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Best Financial Joomla Templates - Business & Finance Joomla Template
SA Nghiem Diep

SA Nghiem Diep

I work as an online marketer at I'm a positive person and love the creativity at work. "I'm here" - the quote that I always want to tell with all of you. This means "I'm always ready to help you" ;)

Monday, 30 May 2011 09:51

Yt SlideShow II Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.5.x and Joomla! v1.6.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
    In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose option mod_yt_content_slideshowII or mod_yt_k2_slideshowII or mod_yt_sobi2_slideshowII or mod_yt_vm_slideshowII
  • And you can change params for your ideal after
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of Yt Content SlideShow II for example:

  • Image of Article: This is the first image in the description of Article
  • Intro text: This is the intro text in the description of Article.
    • Long intro text - for Main Description
    • Short intro text - for Normal Description
    • General Setting
    • Title Options and Link Options
    • Image Options
    • Theme and Effect Options
    • Advanced Parameters

    Let's examine all the settings detail on mod_yt_content_slideshowII

    The parameters are divided into the following areas:
    • Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
    • Select option - We support 2 options: Category or Section, you can choose one option, the result will show into Select Categories or Sections option.
    • Select Categories or Sections - Here you can choose some categories or sections which you want to read articles for the module.
    • For Frontpage Article - Allow you to filter articles with 3 options:
      • Hide Frontpage Article: Hide Articles which are Frontpage attribute
      • Show Frontpage article only: Show Frontpage article only
      • Include frontpage articles: Show all Articles
    • Sort Order By - Allow you to sort order articles by
      • Recentltly added first
      • Recentltly modified first
      • Ordering
      • Title
      • Random
    • Width Module - You can change width module here
    • The Amount of Articles - Total article which you want to show in the module
    • Item Number Per Page - This is the total number of items which you want to show on per page
    • Auto play - Allow you show/hide Slide show automatically
    • Max length of title - The max number of character of article title which can be showed
    • Open Link
      • Same window: Open the link in the same window
      • New window: Open the link in the new window
    • Show Main Description - Show/hide the Main Description
    • Link for image - You can enable/disable link for Article image
    • Show Normal Description - Show/hide the Normal Description
    • Show Normal Title - Show/hide the Normal Title
    • Show Read More text - Show/hide the Read More Text
    • Read More Text - You can change the text of Read more here
    • Max length of Description - The max number of character of normal description which can be showed
    • Max length of Main Description - The max number of character of main description which can be showed
    • Custom URL - This param allows you to customize the link of each article. If you do not want to go to the detail page of article, you can change the link to another. In the textarea of Custom HTML, please use the following syntax:
      • ArticleID_1:New_URL_1
      • ArticleID_2:New_URL_2
      • ...


    • ArticleID_1, ArticleID_2,... are ids of articles. You can see the Id column in Article Manager page
    • New_URL_1, New_URL_2, New_URL_3 are links which you want to replace the orginal links. Format:
    • Show Main Image - You can show/hide main images
    • Show Normal Image - You can show/hide normal images
    • Large thumbnail width/height - You can change width/height of Large thumbnail on Main Description Part
    • Small thumbnail width/height - You can change width/height of Small thumbnail on Normal Description Part
    • Usig Image Source- You can use image source which you want here
    • Thumbnail Mode Type- Type of resizing of thumbnails
      • Using Resized
      • Using Crop

    • Select a theme - We support 5 themes for you site
    • Select an effect - We support 25 effect for you site
    • Stop when hover - The Slideshow can be stop when hover
    • Slideshow speed - The time to move to next article
    • Timer speed - The time to run effect
    • Main Description Color - You can change color of main description
    • Normal Description Color - You can change color of normal description
    • Normal Descripton Active Color - You can change color of normal description when actived
    • Caption Opacity - Here Caption Opacity can be changed light or dark from 0.0 to 1.0. Example: 0.7
    • Caption Color - You can change color of caption
    • Normal Background - You can change normal background
    • Normal active background - You can change normal background when actived
    • Title Color - You can change color of title here
    • Title Active Color - You can change color of title when actived
    • Intro text - You can insert text which you want to show in the top of module
    • Footer text - You can insert text which you want to show in the footer of module
    • Caching
      • Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
      • Use Cache: Turn on caching
    • Cache Times - The time to cache
    • Include jQuery Library - enable/disable jQuery Library.

