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List only Categories and subcategories ?
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TOPIC: List only Categories and subcategories ?

List only Categories and subcategories ? 11 years, 2 months ago #15580

  • terramex73
  • Single Product
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 4
  • Karma: 0
Hi all and happy new year.
I apologize if the question looks dumb.

I would like to show only categories and their subcategories (not items but probably I am doing something wrong.

Let's say that my category structure is as follows

|--subcategory A_01
|------subcategory A_01_XXX
|------subcategory A_01_YYY
|--subcategory A_02
|------subcategory A_01_ZZZ
|------subcategory A_01_UUU

Items are attached under the last subcategories (XXX,YYY,ZZZ,UUU).

What I would like is that when I choose category I show only subcategory A_01 & subcategory A_02. (no items)
With same behaviour when I choose subcategory A_01 then I show the two corresponding underneath subcategories (XXX,YYY) (no items).

Only when I choose for example subcategory A_01_XXX I want to show also the corresponding items underneath.

Now since I use K2 I bought SK K2 Categories full but it seems that I cannot do this. Also I wrongly bought SJ K2 Categories II by mistake but it's for the old versions of Joomla and so I wasted money because I am on 3.x.

Any help on how to configure these products or eventually what is the right product to show categories and subcategories (and eventually items).

I know that using just K2 options I can list categories and subcategories in the way I want. Infact in this moment I am using just K2 but I'm trying to improve the look of the page.

Any help really welcome.

Re: List only Categories and subcategories ? 11 years, 2 months ago #15604

Dear Walter Cista,

We're sorry. SJ Categories Full doesn't support as you want. I think SJ Content Categories module can to respond your requirement. You can refer more information in here:

Link demo:


Re: List only Categories and subcategories ? 11 years, 2 months ago #15651

  • terramex73
  • Single Product
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 4
  • Karma: 0
Yes I have seen the other product which is nice as well but it looks not for K2.

Time ago I migrated all categories and articles to K2 because I have been told that it was more powerful to do things like this. (And infact it's possible but the layout and grapic cannot be compared with the results of your K2 categories product which is awesome).
So now all my content is only under K2.

I do not want to take the risk to move again all content back and uninstall K2. As far as I know K2 is very attached to the core of Joomla and lot of people I know when removed K2 had to work for weeks to get back to a normal situation.

Do you know if in the future you are going the categories/subategories functionality to SK K2 Categories full ? I do not know how comples it is but it's really a shame that it is in other products of yours and not in this.

Really a shame I cannot use it but anyway my compliments because the graphic of your products such as K2 categories full is fantastic.
Kind Regards

Re: List only Categories and subcategories ? 11 years, 2 months ago #15693

Dear Walter Cista,

If you still want a design of SJ K2 Category Full as your requirement, please submit ticket to custom-work, our team will give you a quotation for this.

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