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Could we use SJ Gallery Pro on our Sportssite ?
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TOPIC: Could we use SJ Gallery Pro on our Sportssite ?

Could we use SJ Gallery Pro on our Sportssite ? 11 years ago #17672

  • tkj
  • Single Product
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 27
  • Karma: 3

before we buy sj gallery plus, we have some questions about it.
1.Could we use it on many different Menue Items?
So we would use it on many sports categories on
This is realy Importent cause we would build an own Gallery for every sport.
2. For some sports we need more then one Categorie: for example Handball Gallery should show on one site, with a click i could start on 12, or 3
Galery 1 best Moments 2011-2012
Galery 2 best Moments 2012-2013
Galery 2 best Moments 2013-2014

2. Is there a front end prozess (upload pictures) for registere Users or could we just upload in Backend?

Mario Adam
Tkj Sarstedt
Last Edit: 11 years ago by tkj.

Re: Could we use SJ Gallery Pro on our Sportssite ? 11 years ago #17713

  • usersmart1
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 1364
  • Karma: 20
Dear sir,

We are afraid that this module does not meet your requirements.
Sj Gallery Pro module gets images from a folder not from the category.
However, you can refer some others module as:
Sj Content Listing
Sj Content Listing Responsive
SJ Responsive Content

Thanks & Regards!
Last Edit: 11 years ago by usersmart1.
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