Tagged under
Thursday, 26 May 2011 08:32

Yt Category ShowCase Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.5.x and Joomla! v1.6.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
    In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose option mod_yt_category_showcase or mod_yt_k2_category_showcase or mod_ytsobi2_category_showcase or mod_ytvm_categoryshowcase
  • And you can change params for your ideal after
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of Yt VM Category ShowCase for example:

  • Image of category: This is the first image in the description of Category
  • Description of Product: This is the intro text in the description of Product


Let's examine all the settings detail on mod_ytvm_categoryshowcase

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • General Setting
  • Title Options and Link Options
  • Image and Link Options
  • Themes and Effect Options
  • Other Options
  • Advanced Parameters
  • Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
  • Select Categories - Here you can choose some categories which you want to read products for the module
  • For Special Products - Allow you to filter articles with 3 options:
    • Hide Featured Items: Hide items which are Featured Items
    • Only Featured Items: Show Featured Items only
    • Show: Show all Items
  • Sort Order By - Allow you to sort order articles by
    • Date
    • Order
    • Hits
    • Random
  • Total Products - Total Product which you want to show in the module
  • The Columns of Products - The Param uses for Theme 3 and Theme 4. It's number of columns which you want to show products
  • Max length of product title - The max number of character of product title which can be showed
  • Open Link
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Link for Title of Product - Enable/Disable link for Title of Product
  • Show Title of Category - You can show/hide the Title of category
  • Show Title of Product - You can show/hide the Title of product
  • Show price of product - You can show/hide price of product
  • Show Brief of Product Description - You can show/hide the Brief of Product Description
  • Type of description - We support 2 types for showing description:
    • Count characters: The Description will be limited the number of character for showing
    • Use entire description text: The Description will be showed all
  • Description max of product - This param uses for "Count character" type of description. This is the limited number of character for showing.
  • Color of product name - You can change color of product name
  • Color of description - You can change color of description
  • Color of Price - You can change color of price
  • Background color - You can change color of background of module
  • Show Read More Link - You can Show/hide link of Read More
  • Read More text - Here you can change text of Read More
  • Show link viewing all products - You can enable/disable the link to show all product
  • View all text - Here you can change text of View all product
  • Link for category image - You can enable/disable link for category image
  • Show product thumb image - You can show/hide thumb image of product
  • Link for product thumb image - You can enable/disable link for product thumb image
  • Category thumbnail width/height - You can change width/height of category thumbnail
  • Product thumbnail width/height - You can change width/height of product thumbnail
  • Width of products column - Here you can change width of product columns
  • Category thumbnail mode - Type of resizing of category thumbnail
    • Resized
    • Crop
  • Product thumbnail mode - Type of resizing of product thumbnail
    • Resized
    • Crop

  • Auto Play - The Slideshow can be auto played or no
  • Slideshow speed - The time to move to next product
  • Timer speed - The time to run effect
  • Select a theme - We support 4 themes for your site
  • Select an effect - We support 25 effect for your site
  • Custom URL - This param allows you to customize the link of each article. If you do not want to go to the detail page of article, you can change the link to another. In the textarea of Custom HTML, please use the following syntax:
    • ArticleID_1:New_URL_1
    • ArticleID_2:New_URL_2
    • ...


  • ArticleID_1, ArticleID_2,... are ids of articles. You can see the Id column in Article Manager page
  • New_URL_1, New_URL_2, New_URL_3 are links which you want to replace the orginal links. Format:
  • Intro text - You can insert text which you want to show in the top of module
  • Footer text - You can insert text which you want to show in the footer of module
  • Caching
    • Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
    • Use Cache: Turn on caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Include jQuery Library - enable/disable jQuery Library.
  • Note - You can insert text which you want to show in the footer of module

Tagged under
Wednesday, 25 May 2011 16:36

Yt Frontpage Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.5.x, Joomla! v1.6.x and Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
    In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose option mod_yt_news_frontpage (for Content component) or mod_yt_k2frontpage (for K2 component) or mod_yt_sobi2frontpage (for Sobi2 component) or mod_yt_virtuemart_frontpage (for VirtueMart component)
  • And you can change params for your idea after
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of Yt News Frontpage for example:

  • Article Image: This is the first image in the description of Article
  • Description: This is the intro text in the description of Article


