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Product review problem
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TOPIC: Product review problem

Product review problem 11 years ago #16012

Hello guys, I have another problem ....I am bulding eshop. Now I have tested reviews on product page .... I wrote it ..... On the product page I can see 4 of 5 stars even if I have voted 5 stars (probably just a wong picture of the stars)... Another problem is that in the category view there is written no votes..... could You help me to correct it, please ? The category view page is:
Thank You in advance for quick help. Petr
Last Edit: 11 years ago by peetee.

Re: Product review problem 11 years ago #16122


Please go to your_site\templates\sj_jare25\html\com_virtuemart\productdetails\default.phpand find:

$ratingwidth = $this->rating->rating * 13; //*24; //I don't use round as percetntage with works perfect, as for me


$ratingwidth = $this->rating->rating * 16; //*24; //I don't use round as percetntage with works perfect, as for me

- go to your_site\your_site\templates\sj_jare25\html\com_virtuemart\productdetails\default_reviews.php and find:

$ratingWidth = $maxrating * 13; //24;
	for ($num = 0; $num <= $maxrating; $num++) {
		$stars[] = '
				<span title="' . (JText::_ ("COM_VIRTUEMART_RATING_TITLE") . $num . '/' . $maxrating) . '" class="vmicon ratingbox" style="display:inline-block;width:' . 13 * $maxrating . 'px;">
					<span class="stars-orange" style="width:' . (13 * $num) . 'px">
	} ?>


$ratingWidth = $maxrating * 16; //24;
	for ($num = 0; $num <= $maxrating; $num++) {
		$stars[] = '
				<span title="' . (JText::_ ("COM_VIRTUEMART_RATING_TITLE") . $num . '/' . $maxrating) . '" class="vmicon ratingbox" style="display:inline-block;width:' . 16 * $maxrating . 'px;">
					<span class="stars-orange" style="width:' . (16 * $num) . 'px">
	} ?>


Re: Product review problem 11 years ago #16155

OK, thank You very much to solve the problem with the amount of the star ..... could You also try to help with the other problem ... I have rated the item I can see the stars in the product page (even in in the description) but there in no star in the category view .... there is still written not rated yet. Thank You in advance. Petr
Last Edit: 11 years ago by peetee.

Re: Product review problem 11 years ago #16220

Dear peetee,

Please go to your_site\templates\sj_jare25\html\com_virtuemart\category\default.php and find:

<div class="vote-rating">
					if ($this->showRating) {
						$maxrating = VmConfig::get('vm_maximum_rating_scale', 5);
						if (empty($this->rating)) { ?>
							<span class="vote"><?php echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_RATING') . ' ' . JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_UNRATED') ?></span>
						<?php } else {
							$ratingwidth = $this->rating->rating * 13; //*24; //I don't use round as percetntage with works perfect, as for me
							<span class="vote">
								<span title=" <?php echo (JText::_("COM_VIRTUEMART_RATING_TITLE") . round($this->rating->rating) . '/' . $maxrating) ?>" class="ratingbox" style="display:inline-block;">
									<span class="stars-orange" style="width:<?php echo $ratingwidth.'px'; ?>"></span>
								<span class="vote-number">
									<?php //echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_RATING') . ' ' . round($this->rating->rating) . '/' . $maxrating; ?>
									<?php if(round($this->rating->rating)>1) echo '( '. round($this->rating->rating) . ' Votes)'; else echo '( '. round($this->rating->rating) . ' Vote)'; ?>


<div class="vote-rating">
						$ratingModel = VmModel::getModel('ratings');
						$showRating = $ratingModel->showRating($product->virtuemart_product_id);
						$product->product_rating = '';
						//$product_rating = '';
						if ($showRating) {
							$product_rating = $ratingModel->getRatingByProduct($product->virtuemart_product_id);
								$product->product_rating = $product_rating->rating;
							if (!empty($product->product_rating)) {
								$maxrating = VmConfig::get('vm_maximum_rating_scale', 5);
								$ratingwidth = $product->product_rating * 16; //*24; //I don't use round as percetntage with works perfect, as for me
									<span class="vote">
										<span title=" <?php echo (JText::_("COM_VIRTUEMART_RATING_TITLE") . round($product->product_rating) . '/' . $maxrating) ?>" class="ratingbox" style="display:inline-block;">
											<span class="stars-orange" style="width:<?php echo $ratingwidth.'px'; ?>"></span>
										<span class="vote-number">
											<?php //echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_RATING') . ' ' . round($item->product_rating) . '/' . $maxrating; ?>
											<?php if(round($product->product_rating)>1) echo '( '. round($product->product_rating) . ' Votes)'; else echo '( '. round($product->product_rating) . ' Vote)'; ?>
								echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_RATING') . ' ' . JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_UNRATED');


Re: Product review problem 11 years ago #16228

Excelent - thank You. Works like a charm....... Peetee
Last Edit: 11 years ago by peetee.

Re: Product review problem 11 years ago #16237

One more thing with this please - how to make it multilanguage ? I tied to do myself but ... do not know to do it properly .... (<?php if(round($product->product_rating)>1) echo '( '. round($product->product_rating) . ' Votes)'; else echo '( '. round($product->product_rating) . ' Vote)'; ?>)
Thank You in advance. Petr
Last Edit: 11 years ago by peetee.
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