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Split slideshow position in two columns
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TOPIC: Split slideshow position in two columns

Split slideshow position in two columns 11 years, 8 months ago #10741


I want to split the slideshow position into two columns. One wider for the slideshow - and to the right, at the same row, a smaller space where I want to include a module that lists the latest articles.

It could be Slideshow (to the left) and Slideshow B (to the right). I am not sure how to make their width dynamic. Slideshow should take most of the space and Slideshow B the rest.

I would be very happy if could give me the code for this and explain where I should put it in the template.

Kind regards

Re: Split slideshow position in two columns 11 years, 8 months ago #10760

  • SA Thuy

Re: Split slideshow position in two columns 11 years, 8 months ago #10768


I tried but with no success. Is it possible for you to provide a short code example? That would be so helpful for me.

Kind regards

Re: Split slideshow position in two columns 11 years, 8 months ago #10777

  • SA Thuy
Dear Ola,

You can go to your_site\templates\sj_esport\layouts\main-left-right.xml and find:
<slideshow html5tag="section" order="4" id="yt_slideshow">
		<position class="span12" style="ytmod" type="modules">slideshow</position>

<slideshow html5tag="section" order="4" id="yt_slideshow">
		<position class="span9" style="ytmod" type="modules">slideshow</position>
		<position class="span3" style="ytmod" type="modules">news</position>

You can add a module in 'slideshow' position and the latest articles module in 'news' position

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