Let's refer the detail setting on mod_yt_news_frontpage

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • General Setting
  • Title Options and Link Options
  • Image Options
  • Themes and Layouts
  • Advanced Parameters
  • Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
  • Item Type - We support 2 types:
    • Category
    • Item Ids
  • Item Ids - Support for Ids of Items. You can read it
  • Select option - We support 2 options Category or Section, you can choose one option, the result will show into Select Categories or Sections option.
  • Select Categories or Sections - Here you can choose some categories or sections which you want to read articles for the module
  • Custom URL - This param allows you to customize the link of each article. If you do not want to go to the detail page of article, you can change the link to another. In the textarea of Custom HTML, please use the following syntax::
    • ArticleID_1:New_URL_1
    • ArticleID_2:New_URL_2
    • ...
    • ArticleID_1, ArticleID_2,... are ids of articles. You can see the Id column in Article Manager page
    • New_URL_1, New_URL_2, New_URL_3 are links which you want to replace the orginal links. Format:
  • For Featured Items - Allow you to filter articles with 3 options:
    • Hide Featured Items: Hide items which are Featured Items
    • Only Featured Items: Show Featured Items only
    • Show: Show all Items
  • Sort by Field - Allow you to sort order articles by
    • Date
    • Order
    • Hits
    • Random
  • The Amount of Articles - Total articles which you want to show in the module
  • Show Title - You can show/hide the Title of Item
  • Show Main Description - You can show/hide the Main Description
  • Show Normal Description - You can show/hide Normal Descriptions
  • Show Read More Link - You can Show/hide link of Read More
  • Title Color - You can change color of title of Item
  • Max length of title - The max number of character of title article which can be showed
  • Max length of Main Description - The max number of character of main description which can be showed
  • Max length of Normal Description - The max number of character of normal description which can be showed
  • Width Module - You can set width by pixel for the module here.
  • Open Link
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in the new window
  • Show Date - You can show/hide the Date which you creat the Item
  • Link for Title - Enable/Disable link for Title of Article
  • Link For Image - Allow to show/hide link for main Image
  • Large Thumbnail Width - You can change width of thumbnail here
  • Large Thumbnail Height - You can change Height of thumbnail here
  • Small Thumbnail Width - You can change width of thumbnail for normal item here
  • Small Thumbnail Height - You can change height of thumbnail for normal item here
  • Resized Image type
    • Resized
    • Crop

  • Select a theme - We support 4 themes for your site
  • Caching
    • Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
    • Use Cache: Turn on caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Include jQuery Library - enable/disable jQuery Library.
  • Note - You can insert text which you want to show in the footer of module

Tagged under
Saturday, 21 May 2011 17:19

Yt Slick Slider Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.5.x, Joomla! v1.6.x and Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.5.x after:
  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
    In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose option mod_yt_content_slickslider (for Content component) or mod_yt_k2slickslider (for K2 component) or mod_yt_sobi2slickslider (for Sobi2 component) or mod_yt_virtuemart_slickslider (for VirtueMart component)
  • And you can change params for your idea after
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of Yt Content Slick Slider for example:

  • Image of Article: This is the first image in the description of Article
  • Description of Article: This is the intro text in the description of Article


Let's refer the detail setting on mod_yt_content_slickslider

The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • General Setting
  • Title Options and Link Options
  • Image Options
  • Effect Options
  • Themes and Layouts
  • Advanced Parameters
  • Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
  • Select option - We support 2 options Category or Section, you can choose one option, the result will show into Select Categories or Sections option.
  • Select Categories or Sections - Here you can choose some categories or sections which you want to read articles for the module
  • Article Type - Allow you to filter articles with 3 options:
    • Without Frontpage Articles: Hide items which are frontpage articles
    • Frontpage Articles: Show frontpage article only
    • Both: Show all article
  • Sort by Field - Allow you to sort order articles by
    • Date
    • Order
    • Hits
    • Random
  • The Amount of Articles - Total articles which you want to show in module
  • Article Start - The first article which is showed
  • Auto play - Slide can be auto play
  • Width Module - Allows you to add a width for the module.
  • Height Of Small Items - Allows you to add a height for the small items.
  • Max length of title - The max number of character of title article which can be showed
  • Open Link
    • Same window: Open the link in the same window
    • New window: Open the link in new window
  • Link for Caption - Enable/Disable link for Caption of Article
  • Link For Image - Allow to show/hide link for main Image
  • Show intro text - You can show/off brief description
  • Show Read More Link - You can show/off Read More Link of article
  • Max length of Description - The max number of character of description which can be showed
  • Description Color - Allow you change the color of Description
  • Large Thumbnail Width - You can change width of thumbnail here
  • Large Thumbnail Height - You can change Height of thumbnail here
  • Description box Width - You can change width of box for covering the description
  • Resized Image type
    • Resized
    • Crop
  • Stop when hover - The slide show will be stop/continue when you hover
  • Slideshow speed - Time to show one slide
  • Timer speed - Time to change slide
  • Select a theme - We support Wood theme and Black theme
  • Sellect an Effect - We support 25 effect for your site
  • Show images on the right - You can show/hide image on the right
  • Button themes - The style of button: Cycle or Number
  • Caption Background - You can change color of background of caption
  • Caption Color - You can change color of Caption
  • Show Navigation - You can show/off Navigation
  • Show caption - You can show/hide Caption if you want
  • Caching
    • Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
    • Use Cache: Turn on caching
  • Cache Times - The time to cache
  • Include Mootools Library - enable/disable Mootools library.
  • Note - You can insert text which you want to show in the footer of module

Tagged under
Saturday, 07 May 2011 09:26

Yt Category Summary Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the latest version. If you just bought the module, you already have the latest version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


- Joomla! v1.5.x, Joomla! v1.6.x latest stable version is highly recommended.


