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Changing Background
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TOPIC: Changing Background

Changing Background 12 years, 9 months ago #3669

Now, I´m trying to change a background on my template. For that, I changed the files li-menu-active.png and li-menu-active-rtl.png inside folder ...\images\cyan, with new images, but keeping same name for each file.

In my head, I thought changing those files, I´ll would change the background on my site when the option "cyan" was chosen in cPanel.

What I must do, to change the background on my site, using a new image ?

Re: Changing Background 12 years, 9 months ago #3672

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
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Hi george montezani,

Sj sport new template is supported many different styles in the cpanel or admin.

You can choose one of them to change the background of template.

Could you explain your question in detail?

You want to change background or top menu?

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Re: Changing Background 12 years, 9 months ago #3686


I Know is possible to change a background direct on cPanel, but on this way I´ll be limited to choose between 6 colors (brown, cyan, green...), and the chosen color will be applied over one kind of pattern (the same pattern for all colors), correct ?

What I need is use a new Pattern to create my background.

Perhaps I can explain better using other question :

What I have to do, if I wanna choose a color not listed on cPanel ? Something like Yellow.

I think changing the file, with the picture used to build a background may be the way to get what i need. So, which and where I´ll find these files ?

Or, is there other way to do that ?

Re: Changing Background 12 years, 9 months ago #3692

OK ! My answer is in template.css

here we go !
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