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Translations: SJ_TEXT_MORE SJ_SEE_MORE 11 years, 3 months ago #14613

I can not find the file translated into Spanish and French language for the following text on the module Sj K2 Slider

Last Edit: 11 years, 3 months ago by eusebio.

Re: Translations: SJ_TEXT_MORE SJ_SEE_MORE 11 years, 3 months ago #14666

Dear Eusebio,

Sorry, this module not use "SJ_TEXT_MORE SJ_SEE_MORE".

If you want change "Read more", please go to Module Manager: Module mod_sj_k2_slider -> Item Options -> Readmore Options -> Read more text

If you want use SJ_TEXT_MORE or SJ_SEE_MORE, please go to your_site\modules\mod_sj_k2_slider\tmpl\default.php and find:

<?php echo $options->item_readmore_text; ?>


<?php echo JText::_('SJ_TEXT_MORE'); ?>


<?php echo JText::_('SJ_SEE_MORE'); ?>

- then enter SJ_TEXT_MORE, SJ_SEE_MORE in your language file


Re: Translations: SJ_TEXT_MORE SJ_SEE_MORE 11 years, 3 months ago #14749

Sorry, I bought a membership but do not want to be making changes because I do not understand php code. Please you should correct it and send me a new template that does not have any fault. If you prefer you can also return the money I paid for the membership because I have many problems with your template and do not want to be wasting time with repairs.
Thanks and best regards,
Eusebio Lopez.

Re: Translations: SJ_TEXT_MORE SJ_SEE_MORE 11 years, 3 months ago #14781

Dear Eusebio,

Could you please send your site account to us? We will check directly.
For the security reason, please enter your site account in
Require Help
From Staff + Mod/Admin?


Re: Translations: SJ_TEXT_MORE SJ_SEE_MORE 11 years, 3 months ago #14792

I have no problems working with your templates hosted on a website. I have problems at the local. I work my websites locally because it is faster and after I upload to a server. I've never had problems with my computer to work locally with other companies such as Yootheme or Rocketheme. I prefer your templates because the design is more functional and commercial than others but I need you to help me to work locally.
Eusebio Lopez.

Re: Translations: SJ_TEXT_MORE SJ_SEE_MORE 11 years, 3 months ago #14833

Dear Eusebio,

You can change "Read more" by: go to Administrator -> Module Manager: Module mod_sj_k2_slider -> Item Options -> Readmore Options -> Read more

or Please send the screenshots to us if possible.

Last Edit: 11 years, 3 months ago by anhqn.
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