  • In Administrator page on Joomla! v1.5x, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
    In this page, click on Choose File button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install

  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, choose option Select Type and find mod_yt_categorysummary or mod_yt_k2categorysummary or mod_yt_sobi2categorysummary or mod_yt_vmcategorysummary
  • And you can change params for your ideal after


Let's examine all the settings detail on mod_yt_categorysummary:
  • Module Class Suffix: please refer here
  • Width of module: Allow you to add width for your module
  • Sellect option: You can show Section or Category which you want
  • Select Categories or Sections: Here you can choose categories or sections from content component for the module.
  • For Frontpage article
    • Include frontpage articles
    • Hide frontpage articles
    • Show frontpage article only
  • Sort Order By
    • Recently Added First.
    • Recentlt Modified first
    • Ordering: According to the order field
    • Title
    • Random
  • Total articles: Total articles which you want to show in the module
  • Show order of one article when showing module: This param is used for theme 1.
  • Max length of category or section title: When the title is too long, you can use this param to limit some characters of the category or section title
  • Max length of article title: Allow you limit some characters of article title
  • Remove html tags of article or category or section description
    • Keeping HTML code: the module will keep html tags in description
    • Removing HTML code: the module will remove all html tags before cutting
  • Characters of article or category description
    • Count characters
    • Use entire description text
  • Open link:
    • Same Window.
    • New Window.
  • Link for category or section title: Allow you show/hide link for category or section title
  • Link for article title: Allow you show/hide link for article title
  • Show title of category or section: Allow you show/hide title of category or section
  • Show title of article: Allow you show/hide title of article
  • Color of category or section title: You can change color of category or section title
  • Color of article title: You can change color of article title
  • Color of category or section description: You can change color of category or section description
  • Color of article description: You can change color of article description
  • Background color of article column: You can set color for background of article column
  • Background color of category or section content: You can set color for background of category or section content
  • Show article thumb image: Allow to show or hide article image
  • Link for article thumb image: Allow to show or hide link for article image
  • Category or section thumbnail width/height: Allow you set width/height for category or section thumbnail
  • Article thumbnail width/height: Allow you set width/height for article thumbnail
  • Category/Section/Article thumbnail mode:
    • Resized
    • Crop
  • Select a theme: We support 3 themes for your site
  • Show readmore link: Allow you show/hide readmore link
  • Show view all link: Allow you show/hide view all link
  • Read more text: Allow you change readmore text
  • View all text: Allow you change View all text
  • Custom URL: This text area allows you to enter custom URL of category or article for the module
  • Intro text: This text area allows you to enter intro text for the module
  • Foot text: This text area allows you to enter footer text for the module
  • Caching:
    • Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
    • Use Cache: Turn on caching
  • Include jQuery Library: Allow you enable/disable jQuery Library
  • Cache Time: The time to cache

Tagged under
Monday, 04 April 2011 10:45

Yt Portfolio - Userguide

First of all, make sure you always download the latest version. If you just bought the extension, you already have the latest versions for components in Joomla! v1.5.x like these:
  • Yt Content Portfolio - Supports for Content component
  • Yt VirtueMart Portfolio - Supports for VirtueMart component
  • Yt K2 Portfolio - Support for K2 component
  • Yt Sobi2 Portfolio - Support for Sobi2 component
Please make sure that you install these components.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.


  • In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
  • In this page, click on Browse.. button, choose our module and then click Upload File & Install
  • Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, find Yt Portfolio Module and then edit it
  • In the editing page, choose a position, change parameters to your ideas


  • Joomla! v1.5.x and Joomla! v1.6.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.


The parameters are divided into the following areas:
  • General Settings
  • Title and Link Options
  • Image and color Options
  • Theme and other Options
  • Advanced Parameters
Let's examine all the settings in detail:

General settings

  • Module Class Suffix: please refer here
  • Width of Module: Allows you to add a width for the module.
  • Height of Module: Allows you to add a height for the module.
  • Width of article list: Allows you to add width for part of article list.
  • Using ajax: Yes/No
  • Select option: support 2 options Category or Section, you can choose one option, the result will show into Select Categories or Sections option.
  • Select Categories or Sections: Here you can choose categories or sections from Content, K2, Vm or Sobi2 component for the module.
  • Category number: Amount of category which you want to show in module.
  • Category number scrolled: Amount of category which you want to scroll in module.
  • Total Articles: Allow you to limit the number of article in each category.
  • For frontpage article: Here there are three options:
    • Hide Frontpage articles: The module will show articles which are not the frontpage article
    • Show Frontpage articles only: The module will only show articles which are the frontpage article
    • Include frontpage articles: The module will show all articles in categories or sections.
  • Sort By Frield and Sort Order By
    • Recently Added
    • Recently Modified
    • Ordering
    • Most Popular (follow hits)
    • Least Popular (follow hits)
    • Random

Title and link options

  • Max length of article title: The number of characters of article title (for article in the list)
  • Link for article title: Yes/No
  • Count of character of brief description:
    • Count characters: If you choose this option, the brief description will be limited by amount of characters show in "Max length of bripf description" param
    • Use entire description text: If you choose this option, the brief description will be show entire description text.
  • HTML tags of brief description:
    • Keeping HTML tags: the module will keep html tags in description
    • Removing HTML tags: the module will remove all html tags before cutting
  • Max length of brief description: The number of characters of brief description.
  • Show read more link: Yes/No
  • Read more text: Allow you to change text of read more.

