Dear Girmay Gezae,
I have downloaded and installed the quickstart on my local host. It's ok. You should download it and re-install again. If it persists, please check your host again.
There're some tips to solve the problem. You can combine all of these tips if a single one cannot effectively solve.
Open file php.ini in C:\xampp\php\php.ini
Note: Stop Apache server before doing any modifications and start it again after saving these modifications.
Tip 1: Turn off "display errors"
In php.ini, find line "display_errors=On" replace with "display_errors=Off"
Tip 2: Increase execution time in php.ini
Find line "max_execution_time=30" change to "max_execution_time=3000"
Tip 3: Increase memory limit
Increase "memory_limit=128M" to "memory_limit=256M"
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