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Is the new "SJ news" for free?!
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TOPIC: Is the new "SJ news" for free?!

Is the new "SJ news" for free?! 11 years, 7 months ago #11382

  • pamchal
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 6
  • Karma: 0
First of all thank you for the very interesting work! I tried two free templates of yours, Sj_Plus and Sj_News. It seems Sj_News is the old one though the demo shows the new one, is that so?! If I got it right, the old Sj_news is for free not the new one?!
Last Edit: 11 years, 7 months ago by pamchal.

Re: Is the new "SJ news" for free?! 11 years, 7 months ago #11407

  • SA Thuy
Dear Pamchal,

Our demo show new version of SJ News. Our template package is still free, about template quickstart isn't free and only our membership would be allowed to download it.

Last Edit: 11 years, 7 months ago by .

Re: Is the new "SJ news" for free?! 11 years, 7 months ago #11444

  • pamchal
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 6
  • Karma: 0
Dear SA Thuy,

Thanks for the reply! I noticed in the template description the quickstart is not for free but once I downloaded the template, I figured that for example it has only 3 options for color while in the description it is mentioned the template comes with five! The other difference for example is the template does not seem to support shortcodes (I'm not really sure about it yet). As far as I noticed, the template is using the YTframework 1 but I thought it should be based on YTframework 2 or higher (based on what I see in the demo)! The other thing is that although it supports different layouts but it doesn't seem to be responsive!

These are some of the main differences I've noticed but since I'm testing it on local there is a chance to be wrong in some points. I would be very grateful if you could check it your self and correct me if I'm wrong

Thank you so much again for your time, have a nice day!
Last Edit: 11 years, 7 months ago by pamchal.

Re: Is the new "SJ news" for free?! 11 years, 7 months ago #11470

  • SA Thuy
Dear Pamchal,

We updated new version of SJ News in . Please download it again

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