Image and color options

  • Show image of article: Allow you to show/hide image of article in description.
  • Link for image of article: Yes/No
  • Thumnail width of article: width of thumnail in description
  • Thumnail height of article: height of thumnail in description
  • Thumnail mode for article: thumnail mode for article
  • Thumnail width of category or section: width of thumnail of category or section
  • Thumnail height of category or section: height of thumnail of category or section
  • Thumnail mode for category or section: thumnail mode for category or section
  • Color of article title: Allow you to change color or article title
  • Color of article title when actived: Allow you to change color of article title when actived
  • Color of description of article: Allow you change color of description of article
  • Background of module: Allow you to change background of module
  • Color of border: Here you change color of border
  • Color of scroll bar: Here you change color of scroll bar
  • Color of scroll drag: Here you change color of scroll drag
  • Color of read more: Allow you change color of read more

Theme and other options

  • Select a theme: we support three themes for your module
  • Open Link:
    • Scroll bar
    • New window
    • Same Window
    • Pop up
  • Auto play: Yes/No
  • Select an effect: Allow you to change effect on module. Here we support 25 effects.
  • Slideshow speed: time to show one slide
  • Timer speed: time to change slide
  • Customer URL: You can overwrite link on article which you want. We only support article IDs Type. Syntax:
    • ID1:URL1
    • ID2:URL2
    • ...
  • Intro text: Here you can edit text on intro
  • Footer text: Here you can edit text on footer

Advanced parameters

  • Caching:
    • Do not use Cache: Turn off caching
    • Use Cache: Turn on caching
  • Include jQuery Library: enable/disable jquery library. If the template is loading a jquery library, you can turn off jquery of the module to do your site loading faster
  • Cache Times: the time to cache

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Monday, 16 December 2013 08:53

How to install Joomla Quickstart

Let's go to here for reading full help documentation!
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Saturday, 19 October 2013 11:05

SJ Atom Userguide



This guide will help you install SJ Atom and extensions included in the template step by step. This provides for only membeships in SmartAddons Joomla Template Clubs.


At the basic level, this template will require the following conditions:

  • Compatible with version Joomla: Joomla! 2.5.x, Joomla 3.3
  • Compatible with version K2: 2.6.x
  • Installation Packages include:
    • Quickstart Package
    • Template package only
    • Extensions package from our store
    • Extensions packge from 3rd Parties (if have)


2.1 Download Packages from our store:

Step 1 Login your account

Step 2 Go to Joomla > Download > Joomla Templates Club

Step 3 Under Premium Joomla Templates --> click to download template as you want

Step 4 Under name of template --> Download packages as you want

2.2 Download packages from 3rd Parties:

This is the component from 3rd party which is used in this template:;

  • K2 Component: Download as this guide in here


There are two ways to install a Joomla Template:

  • Install quickstart: By using this package, you will set the template exactly as our Demo with sample data. This is applied when you need a fresh Joomla with our template. For understanding more information about Quickstart, you should read this article: Quickstart package for Joomla templates - what is this and how to install it?
  • Install Template and Extensions: This is applied when you have already installed a Joomla instance on your server. You will need only be using the zipped files in "Extensions" and "Template" folders mentioned above.

3.1 Installation with Quickstart Package

Let see step by step for quickstart installation in the article - How to install a Joomla Quickstart

In the end of 3.1 Installation with Quickstart Package, you will be got a new website as our demo.

3.2 Installation without Quickstart Package

Log in your Administrator, go to Extensions > Extension Manager

Then install Template and Extensions as bellow.

3.2.1. Install Template:

Step 1: Click Choose File/Browse button, select our template file you have downloaded > Upload & Install. Do as this for getting Template package.

Step 2: Go to Extensions > Template Manager and set SJ Atom to become the default template as bellow

3.2.2. Install Extensions:

Here is list of extensions that are used in the template.

Step 1: Install Extensions that are developed by SmartAddons. Please Unzip First the Extension package for getting SmartAddons extensions then install each of them as install template above. Do as this for getting SmartAddons packages.

Step 2: Install K2 Component as extensions above. Do as this for getting package of K2 Component.

Step 3: Enable/Public plugins. Note: all plugins listed are imperative.

