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Disable Cpanel Also Removes Custom Settings
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TOPIC: Disable Cpanel Also Removes Custom Settings

Disable Cpanel Also Removes Custom Settings 9 years, 8 months ago #25312

I don't like the cpanel button to show on the front end my website. It distracts from the content if people see the button to change the colors, etc.

I go into "Advanced Options" in the template manager, and switch the "Show Cpanel" option to NO. The cpanel from the front end is removed, but so is my pattern setting even though it appears correctly in the back end. The color settings remains, but the page appears as a solid color instead of a pattern, and it changes the whole feel of my website.

Is there a way to remove the cpanel AND keep my pattern setting??? Does anyone else have this problem? Why is the cpanel button even an option for anyone other than admins????

Re: Disable Cpanel Also Removes Custom Settings 9 years, 4 months ago #26518

This is a bug
Disabling the cPanel removes all back-end style settings! with 0 patterns, looks very ugly!

Re: Disable Cpanel Also Removes Custom Settings 9 years, 3 months ago #26581

  • thuygtn
Dear all,

All the settings in frontend only is temporary, you need configure in Template Manager and Save it again.
Please try clear cache if it was not changed.

If it still persists, please submit ticket and send your site account, we will check on your site directly.

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