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TOPIC: Refund

Refund 11 years, 3 months ago #14793

Bought subscription and copyrite removal thursday night early friday morning. the whole day i waited for anyone to even look at the ticket. while plenty of red members were in the forum the whole time. now its monday and i still dont have anyone assigned to the ticket or posted in the forum. i still dont have any information on the copyrite removal or even that it was purchased. if the support here is gonna be like this i want the refund before its to late. all these commerical template sites. make tons of templates and components and then cant support them. its the same with rockettheme and yootheme.

Re: Refund 11 years, 3 months ago #14806

  • diepnt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 442
  • Karma: 8
Dear raymond shaw,

We're really sorry for the late answering. The weekend and time zone may be a part of reason.

Our technician has contacted with you for getting more information. Please feel free to discuss with them in the ticket. They were ready for checking your problem.

And about Refund policy, we're sorry we afraid of your case won't be applied. Because you downloaded many templates in our store. We just only refund for cases in our policy. Please feel free to read in here:

Hope to see the co-operation from you in here.


Re: Refund 11 years, 3 months ago #14946

this is very uncool i dont mind the lack of a refund but i do not like the slap in the face and offer 45% off after i pay full price. i could of got a subscription to themes extensions and the copyrite removal for a lower price then i paid for the two alone.
Last Edit: 11 years, 3 months ago by Vizionz.

Re: Refund 11 years, 3 months ago #14949

  • diepnt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 442
  • Karma: 8
Dear raymond shaw,

I'm sorry for your case. But this is not as you saw. Our discount program started 2 days before and your purchase was confirmed 6 days before. You downloaded many our templates and only one CopyRight Removal. If you want to remove our copyright on them, you need to buy more copyright from us. And you can use the Coupon code for getting 45% off.

Hope to see the sympathy from you for this.


Re: Refund 11 years, 3 months ago #14952

lets do the math now. i bought the subscription 6 days before i didnt even recieve any support till tuesday i didnt recieve the copyrite information till today. i dont care if i downloaded many of the templates thats what a subscription is about. i download them i try them and i found one i liked with the musik then i installed it tested it found errors submitted tickets forum post and finally had them error solved. so when you take that into account by the time i actually got what i paid for was when the coupon was easily valid. instead of being a good company and saying hey heres a new custumer who went out and actually supported your company. you tell me basically screw you you paid us who cares. you could of easily gave me a subscription to the extensions. and still made money from it since i paid 58 dollars total and them three products would be 53 but you rather me think you burned me wheres your sympathy actually i am the one paying you

Re: Refund 11 years, 3 months ago #14954

SA Nghiem Diep wrote:
Dear raymond shaw,

I'm sorry for your case. But this is not as you saw. Our discount program started 2 days before and your purchase was confirmed 6 days before. You downloaded many our templates and only one CopyRight Removal. If you want to remove our copyright on them, you need to buy more copyright from us. And you can use the Coupon code for getting 45% off.

Hope to see the sympathy from you for this.


and let me break down this post by you as well.

im sorry for you case ? Okay your sorry i ended up buying a subscription to your template club on friday then having till wait till tuesday for support ? again lets do some math. friday till tuesday 4 days. Now add your coupon code two days thats 6 days. a good company would say hey new custumer let me apply this coupon to your account. but nope you basically tell me no refund no this no that. with a refund i could of repurchased everything for cheaper with the code. and been happy. You could of also easily applied the extension package and made money and made a happy custumer..

But you tell me go ahead and buy another copyrite removal for the discount. I BOUGHT THE PACKAGE FOR ONE SITE!!!!!! I downloaded many of the templates to see how zoo and other components look within these templates to find one thats good for me. i did not download multible templates to create a site for each template.

i still not happy with any of the templates to tell you the truth they all are set up nice for what you set them up for but lots of them have major changes that impact the way you design any thing with them. like the final template i chose musik. had problems with jquery had problems with third party components has no k2 templating. and i still havent really touched it to find the other problems. every template i looked at has no way to change widths of anything such as sidebars. maybe be more clear on the subscription page. about you can only get a refund if you only download one thing. i had no clue there was a limit to test them. or i would never a bought a subscription to begin with, i figured it was just a limit to how many of the templates you can actually use on a live site.
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