  • Yt Framework Plugin supports to add extra parameters used with Mega Menu and to compress CSS/JS/HTML when optimizing code. Besides, configure Yt Framework to show SJ Help with Report Bugs, Template Tutorials and YT Framework Tutorials or include jQuery into template. You can go here for getting more information of this plugin.
  • YT Shortcodes supports users to make content for web pages. In Joomla administrator, YT Shortcodes button will be appeared below the text-area, you can choose shortcodes for the text-area to make content. Click here for viewing the screenshot of backend
  • SJ Content Related News is used for showing other related articles in the same category. For more info about this module, please go here. Click here for viewing the screenshot of backend.
  • SJ Contact Ajax and SJ Content Responsive Listing Ajax plugins are using for loading ajax in SJ Contact Ajax module (in pos-blog position) and SJ Content Responsive Listing module (in pos-contact position)

You need to install and activate them when using this template. Let's start from 1 - 2 - 3 to active plugins as bellow:

After install template/extensions, please go to next step - Configuration of template as 4. Part bellow


The following part we will guide how to configure the template becomes the same with our home page - Demo

4.1 Modules Positions

Please click on the image for viewing full Module Positions

4.2 Template Configuration

Go to Extensions > Template Manager > SJ Atom. All parameters of this template are divided into the following groups, in which they are explained themselves. Please click here for seeing more

4.4 Extensions Configuration

We will guide to configure extensions follow the Module Position above

4.4.1. Module HTML Custom - Bars for switching backgrounds

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: postition-bar
    Suffix: change-bg
  • Frontend - Backend
    <ul class="list-item clearfix">
    <li class="active col3">bg1</li>
    <li class="col3">bg2</li>
    <li class="col3">bg3</li>
    <li class="first col3">images/background/bg3.jpg</li>

4.4.2. Module HTML Custom - Social

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: position-social
    Suffix: social
  • Frontend - Backend
    <li><a href="" target="_blank"><em class="facebookcircle"></em></a></li>
    <li><a href="#"><em class="flickrcircle"></em></a></li>
    <li><a href="#"><em class="pluscircle"></em></a></li>
    <li><a href="" target="_blank"><em class="twitterbirdcircle"></em></a></li>
    <li><a href="#" target="_blank"><em class="vimeocircle"></em></a></li>
    <li><a href="#" target="_blank"><em class="dribbblecircle"></em></a></li>

4.4.3. Module HTML Custom - About Us Text

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: pos-aboutus
    Suffix: block-title blank
  • Frontend - Backend
    Get to Know More About Us
    Lorem ipsum dolor slo onsec designs tueraliquet Morbi nec In Curabitur nel

4.4.4. Module SJ News Scroller

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: pos-aboutus
    Suffix: scroller no-modal
  • Frontend - Backend

Please refer here for getting how to configure params SJ News Scroller module

4.4.5. Module SJ News Extra Slider

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: pos-aboutus
    Suffix: our-member no-modal
  • Frontend - Backend

Please refer here for getting how to configure params of SJ News Extra Slider module

4.4.6. Module HTML Custom - Our Services

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: pos-services
    Suffix: block-title blank
  • Frontend - Backend
    Our Services
    Lorem ipsum dolor slo onsec designs tueraliquet Morbi nec In Curabitur nel

4.4.7. Module SJ Basic News

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: pos-services
    Suffix: services no-modal
  • Frontend - Backend

4.4.8. Module HTML Custom - Fashion Gallery

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: pos-fashion
    Suffix: block-title blank
  • Frontend - Backend
    Fashion Gallery
    Lorem ipsum dolor slo onsec designs tueraliquet Morbi nec In Curabitur nel

4.4.9. Module SJ News Ajax Tabs

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: pos-fashion
    Suffix: fashion no-modal
  • Frontend - Backend

Please refer here for getting how to configure params of SJ News Ajax Tabs module

4.4.10. Module HTML Custom - Welcome to blog

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: pos-blog
    Suffix: block-title blank
  • Frontend - Backend
    Welcome to blog. Have a nice reading !
    Lorem ipsum dolor slo onsec designs tueraliquet Morbi nec In Curabitur nel

4.4.11. Module SJ Content Responsive Listing

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: pos-blog
    Suffix: mod-blog no-modal
  • Frontend - Backend

Please refer here for getting how to configure params SJ Content Responsive Listing module

4.4.12. Module HTML Custom - Testimonials

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: pos-testimonials
    Suffix: block-title blank
  • Frontend - Backend
    Lorem ipsum dolor slo onsec designs tueraliquet Morbi nec In Curabitur nel

4.4.13. Module SJ News Extra Slider - Testimonials

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: pos-testimonials
    Suffix: testimonials
  • Frontend - Backend

4.4.14. Module HTML Custom - Contact Us

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: pos-contact
    Suffix: block-title blank
  • Frontend - Backend
    Contact Us
    Lorem ipsum dolor slo onsec designs tueraliquet Morbi nec In Curabitur nel

4.4.15. Module SJ Contact Ajax - Contact Us

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: pos-contact
    Suffix: mod-contact
  • Frontend - Backend

Please refer here for getting how to configure params SJ Contact Ajax module

That's homepage. For other advanced and customized configurations, please submit ticket OR purchase our installation services.

