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Virtuemart version compatibility
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TOPIC: Virtuemart version compatibility

Virtuemart version compatibility 10 years, 9 months ago #19127

Hello, i have paid and downloaded sj bakery. Quickstart package has virtuemart 2.0.18. If i update to virtuemart 2.6.4 shopping cart is broken, no products can be added.
- Up to what version is sj bakery 1.0.1 is compatible?
- Will there be an updated version of sj bakery to support latest virtuemart, at least version 2.0.24 ?

VirtueMart versions before 2.0.22c are insecure
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Re: Virtuemart version compatibility 10 years, 9 months ago #19196

  • SA Hoang
Dear Maria Cristina Gonzalez Diaz,

I reported this to our team to upgrade.

Please try to use the version in template, when you have new version, you can upgrade

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Re: Virtuemart version compatibility 10 years, 9 months ago #19218

Hello, it took a week to the tickets sytem to answer, and a weeek an admin to answer this forum post. How much time you expect to have a new template version complatible with virtuemart 2.6? one week? one month? my client is waiting for the answer, thanks
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Re: Virtuemart version compatibility 10 years, 6 months ago #20901

Dear Maria
The template was updated to 1.1.0 which support Virtuemart 2.6.10. you can down quick start with newer version of Joomla and Virtuemart.
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