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404 error dont works
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TOPIC: 404 error dont works

404 error dont works 9 years, 5 months ago #25964

Hello. I have a site based on SJ Live template from SmartAddons with built-in Adsmanager 2.9.11 in quickstart.

The problem is that server doesnt response 404 error when I type incorrect URL.

For example I have correct URL:

Then I delete some symbols from this URL, for example:
but in browser I see the same page. There is no 404 error. I clean site cash, I clean browser cash - nothing happens.

Then I delete more sybmols from this URL, for example:
but in browser opens a page with ads which if List of category Civic. There is no 404 error.

Then I delete more sybmols from this URL, for example:
but in browser opens a page ALL ADS. There is no 404 error.

Then I delete more sybmols from this URL, for example:
but in browser opens a MAIN PAGE. There is no 404 error.

Only if I tape such abrakadabra in URL like this: then 404 error is present.

What is the hell is this? Why there is no 404 error for incorrect URLs? Is this a problem of Adsmanager or it is a template problem?

Thanks in advance!
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