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Friday, 20 September 2013 15:42

SJ Viste Template Userguide


This guide will help you install SJ Viste and extensions included in the template step by step. This provides for only membeships in SmartAddons Joomla Template Clubs.

1. REQUIREMENT - Back to top

At the basic level, this template will require the following conditions:

  • Compatible with version Joomla: Joomla! 2.5.x
  • Compatible with version Virtuemart: v2.0.22c
  • Installation Packages include:
    • Quickstart Package
    • Template package only
    • Extensions package from our store
    • Extensions packge from 3rd Parties (if have)

2. HOW TO DOWNLOAD - Back to top

2.1 Download Packages from our store:

Step 1 Login your account

Step 2 Go to Joomla > Download > Joomla Templates Club

Step 3 Under Premium Joomla Templates --> click to download template as you want

Step 4 Under name of template --> Download packages as you want

2.2 Download packages from 3rd Parties:

This is the component from 3rd party which is used in this template:;

  • Virtuemart Component: Download as this guide in here

3. HOW TO INSTALLATION - Back to top

There are two ways to install a Joomla Template:

  • Install quickstart: By using this package, you will set the template exactly as our Demo with sample data. This is applied when you need a fresh Joomla with our template. For understanding more information about Quickstart, you should read this article: Quickstart package for Joomla templates - what is this and how to install it?
  • Install Template and Extensions: This is applied when you have already installed a Joomla instance on your server. You will need only be using the zipped files in "Extensions" and "Template" folders mentioned above.

3.1 Installation with Quickstart Package

Before installing the Quickstart package, we recommend you back up your site first. You click to learn how to back up a Joomla site. The following steps will guide to install a quickstart package of SmartAddons Joomla Template

Step 1 Upload folder quickstart:

If you are using SSH, simply upload your zip file (via FTP) and then 'unzip' the file. If you are using FTP, unzip the file on your computer and then upload those files as bellow. Though some webhosts have a different structure, in MOST cases, the folder that is used for uploading will be called "public_html." This will take a while to upload all those files and folders. Please keep your patience.

Step 2 Start installation procedure:

After uploading is completed, open the browser and type your URL in the address bar. The first screen will appear as follow

Sellect Language

Main Configuration:

Enter the required information of your site: sitename, email, admin username and password

Step 3 Configure Database:

Create Database: Following guide is used for creating database on the localhost. Go to your phpmyadmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin/) then type of desired database name. You should refer document for creating database on Cpanel.

Database Installation: After the step 2, Click Next and go to this step. You will need to fillup database name, username and password in here.

Step 4: Install Sample Data

If you install sample data, you will have a site like our demo. If you select default sample data, you will get a fresh Joomla site.

Step 5: Remove or Rename the Installation folder:

The final step is removing or renaming the Installation folder

In the end of 3.1 Installation with Quickstart Package, you will be got a new website as our demo.

3.2 Installation without Quickstart Package

Log in your Administrator, go to Extensions > Extension Manager

Then install Template and Extensions as bellow.

3.2.1. Install Template:

Step 1: Click Choose File/Browse button, select our template file you have downloaded > Upload & Install. Do as this for getting Template package.

Step 2: Go to Extensions > Template Manager and set SJ Viste to become the default template as bellow

3.2.2. Install Extensions:

Here is list of extensions that are used in the template.

Step 1: Install Extensions that are developed by SmartAddons. Please Unzip First the Extension package for getting SmartAddons extensions then install each of them as install template above. Do as this for getting SmartAddons packages.

Step 2: Install Virtuemart Component as extensions above. Do as this for getting package of Virtuemart Component.

Step 3: Enable/Public plugins. Note: all plugins listed are imperative.

  • Yt Framework Plugin supports to add extra parameters used with Mega Menu and to compress CSS/JS/HTML when optimizing code. Besides, configure Yt Framework to show SJ Help with Report Bugs, Template Tutorials and YT Framework Tutorials or include jQuery into template. You can go here for getting more information of this plugin.
  • YT Shortcodes supports users to make content for web pages. In Joomla administrator, YT Shortcodes button will be appeared below the text-area, you can choose shortcodes for the text-area to make content. Click here for viewing the screenshot of backend
  • SJ Content Related News is used for showing other related articles in the same category. For more info about this module, please go here. Click here for viewing the screenshot of backend.

