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a big buggy...
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TOPIC: a big buggy...

a big buggy... 11 years, 11 months ago #8801


just to say the template is nice but a bit buggy....

the yt_sampledate inside images is a bit crazy, creating dozens of Images folders and of yt-sampledata folders.....

so when saving an image, you have to go up up up up up till you get to the main Images/ folder...

and the carousel is buggy as well... if you click on see the 2nd image, then it diseapear when the next page open....

and more funny, it change image automatically, so everytime, your header and top menu disapear, the time it loads the next image.... so the all layout goes up and down...

hope to get an information about how to fix this within not too long, let's say 2/3 days max, then i go for an other module and may be template because the sucessions of images & yt_sampledate folders is crasy

so looking for informations,
thank you
Last Edit: 11 years, 11 months ago by shiyde.

Re: a big buggy... 11 years, 11 months ago #8820

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Dear shiyde,

Could you please send your site url to us?

Ticket System | Join our Clubs to download our extensions and templates

Re: a big buggy... 11 years, 11 months ago #8832

the url was already given in this post, in the Require Help area.

When you arrive on the website, the carousel shows nicely.
but if you click on it to show next image, then it will never stop opening, closing, opening, closing, opening, closing...

could it be because the link given but the arrows on right and left of the carousel are linking to : ??
Last Edit: 11 years, 11 months ago by shiyde.

Re: a big buggy... 11 years, 11 months ago #8874

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Dear shiyde,

I think that you can refer to the guide at

Ticket System | Join our Clubs to download our extensions and templates
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