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Image issue in category blog
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TOPIC: Image issue in category blog

Image issue in category blog 13 years ago #2197

Hello, I purchased smart news quick start. I added a new category called News, and a sub category called bollywood news under News. Then I created a new article and put it under Bollywood news.

The issue is the picture that I have in this article doesnot show up in the categorybog.

Here is the link:

Article: Salman Khan backs Saif, says media was biased

When you click on the above article there is a picture in teh article, but it does not show up on the caregory blog on the above link.. Can you please tell me what am I missing.


Re: Image issue in category blog 13 years ago #2201

Dear saurabh kalra!
Article: Salman Khan backs Saif, says media was biased is no image in the introtext
Please check again
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Re: Image issue in category blog 13 years ago #2203


What do you mean by the article is Biased, also how do I enter the image to the intro text.. I am sorry, I am new to this..

Re: Image issue in category blog 13 years ago #2206

Dear saurabh kalra!
When you edit or add articles you can use the button 'Read more'. You should learn how to use it
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Re: Image issue in category blog 13 years ago #2208

Is there some kind of documentaion, where I can take a look on how to add intro text.. I have added read more in the article i mentioned.. Thanks

Re: Image issue in category blog 13 years ago #2219

Is there anybody, who can reply on this??
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