You need to install and activate them when using this template. Let's start from 1 - 2 - 3 to active plugins as bellow:

After install template/extensions, please go to next step - Configuration of template as 4. Part bellow


The following part we will guide how to configure the template becomes the same with our home page - Demo

4.1 Modules Positions

4.2 Template Configuration

Go to Extensions > Template Manager > SJ Viste. All of parameters of this template are divided into the following groups, in which they are explained themselves:

4.3 Extension Configuration

1. My Account - Custom HTML Module

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: topmenu
    Suffix: Not Used
  • Frontend - Backend
    <a class="hover-link">My Account <em class="icon-angle-down"> </em></a>
    My Account
    <ul class="col1 subnavi blank">
    <li><a href="#">Account Settings</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Orders</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Messages </a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Downloads </a></li>
    <ul class="col2 subnavi blank">
    <li><a href="#">Tickets</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Shipping </a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Payments </a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Recent Products</a></li>

2. Login Form - Login Module

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: topmenu
    Suffix: Not Used
  • Frontend - Backend

3. Your Cart - SJ Minicart Pro Module

Note: Please activate Ajax Minicart Pro plugin before setting this module. You can go to Extensions > Plugin Manager > System type and find System - Ajax Minicart Pro plugin to enable

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: topmenu
    Suffix: Not Used
  • Frontend - Backend

4. Search - VirtueMart Search Product Module

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: topmenu
    Suffix: Not Used
  • Frontend - Backend

5. Mobile Menu - Menu Module for only mobile

Note: The module is only showed on small screens as tablet (768x1024) and mobiles.

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: topmenu
    Suffix: Not Used
  • Frontend - Backend

6. Freeshipping - Custom HTML Module

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: maintop1
    Suffix: nomarginbottom border-bottom clear
  • Frontend - Backend
    <button class="close">×</button>
    <a class="modtitle " href="#"><em class="icon-truck"> </em>Free Shipping</a> Get free shipping on everything at Viste shop, on orders over 999 $
    <a class="modtitle " href="#"><em class="icon-picture"> </em>Photo Competition</a> We want to see your photos? You could win a Nikon Coolpix P520 worth $499.95

7. SJ Matrix Slider for VirtueMart

Note: The module is only showed on small screens as tablet (768x1024) and mobiles.

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: maintop1
    Suffix: clear nomarginbottom
  • Frontend - Backend

8. SJ Responsive Listing for Virtuemart

Note: Please activate SJ Vm Responsive Listing Ajax plugin before setting this module. You can go to Extensions > Plugin Manager > System type and find System - Sj Vm Responsive Listing Ajax to enable

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: maintop2
    Suffix: Not Supported
  • Frontend - Backend

9. Bottom Menu - Menu Module

10. Store Location - Custom HTML Module

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: bottom1
    Suffix: clear
  • Frontend - Backend
    Feel free to contact us if you have any problems.
    <ul class="menu">
    <li><strong>Address </strong>: 242 NTB Street, NY, US</li>
    <li><strong>Email </strong>: <a href="" target="_top"></a></li>
    <li><strong>Phone </strong>: (+00) 911222333 </li>
    <li><strong>Phone </strong>: (+00) 911222333 </li>

11. Customer Services - Module Menu

12. Why Choose Us - Module Menu

13. Social Networking - Custom HTML Module

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: left
    Suffix: clear
  • Frontend - Backend

14. Main Menu - SJ Flat Menu Module

15. Call Us - Custom HTML Module

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: left
    Suffix: box5
  • Frontend - Backend

16. Newsletter - 'TinyLetter Subscribe' Module

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: left
    Suffix: blank border-bottom
  • Frontend - Backend

17. Pay Mode - Custom HTML Module

  • Module Position - Module Suffix
    Position: left
    Suffix: border-bottom
  • Frontend - Backend

That's homepage. For other advanced and customized configurations, please submit ticket OR purchase our installation services.

Tagged under
Thursday, 13 June 2013 09:33

YT Framework Plugin guide

If you're using our templates, please take a note this is IMPERATIVE plugin for any template that uses YT Framework from version 1.0.0 to later. And this guide will help you install and update the newest version for YT Framework plugin.



Let's go to Joomla Menu -> Download --> Free Joomla Template and check out.

Please click here for going to download area.

YT Plugin for YT Framework


In Administrator on Joomla!, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
On install tab, click Choose File button, choose plugin file (using zip file) then click Upload & Install. Please don't forget to enable status of YT Framework after that.

YT Plugin for YT Framework


1. Templates are using YT Framework v2

With all templates are using YT Framework from v2 to later, you can update this plugin online. When we release new versions of YT Framework, older templates that are built from YT Framework v2 will be able to take advantage of all the new features and changes. Just by one click, you will be owned the newest version of YT Framework. Let's go to Template Configuration and Update now!

2. Templates are using YT Framework v1

With all templates are using YT Framework v1 to before v2, you can update to YT Framework v2 but without new features of YT Framework v2. To do this work, let's install YT Plugin v2 to replace YT Plugin v1 the first then please go to ROOT/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/includes/yt_template.class.php and replace following code as after:

  • Replace
    include_once (dirname(__FILE__).DS.'browser.php');
    if(!class_exists('Browser')) include_once (dirname(__FILE__).DS.'browser.php');
  • or Replace
    include_once (J_TEMPLATEDIR.J_SEPARATOR.'includes'.J_SEPARATOR.'browser.php');
    if(!class_exists('Browser')) include_once (J_TEMPLATEDIR.J_SEPARATOR.'includes'.J_SEPARATOR.'browser.php');
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