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Video and picture gallery
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TOPIC: Video and picture gallery

Video and picture gallery 13 years ago #2220

Attachment Videogallery.JPG not found

Hello, I have purchased smart news template and the quick start package.

Here is the link to my test site:

I want to add a video and picture gallery to my site. The picture gallery would be somthing like celebity pickture gallery an dthe video gallery would be movie trailers. can you tell me how can i accomplish this. Isthere any extention that i can use?

Ref: This is displayed on ->video.

Your early response is appriciated.

Last Edit: 13 years ago by lukkhe.

Re: Video and picture gallery 13 years ago #2222

  • David Hoang
Dear saurabh kalra

You can find some extensions from JED -

I am sorry for not much help in this case

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