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counting items does not always work well
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TOPIC: counting items does not always work well

counting items does not always work well 9 years, 12 months ago #19172

  • danko54
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 21
  • Karma: 0
Hi, I'm using Related News Plugin (localhost) with joomla 3.2, I'm having an annoying problem and I need your help.
In the settings I set the limit to 5 items, but do not understand why it shows 6, and when I click on an article of these 6 (List of 6) changes again and it shows 5.
From what I understand if you're seeing an article that is part of the list then this does not appear related news. in this way you never have a fixed number of articles but always changes from +1 to -1
I saw that in your demo related news you've always 6 items in the list, how did you do? please let say, as you did so we can solve this annoying problem.

Re: counting items does not always work well 9 years, 12 months ago #19181

  • danko54
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 21
  • Karma: 0
up. please let answer to find the solution.
In your demo you have solved the problem, because items in the list of your demo there are always 6 items, even if you is looking at an item on the list (example item 4) into the items list this (item 4) will be replaced with another item, in this way you always have 6 items always. how did you do? because in the demo works and instead all the other not? Please let given that you have the solution in your demo please let tell me how you did it.
Last Edit: 9 years, 12 months ago by danko54.
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