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impossibility of its rapratrité tweet from his account
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TOPIC: impossibility of its rapratrité tweet from his account

impossibility of its rapratrité tweet from his account 11 years, 3 months ago #14042

impossibility of its rapratrité tweet from his account

Despite the relocation of the module and its update, remove the cover etc ... I can not repatriated tweet from my account in the module somebody can help me please:
I work on a local server

Re: impossibility of its rapratrité tweet from his account 11 years, 3 months ago #14129

Dear Ferhat Mehdi,

Could you please explain your issue in more detail? Please send the screenshots to me if possible.


Re: impossibility of its rapratrité tweet from his account 11 years, 3 months ago #14148

when I write the link to my twitter account in the parameters sj twitter, my twitt are not repatriated to the frontend module
ps: are you issue for my other topics please
Last Edit: 11 years, 3 months ago by ferhatyanis.

Re: impossibility of its rapratrité tweet from his account 11 years, 3 months ago #14168

Dear Ferhat Mehdi,

Please clear cache on your joomla and your browser.


Re: impossibility of its rapratrité tweet from his account 11 years, 3 months ago #14287


I still have the same issue \ i have cleared cache but still does not show my Tweets


Re: impossibility of its rapratrité tweet from his account 11 years, 3 months ago #14625

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