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Issue 2: Yt K2 Slideshow II
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TOPIC: Issue 2: Yt K2 Slideshow II

Issue 2: Yt K2 Slideshow II 12 years, 2 months ago #5445


Dear SmartAddons,

Recently, I had an issue with this module showing all articles with and without images.

You eMailed me a code that works just great!

Now, it is showing only articles with pictures.

But, as you can see, it is now showing also articles that have a small picture in body and no picture at the top of the article (see first picture).

I would like it to display only the BIG top image (the one you upload with K2 in the editor).

I appreciate your cooperation on this issue.

Sunny regards,


Re: Issue 2: Yt K2 Slideshow II 12 years, 2 months ago #5459

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Dear Willem S.A. Da Costa Gomez,

I think that you can input the image in the tab "Image" in K2 item.

K2 slideshow II module is get the image of k2 items in the tab "Image" first.

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Re: Issue 2: Yt K2 Slideshow II 12 years, 2 months ago #5464

Dear SmartAddons,

Caribseek News is an online Wider Caribbean news service.

Some news items come with big pictures and other with small pictures.


Big picture:
Small picture:

In further study I found that K2 uses different image css selectors for images in the top and in the txt (ks.css):

1. Top (big picture):

span.itemImage img

2. Image in text:

div.itemIntroText img
div.itemFullText img

I am not a php programmer, but I think that if you refine the code that you already sent me to select only an image with itemImage, then the problem is solved.

I thank you in advance for your cooperation and I hope to hear from you soon.

Sunny regards,


Re: Issue 2: Yt K2 Slideshow II 12 years, 2 months ago #5468

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Dear Willem S.A. Da Costa Gomez,

I think that you can input the big image in the tab "image".

K2 slideshow II module is displayed these images.

If you want to get itemImage, you can change the code of module.

Note: maybe much code.

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Re: Issue 2: Yt K2 Slideshow II 12 years, 2 months ago #5477

Dear SmartAddons,

Thank you for your eMail.

Like I said, I am not a php programmer, but a conceptual thinker.

And I think that I have a simple solution.

I am assuming that Joomla!/K2 is storing the K2 top image in another than the images in the text that are places with the content editor.

So, in the php code that you already sent me - see below - you only have to check if there is a K2 Top Image stored. So, if I am correct, you only need to change this:

$tmp[] = $item;

I hope to hear from you soon.

Sunny regards,


This is the code that you already sent me:

function update($items){
$tmp = array();

foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
if (!isset($item['sub_title'])) {
$item['sub_title'] = $this->cutStr($item['title'], $this->max_title);
if (!isset($item['sub_main_content'])) {
$item['sub_main_content'] = $this->cutStr($item['content'], $this->max_main_description);
if (!isset($item['sub_normal_content'])) {
$item['sub_normal_content'] = $this->cutStr($item['content'], $this->max_normal_description);
if (!isset($item['thumb']) && $item['img'] != '') {
$item['thumb'] = $this->processImage($item['img'], $this->thumb_width, $this->thumb_height, $item['id']);

} else {
$item['thumb'] = '';
if($this->imagesource == 1){
$item['thumb'] = $item['img'];
if($item['thumb'] == ""){
if($this->themes == 'theme5'){
$item['small_thumb'] = JURI::base()."modules/mod_yt_k2_slideshowii/assets/no_images.png";

$item['small_thumb'] = $this->processImage($item['img'], $this->small_thumb_width, $this->small_thumb_height, $item['id']);


$tmp[] = $item;


return $tmp;


Re: Issue 2: Yt K2 Slideshow II 12 years, 2 months ago #5483

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Dear Willem S.A. Da Costa Gomez,

Please continue to change the code of k2 slideshowii module.

Go to "modules\mod_yt_k2_slideshowii\assets\yt_k2slideshowii.php", finding:

	function forImage( &$item ){
			$content =  $item->introtext;
			$content .=  $item->fulltext;
			$item  = yt_k2slideshowii::k2Image( $item );
			if( $item->main_image != '' ){
				return $item;
			preg_match ( "#<img.+src\s*=\s*\"([^\"]*)\"[^\>]*\>#iU" , $content, $matches); 
			$images = (count($matches)) ? $matches : array();
			if (count($images)){				
				$item->main_image = $images[1];
			} else {				
				$row->main_image = '';	

change to

function forImage( &$item ){
			$item  = yt_k2slideshowii::k2Image( $item );
			if( $item->main_image != '' ){
				return $item;

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