Hallo, I just saw info from other discussion, how to fix this bug (but at point 6 ,I dont understand), even from your newest version Bakery doesn't solved this problem.
This is working if you have done what madking's solution suggested, not if you have used files from somewher in the thread!
These are the steps:
1 Create a folder rootOfYourSite/templates/yourTemplate/html/com_virtuemart/category
Copy into this:-
2 default.php from com_virtuemart/views/category/tmpl
3 default_addtocart.php from components/com/virtuemart/views/productdetails/tmpl
4 Rename default_addtocart.php to something sensible e.g. addtocartCategory.php works for me
5 In the new file addtocartCategory.php replace $this->product with $product
6 Now go to the copied default.php (the browse view for a category) and add the new add to cart template (button etc.) in the position you want
Do this somewhere between
// Show Products and <!-- end of product -->
Using the code
Code: [Select]
<?php include 'addtocartCategory.php'; ?>