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I want to ask about the slider
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TOPIC: I want to ask about the slider

I want to ask about the slider 4 years, 3 months ago #42663

Hi smartaddons
hope you doing well, and in best health and best condition
I want to ask about the slider in this template

The slider name and price and does it support joomla last version
does it have more demos

Re: I want to ask about the slider 4 years, 3 months ago #42670

yes,the slider works support joomla last version.

Re: I want to ask about the slider 4 years, 3 months ago #42678

Thank you
I want the slider name and price and does it have more demos
can you give me the slider page

Re: I want to ask about the slider 4 years, 3 months ago #42688

We're sorry, if you want us to change it for you, please take into consideration to post your requirements to custom work ticket.

Re: I want to ask about the slider 4 years, 3 months ago #42698

Sorry, I want to purchase it
where is it in extensions

Re: I want to ask about the slider 4 years, 3 months ago #42727

Dear Sir

It is the sj-extra-slider for k2 module

if you want to show like in template
please buy our module then custom work with extra cost.

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