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TOPIC: Google Fonts

Google Fonts 13 years, 1 month ago #1105

Does this template support Google Fonts?
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Re: Google Fonts 12 years, 8 months ago #2491

  • David Hoang
Hello Smart

All templates which are using Yt FrameWork are supporting with Google Fonts
You can find and change via parameters of template
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Re: Google Fonts 12 years ago #6117

How can I add more Google fonts?
I'm using SJ-Travel2 and want to support both English and Vietnamese. Currently the template has only latin, Greek but not Vietnamese. Do you have any suggestion?
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Re: Google Fonts 12 years ago #6129

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Dear Hoang Chu,

Could you please tell me about the error of font on your site now?

I will check it as soon as possible.

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Re: Google Fonts 12 years ago #6133

Thanks for quick response.
There is no error. As said the site will support English and Vietnamese. The template doesn't has Vietnamese Goggle fonts. My question is how to add Vietnamese Google Fonts so that I can select from Style Setting?
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Re: Google Fonts 12 years ago #6134

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Dear Hoang Chu,

Please go to "templates\sj_travel2\elements\gfonts.php", finding:

	$gfont_group = array (
								'Droid Sans','Droid Serif','Lobster','Yanone Kaffeesatz','Nobile','Reenie Beanie',
								'Tangerine','Neucha','Josefin Slab','OFL Sorts Mill Goudy TT','Molengo','PT Sans',
								'Vollkorn','Just Me Again Down Here','Ubuntu','Cantarell','Inconsolata','Crimson Text',
								'Cardo','Cuprum','Droid Sans Mono','Neuton','Arvo','Philosopher','Old Standard TT','Josefin Sans',
								'Covered By Your Grace','Arimo','IM Fell','Geo','Copse','Raleway','Allerta','Just Another Hand',
								'Tinos','Puritan','Mountains of Christmas','Cabin','Sniglet','Allan','Lato','Orbitron','Vibur',
								'Gruppo','Allerta Stencil','Cousine','Syncopate','Merriweather','Kristi','Anonymous Pro','Coda',
								'Corben','Buda','Bentham','Lekton','UnifrakturMaguntia','UnifrakturCook','Kenia','Rock Salt',
								'Calligraffitti','Cherry Cream Soda','Chewy','Coming Soon','Crafty Girls','Crushed','Fontdiner Swanky',
								'Homemade Apple','Irish Growler','Kranky','Luckiest Guy','Permanent Marker','Schoolbell','Slackey',
								'Sunshiney','Unkempt','Walter Turncoat'
						'Cyrillic'=>array('Anonymous Pro','Cuprum','Neucha','PT Sans','Philosopher','Ubuntu'),
						'Greek'=>array('GFS Didot','GFS Neohellenic','Ubuntu','Anonymous Pro'),


	$gfont_group = array (
								'Droid Sans','Droid Serif','Lobster','Yanone Kaffeesatz','Nobile','Reenie Beanie',
								'Tangerine','Neucha','Josefin Slab','OFL Sorts Mill Goudy TT','Molengo','PT Sans',
								'Vollkorn','Just Me Again Down Here','Ubuntu','Cantarell','Inconsolata','Crimson Text',
								'Cardo','Cuprum','Droid Sans Mono','Neuton','Arvo','Philosopher','Old Standard TT','Josefin Sans',
								'Covered By Your Grace','Arimo','IM Fell','Geo','Copse','Raleway','Allerta','Just Another Hand',
								'Tinos','Puritan','Mountains of Christmas','Cabin','Sniglet','Allan','Lato','Orbitron','Vibur',
								'Gruppo','Allerta Stencil','Cousine','Syncopate','Merriweather','Kristi','Anonymous Pro','Coda',
								'Corben','Buda','Bentham','Lekton','UnifrakturMaguntia','UnifrakturCook','Kenia','Rock Salt',
								'Calligraffitti','Cherry Cream Soda','Chewy','Coming Soon','Crafty Girls','Crushed','Fontdiner Swanky',
								'Homemade Apple','Irish Growler','Kranky','Luckiest Guy','Permanent Marker','Schoolbell','Slackey',
								'Sunshiney','Unkempt','Walter Turncoat'
						'Cyrillic'=>array('Anonymous Pro','Cuprum','Neucha','PT Sans','Philosopher','Ubuntu'),
						'Greek'=>array('GFS Didot','GFS Neohellenic','Ubuntu','Anonymous Pro'),

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