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Displayed articles are "code cleaned"
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TOPIC: Displayed articles are "code cleaned"

Displayed articles are "code cleaned" 12 years ago #8340

  • visionforge
  • Single Product
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 3
  • Karma: 0
Hi Guys,

the accordion module is basically working fine on my installation.

The only problem I have is, that all articles, are cleaned up from tags like
<br />
This leads to a different textformatting what is not wanted.

I set "Description Maxlength" to 0 to have the full contents shown.
Links set in the articles are shown in the accordion. They work!

What can I do to prevent the articles to be cleaned?

EDIT: Tables are cleaned as well! Completely!

Kind regards,

Last Edit: 12 years ago by visionforge.
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Re: Displayed articles are "code cleaned" 12 years ago #8394

  • visionforge
  • Single Product
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 3
  • Karma: 0
OK, found the code.
I changed it in mod_sj_k2_accordion/core/helper_base.php in line 71.

Replaced this:
public function _cleanText($text){
			$text = str_replace('<p>', ' ', $text);
			$text = str_replace('</p>', ' ', $text);
			$text = strip_tags($text, '<a><em><strong>');
			$text = trim($text);
			return $text;

with that:

public function _cleanText($text){
			$text = str_replace('<p>', ' ', $text);
			$text = str_replace('</p>', ' ', $text);
			$text = strip_tags($text, '<p><a><em><strong><br><table><tbody><td><tr>');
			$text = trim($text);
			return $text;

Tanks anyway.
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