i try to use this module to my website but the page i am trying to use it on appears blank.
The page source is starting with the code from modules/mod_sj_magic_slideshow/tmpl/default_js.php
inside the head (nothing else is loaded).
Since jQuery is not yet loaded, even if i use the module option to load it, javascript console has the error " Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined "
Inside the body,the code is starting with the line <div class="sj-slideshow-magic slide" .... .... >
The code rendering seems to stop right after the ".item-image a" tag. Since then every aspect of the module looks ok, with data-title, data-href and data-desc loading with the content i assign.
If i dont assign any categories to the module the message "Has no content to show!" appears (which is normal ofcourse) and the page is loading fine.
Is there a problem with the function that adds the image?
Is there a conflict with another plugin/template/whatever i am using that is causing the error?
Thanks in advance for your time.