Dear xavier tsai,
1. go to Virtuemart component -> Configuration -> Checkout tab -> please check : Display modal popup upon 'Add to cart'
2. go to "templates\sj_flowerstore\html\com_virtuemart\category\default.php", finding:
<?php /* add button addtocart */ ?>
<?php //use this code to call "VirtueMartViewProductdetails" class create button addtocart : echo $this->loadTemplate('addtocart_btn') ?>
<form method="post" class="js-recalculate" action="index.php" >
<?php // Display the quantity box
$stockhandle = VmConfig::get('stockhandle', 'none');
if (($stockhandle == 'disableit' or $stockhandle == 'disableadd') and ($product->product_in_stock - $product->product_ordered) < 1) {
<?php } else { ?>
// Display the add to cart button
<span class="sj-bt submitbtn">
<span class="">
<input type="submit" name="addtocart" class="addtocart-button" value="<?php echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_ADD_TO') ?>" title="<?php echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_ADD_TO') ?>" />
<?php // Display the add to cart button END ?>
<input type="hidden" value="1" name="quantity[]" class="quantity-input js-recalculate"/>
<input type="hidden" class="pname" value="<?php echo $product->product_name ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_virtuemart" />
<input type="hidden" name="view" value="cart" />
<input type="hidden" name="task" value="add" />
<input type="hidden" name="virtuemart_product_id[]" value="<?php echo $product->virtuemart_product_id ?>" />
<?php // todo Handle the manufacturer view ?>
<input type="hidden" name="virtuemart_manufacturer_id" value="<?php echo $product->virtuemart_manufacturer_id ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="virtuemart_category_id[]" value="<?php echo $product->virtuemart_category_id ?>" />
<?php } ?>
<form method="post" class="product js-recalculate addtocartbutton" action="index.php" >
<?php // Display the quantity box
$stockhandle = VmConfig::get('stockhandle', 'none');
if (($stockhandle == 'disableit' or $stockhandle == 'disableadd') and ($product->product_in_stock - $product->product_ordered) < 1) {
<?php } else { ?>
<?php /*
<!-- <label for="quantity<?php echo $product->virtuemart_product_id; ?>" class="quantity_box"><?php echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_QUANTITY'); ?>: </label> -->
*/ ?>
<span class="quantity-box" style="display:none">
<input type="text" class="quantity-input js-recalculate" name="quantity[]" value="<?php if (isset($product->min_order_level) && (int) $product->min_order_level > 0) {
echo $product->min_order_level;
} else {
echo '1';
} ?>" />
<?php // Display the quantity box END ?>
// Display the add to cart button
<span class="sj-bt submitbtn">
<span class="">
<input type="submit" name="addtocart" class="addtocart-button" value="<?php echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_ADD_TO') ?>" title="<?php echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_ADD_TO') ?>" />
<?php // Display the add to cart button END ?>
<input type="hidden" class="pname" value="<?php echo $product->product_name ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_virtuemart" />
<input type="hidden" name="view" value="cart" />
<noscript><input type="hidden" name="task" value="add" /></noscript>
<input type="hidden" name="virtuemart_product_id[]" value="<?php echo $product->virtuemart_product_id ?>" />
<?php /** @todo Handle the manufacturer view */ ?>
<input type="hidden" name="virtuemart_manufacturer_id" value="<?php echo $product->virtuemart_manufacturer_id ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="virtuemart_category_id[]" value="<?php echo $product->virtuemart_category_id ?>" />
<?php } ?>
3. add the following line codes to the end of template.css in "templates\sj_flowerstore\css":
.browse-view .row .addtocartbutton {
float: left;