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show content instead virtuemart product in slidsho
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TOPIC: show content instead virtuemart product in slidsho

show content instead virtuemart product in slidsho 12 years ago #8516

I want to show contents instead of virtuemart products in slidshow.
this is important for me that not change Appearance of the slideshow .
this change is very essential for my website, help my please

Re: show content instead virtuemart product in slidsho 12 years ago #8552

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Dear Mostafa kiani,

The slideshow is integrated into the virtuemart component in this template.

You can refer to two ways to use the content instead of virtuemart products in the slideshow.

1. remove the slideshow (as you asked on other post), install other content slideshow module and display it on the position above the product listing


2. customize the existing slideshow in "templates\sj_appstore\html\com_virtuemart\category\slideshow-cat.php".

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Re: show content instead virtuemart product in slidsho 12 years ago #8565

Thank you very much for the answer

I was worried that
Slide show may not editable

Please help me to improve it.
It is very much vital to my site


Re: show content instead virtuemart product in slidsho 12 years ago #8571

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Dear Mostafa kiani,

If you want to customize the default slideshow, maybe it takes much time.

Please submit the custom work ticket to our ticket system at

We will discuss this requirement more detail.

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Re: show content instead virtuemart product in slidsho 12 years ago #8580

hi admin

You said:
The slideshow is integrated into the virtuemart component in this template.

remove the slideshow , install other content slideshow module and display it on the position above the product listing

i do but product listing and menu show under the slid show(in position main_bottom)

Attachment menu.jpg not found

Re: show content instead virtuemart product in slidsho 11 years, 12 months ago #8609

please help meeee
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