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mod_article_latest inside mega-module don't work
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TOPIC: mod_article_latest inside mega-module don't work

mod_article_latest inside mega-module don't work 11 years, 10 months ago #9603

The problem is that the bottom link "more news" in the mod_article_latest inside a mega module position (as you can see in your demo in the main menù voices like "world", "Health", "Travel" and also in the same module in position "right" called "trending in travels") don't lead to the relative category as expetted.

In the "templates\sj_news25\html\mod_articles_latest\default.php", at the end of the code, seems that the latest two lines refer to this functionality:

<?php if($moduleclass_sfx==''){?><a href="<?php echo $item->catlink;?>" class="more-news"><?php echo 'more news';?></a><?php } ?>
<?php if($moduleclass_sfx==' trending-news'){?><a href="/ar24net_rec1/index.php/arezzo-24-ore.html" class="see-all"><?php echo 'See all trending news';?></a><?php } ?>

but in my case the $item->catlink result always in the root of my site (in this case /ar24net_rec1/).
Bypassing this code and putting directly the relative url (as in the second case) all works correctly, but it's not elegant (and functional...)

I've upgraded joomla to the latest version 2.5.11


Re: mod_article_latest inside mega-module don't work 11 years, 10 months ago #9627

  • SA Thuy
Dear Adolfo Tavanti,

Could you please send your url and screenshots of your issue?

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