Dear Artur Czerwinski,
1. If you want change size of Logo, you can check what your layout (in Template Manager -> Layout -> Default Layout), then go to your_site/templates/sj_financial/ layouts/ and open your layout file, example main-left-right.xml and find:
<position class="span5" data-tablet="span4" data-mobile="span12" style="none" type="modules">topmenu</position>
<position class="span3 first" data-tablet="span4 first" type="feature">@logo</position>
<position class="span9" data-tablet="hidden" data-mobile="hidden" type="modules">topbanner</position>
- If you want increase topmenu width, you can change span5 to span6 or span7...-> span 12
- If you want change logo, you can change 'span3 first' -> 'span2 first' or 'span1 first' if you want reduce the width, or change to 'span4 first', 'span5 first',..if you want increase the width
But you have to make sure number in span of logo + number in span of topbanner = 12
Example, you change 'span3 first' to 'span5 first' -> You have to change 'span9' to 'span7'