Dear SA Thuy,
thank you for your answer. I understand fully that you run a business and I appreciate that ... and I really love your templates by the look of them. That's I want to keep on using them.
In the articles we need to have that normal text is left-aligned as if it were
<p>This text now is left-aligned as if it was stated with <p style="text-align:left;">.</p>
We need to have the text aligned "justify". Like
<p style="text-align:justify;">Proin adipiscing ut tellus eu adipiscing. Nam leo felis; interdum sit amet sollicitudin vitae, sagittis eu lacus. Suspendisse fermentum, risus et auctor porttitor, dolor lorem iaculis sem, eget eleifend est lacus quis ligula. Nunc gravida ultricies dolor, a tincidunt velit porta a. In nec nisi et tortor dignissim posuere. Mauris non eros sed nisl porta auctor et ut quam. Fusce vel diam quis orci faucibus sollicitudin. Nam scelerisque pellentesque orci; eget porta libero molestie vel. Pellentesque ut purus neque. Suspendisse suscipit turpis odio, sit amet posuere nibh lacinia in. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce varius lobortis magna, eu fermentum neque tempus a.</p>
And we don't want to have to place the markup manually in each paragraph. Thus we want to have it as a standard setting for paragraphs in all articles.
Do you know wht I mean? Do you still need screenshots?
Kind regards,