show on per row
  • Items per column - The total items which you want to show on per column
  • Maximum number characters for title - The max number of character of item title which can be showed
  • Maximum number character for description - The max number of character of item description which can be showed
  • Auto Play - The Slideshow can be played automatically or no
  • Title for slider - The text of Title slider
  • Show Title - You can show/hide title of item
  • Show Readmore - You can show/hide read more
  • Read more text - You can change text of Read More
  • Open Link
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Thumbnail width/height - You can change width/height of item thumbnail
  • Resized Image Type - Resizing type of image
    • Resized
    • Crop

  • Speed - The time to move to next item
  • Timer - The time to run effect
  • Select a style effect - We support 2 effects for your site
    • Horizontal: The slide show will move horizontal
    • Vertical: The slide show will move vertical
  • Select a theme - We support 4 themes for your site
  • Background Opacity - You can change background of opacity
  • Background Content - You can change background of content
  • Title color - You can change color of title
  • Description color - You can change color of description
  • Show previous and next button - You can show/hide previous and next button here
  • Caching
    • Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
    • Use Cache: Turn on caching
  • Include jQuery Library - enable/disable jQuery Library.
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Note - You can insert text which you want to show in the footer of module

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