Okay I can set them to 0777 but can you explain briefly why it needs to be 0777?
I have been strongly advised that setting any directory to 0777 is a security risk and have also found a few articles that advise against it such as this one:
"I actually DO understand about the (very real) risk of using 0777, so do experts such as Brian Teeman (…search his blog - brian.teeman.net – for the topic of 0777 & you’ll find a number of articles on 0777, all advising how dangerous it is and how it should NEVER be used, & articles describing his anger with ignorant or carefree developers such as the one I highlighted here).
0777 permissions are such a security risk that any Joomla CMS extension found to be using or creating 0777 files is added to the “Joomla Vulnerable Extensions” list. Joomla users are also advised to remove any extension on the JVE list until the problem is fixed…..
In short, using 0777 permissions is a sure-fire way to make your site easier to hack."
As I mentioned earlier the modules seem to be working fine with the permissions set to 0744 so again please explain briefly if possible why you think I should change it to 0777. Thank you.
Todd E.