Kosarevddd and SA Supporter! Thanks a lot! Have managed all the questions with your help,
But there are new that appear.
Registration and Login form.
1. When I turn English to Russian language, the fields have stepped to the right. So lines with E-mail and Captcha are not aligned to the left. I guess I needto paste one more row between them but can't find the right file. (arrows on the screenshot)
2. Is there a possibillity to change word "Captcha"? If not, maybe there is another similar service that allows such change.
3. The same, in the error message to the customer there is this strange word "capcha"
Need to change it.
4. Can't find Login module or plugin or file to change the title word and title in the browser line. Also the adress in the browser says "using-joomla/extensions/components/users-component/login-form". What for here is "using joomla"? I installed quickstart with help files, so I guess this is a reason and I need to delete something or change directory..but don't know where to look.
5. Where can I change the page contact? The title "Contac us", the fileds with links and map? I guess I need to find contact "Contac Us", but I failed to do this by myself.
Thanks in advance
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