Hi all, how can I show old price(striked)and current price in the same time? I founded where to put hands on in the code source of theme4.php file but I'm not good at php, I'm really new at php.
The code below is where I think I should modify to show old price and current price in two lines, one belove the other.
<div class="pricevm">
if($item["current_price"] == '' && $item["old_price"] == ''){
echo "<span class='price'>".$item["price"]."</span>";
if(isset($item["old_price"]) && $item["old_price"]!= ''){
echo "<span class='old_price_theme4'><s>".$item["old_price"]."</s></span>";
if(isset($item["current_price"]) && $item["current_price"]!= ''){
echo "<span class='current_price_theme4'>".$item["current_price"]."</span>";
Please help me....!!