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Submenu delay mouseout
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TOPIC: Submenu delay mouseout

Submenu delay mouseout 13 years ago #2076

  • Unimatrix
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 2
  • Karma: 0
Hello Smart News Team.

I wonder how i could set a delay time in (ms) for a mouseout move on a submenu

So that a submenu stays longer if you accidently move away with the mouse.

Can you help me please?

Using the Mega menu in your template
Last Edit: 13 years ago by Unimatrix.

Re: Submenu delay mouseout 13 years ago #2080

Dear Unimatrix!
Please try to configure param: Duration Effect
Mouseout move on a submenu the difference after:
- menu have child -> menu normal
- menu have child -> menu have child
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Re: Submenu delay mouseout 13 years ago #2085

  • Unimatrix
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 2
  • Karma: 0
Hello Template Supporter.

Where would i find those parameters?
I tried to increase the time of "Duration Effect" in the template settings.

It only increases the time until the submenus are shown..
What i need is a solution to increase the time the submenu stays after the mouse cursor is moving out of the submenu.

Like the "Dj-menu" is showing on their webpage.

Is their any easy way to edit the megalib.js to provide a delay?
I'm no great javascript coder .. so i would need a hand

Thank you
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