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Video popup link fails in description area
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TOPIC: Video popup link fails in description area

Video popup link fails in description area 13 years, 6 months ago #747

  • JanBengt
  • Single Product
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 13
  • Karma: 0

I'm using the Ytc Content Slideshow (version 1.0, theme 2) for a Joomla 1.6.4 website (under construction). Now there is a problem when the description text contains a YouTube video link that's supposed to open in a JCE MediaBox popup box. Because it doesn't, instead it navigates to the YouTube site. Since the HTML renders correctly, and since this kind of link works otherwise on the site, I suppose the Ytc slideshow conflicts with the JCE MediaBox in some way. Can you please advise me how to get around this problem?

Here's an example of a JCE MediaBox popup link that works, but not from the the Ytc slideshow's description area: <a class="jcepopup" href="[the YouTube URL]">video</a>

/Jan B
Last Edit: 13 years, 6 months ago by JanBengt. Reason: Removed the actual URL since the video made it hard to see the link tag.

Re: Video popup link fails in description area 13 years, 6 months ago #748

  • admin
Dear JanBengt

In this case, i think you have to choose keep html to No so that the system will remove html code in the description

Hope it helps

Re: Video popup link fails in description area 13 years, 6 months ago #749

  • JanBengt
  • Single Product
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 13
  • Karma: 0
Thank's for your fast reply. However, I really don't understand how removing HTML - by selecting No HTML in the Joomla Article Manager, I suppose? - would help the slideshow to handle this link correctly...

Re: Video popup link fails in description area 13 years, 6 months ago #750

  • admin
Dear JanBengt

Can you submit a ticket, provice us your website information so that we can check and let you know what is the problem?

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